Gun violence, American style - 1 in 5

Survey estimates 1 in 5 adults say they've been threatened with a gun at some point

More than half of Americans have dealt with gun violence in their personal lives
The scariest thing about that poll is that three out of four legal gun owners keep their steel penis substitute loaded and/or unsecured. It's almost like they want their mentally ill children to rampage.
Well, if you own a firearm for home self defense it doesn't make much sense to have a trigger lock on your firearm and ammo locked in another container at another location. That's not to say gun owners shouldn't pay mind to children and secure a weapon with the appropriate safety precautions. Teach children gun safety when, as a parent, you feel they're mature enough to handle the responsibility.
So many excuses for so many preventable deaths. It's amazing how easily some folks are willing to trade lives for corporate profits.

Just so they can try to own the libs.
The scariest thing about that poll is that three out of four legal gun owners keep their steel penis substitute loaded and/or unsecured. It's almost like they want their mentally ill children to rampage.
leave vatass out of it!


Setting aside all this dumb ass bigoted race baiting bullshit, I find it interesting how people are so quick to turn to race when in all reality this is a gender problem.

99%+ shooters are men. It's not about race. It's about men having unfettered access to weapons when they can't control their emotions or actions.


If it were women doing the shootings, there would be hell to pay. See hat pins.

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Setting aside all this dumb ass bigoted race baiting bullshit, I find it interesting how people are so quick to turn to race when in all reality this is a gender problem.

99%+ shooters are men. It's not about race. It's about men having unfettered access to weapons when they can't control their emotions or actions.

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If it were women doing the shootings, there would be hell to pay. See hat pins.

All men suffer from “little man’s complex”:

Due to human’s fraudulent apex species status “men” NEED guns to compensate - some more than others.

Combine that ^ with indoctrinated toxic masculinity and easy access to guns / assault weapons and you have the quintessential “recipe for disaster.”

Race, and the role it plays in mass shootings / gun violence, IS worth noting however: One race (white) consistently elects individual based on their promise of protecting unfettered access to guns / assault weapons, while also being the race most likely to participate in random mass shootings using assault weapons.

That ^ race (white) also has “the most to lose” thanks to centuries of discrimination and exploitation, so it’s understandable that they are terrified and feel the overwhelming need for “personal protection” in the form of guns / assault weapons.

Ironically, that ^ “personal protection” often results in “personal destruction” . See: The gun suicide rate of white males. Additionally: Murders and suicides are often impulsive acts, and nothing is worse in those situations than easy access to a gun / assault weapon.

America - Fuck yeah……

If your position is that it is not our sick culture that is responsible for this madness, but it is the guns, No law is going to reduce mass shootings. If you think guns are the problem, you have to be honest and go on record as saying confiscation of guns is the only approach that would yield a meaningful result. This, of course would violate the Second Amendment of the Constitution. But just be honest. Removing guns is the only solution. That does nothing for the fact that you would still live in an horribly sick society.
If your position is that it is not our sick culture that is responsible for this madness, but it is the guns, No law is going to reduce mass shootings. If you think guns are the problem, you have to be honest and go on record as saying confiscation of guns is the only approach that would yield a meaningful result. This, of course would violate the Second Amendment of the Constitution. But just be honest. Removing guns is the only solution. That does nothing for the fact that you would still live in an horribly sick society.

I don't think anyone is saying that bubbalou, however your argument is essentially "people will do what they want and no law made will matter". But then that "logic" doesn't matter when it comes to things like abortion - the more laws the better there. Regardless of the 14th amendment. Party on garth.

A fact: America has more guns than people - every man, woman, child and infant could have a gun and we'd have more leftover.
It's ironic how the threat of more "gun control laws" leads to more people acquiring more guns. I bought my rifle and pistol when my state threatened more laws. There were lines out the door of gun shops here. You couldn't get anything; they were all sold out. So, I guess you could say it backfired if you believe that guns are the problem, and not our horribly sick culture.
Yup. Peddling the fear worked. And (mostly) men spent more money and made gun manufacturers even more rich. Ironic that women are labeled as emotional.

And in the meantime, America has more guns than people. A unique distinction in the entirety of the world.

Our horribly sick culture wouldn't be as rife with gun violence if there were less guns and more responsible gun laws.

Now we have to worry about if we'll get shot when we go to the store, the movies, the mall, the library, the sports game, the concert, school, work, to the bank... seems guns have more freedom than people do now.
It's ironic how the threat of more "gun control laws" leads to more people acquiring more guns. I bought my rifle and pistol when my state threatened more laws. There were lines out the door of gun shops here. You couldn't get anything; they were all sold out. So, I guess you could say it backfired if you believe that guns are the problem, and not our horribly sick culture.
So you're part of the problem.
Yup. Peddling the fear worked. And (mostly) men spent more money and made gun manufacturers even more rich. Ironic that women are labeled as emotional.

And in the meantime, America has more guns than people. A unique distinction in the entirety of the world.

Our horribly sick culture wouldn't be as rife with gun violence if there were less guns and more responsible gun laws.

Now we have to worry about if we'll get shot when we go to the store, the movies, the mall, the library, the sports game, the concert, school, work, to the bank... seems guns have more freedom than people do now.

Ramone”45” is a perfect example of an easily manipulated, irrationally fearful idiot that has no business owning a squirt gun, let alone multiple firearms / assault weapons.

What can we expect from Ramone”45” the next time they’re manipulated by some irrational fear??? Will they use their new guns in a mass shooting targeting some imagined enemy,??


Only if you believe guns are the problem. How would you figure that I, personally, is part of the problem? That would mean every responsible gun owner is "part of the problem".
Ramone”45” is a perfect example of an easily manipulated, irrationally fearful idiot that has no business owning a squirt gun, let alone multiple firearms / assault weapons.

What can we expect from Ramone”45” the next time they’re manipulated by some irrational fear??? Will they use their new guns in a mass shooting targeting some imagined enemy,??


My rifle is almost identical to the "assault weapon". Semi Automatic. Legal magazine. The same ammunition as an AR-15. It is made from black composite, but it doesn't "look as scary" as an AR-15. It turns out that I am pretty good at shooting. I joined my local Sportsmen's and Conservation Club and I turned out to be a very quick learner. I comply with applicable laws and regulations. I store my rifle responsibly. Tell me again how I'm the problem?
Only if you believe guns are the problem. How would you figure that I, personally, is part of the problem? That would mean every responsible gun owner is "part of the problem".

Unfettered access to guns by these people - read men - is the problem. These men that don't know how to deal with their emotions and control their actions. Mental health would be great but the problem is that it isn't just the dingbats. These are everyday men who just blew a fuse.

A dingbat without a gun is just a dingbat. An emotionally unstable man without a gun is just an emotionally unstable man. Both of these groups with guns are a recipe for the stew of daily mass shootings that we've got cooking up.
Unfettered access to guns by these people - read men - is the problem. These men that don't know how to deal with their emotions and control their actions. Mental health would be great but the problem is that it isn't just the dingbats. These are everyday men who just blew a fuse.

A dingbat without a gun is just a dingbat. An emotionally unstable man without a gun is just an emotionally unstable man. Both of these groups with guns are a recipe for the stew of daily mass shootings that we've got cooking up.
Well the murderer in Nashville was a woman, but men commit most of these mass murders. I interpret what your saying is something like, "Nobody is saying guns should be confiscated, but guns should be confiscated." I don't think you're being honest. I think we have to take a broader look at the way we live our lives and how we raise future generations.
Yup. Peddling the fear worked. And (mostly) men spent more money and made gun manufacturers even more rich. Ironic that women are labeled as emotional.

And in the meantime, America has more guns than people. A unique distinction in the entirety of the world.

Our horribly sick culture wouldn't be as rife with gun violence if there were less guns and more responsible gun laws.

Now we have to worry about if we'll get shot when we go to the store, the movies, the mall, the library, the sports game, the concert, school, work, to the bank... seems guns have more freedom than people do now.
Progressive mayors defund the police, murder rates skyrocket and ya wonder why gun sales are skyrocketing.
My rifle is almost identical to the "assault weapon". Semi Automatic. Legal magazine. The same ammunition as an AR-15. It is made from black composite, but it doesn't "look as scary" as an AR-15. It turns out that I am pretty good at shooting. I joined my local Sportsmen's and Conservation Club and I turned out to be a very quick learner. I comply with applicable laws and regulations. I store my rifle responsibly. Tell me again how I'm the problem?
These mass shooters (dark hearts) are cultivated from within the internet world, dark chat rooms where violence is reality.