Grandpa Trump Was Confused

Listen to this word salad from the cognitively impaired former President...

Make any sense? No it did not.
I finally figured out what he was talking about
It might if it included the rest of his statement for context, but you've spent three years ignoring the impenetrable mind fog Joe Biden walks around in and mumbles from daily, to bring up an edited clip supposedly attempting to fabricate the same in a better man with multiples of times the mental ability of Joe Biden.
Person, woman, man, camera, tv!
All things in front of him whenever he repeats this from what? A dementia test??

Links to Donny’s fuck up were not working this morning. Not a minimal thing!!
The media is interested in playing this fairly
HUGE deal made of Biden’s issues
He still knows how to close an umbrella
Let’s test that!??
It might if it included the rest of his statement for context, but you've spent three years ignoring the impenetrable mind fog Joe Biden walks around in and mumbles from daily, to bring up an edited clip supposedly attempting to fabricate the same in a better man with multiples of times the mental ability of Joe Biden.
Edited clip?

You saw the one where he knew what he was talking about?

You really gotta get your head out of PJs ass. You would see and hear better.
my theory about this continuous name-exchanging: it's deliberate (in most cases). With the instances of Biden/Obama, it's because he's aware President Obama was hated even more than President Biden, so to introduce into the magat mindset that sense of exaggerated hatred...same as with that (for the easily bamboozled) for the haley/Pelosi thing. In their hot, feverish little minds Pelosi is the treasonous whore who sold them out along with pence. Haley even has a little about her of Pelosi in her actual mannerisms, and so it's easier to sell that sensory overlap to them.

Did he come up with that all on his own? It's possible, trump is a master of self-serving low cunning. However, in these cases i honestly believe it more a deliberate and orchestrated repetition brought into being by a team of advisors right alongside trump,. Even if it didn't originate from him, they understand his basest nature and knows a strategy like that would appeal no end and he'd lap it up and run with it.
my theory about this continuous name-exchanging: it's deliberate (in most cases). With the instances of Biden/Obama, it's because he's aware President Obama was hated even more than President Biden, so to introduce into the magat mindset that sense of exaggerated hatred...same as with that (for the easily bamboozled) for the haley/Pelosi thing. In their hot, feverish little minds Pelosi is the treasonous whore who sold them out along with pence. Haley even has a little about her of Pelosi in her actual mannerisms, and so it's easier to sell that sensory overlap to them.

Did he come up with that all on his own? It's possible, trump is a master of self-serving low cunning. However, in these cases i honestly believe it more a deliberate and orchestrated repetition brought into being by a team of advisors right alongside trump,. Even if it didn't originate from him, they understand his basest nature and knows a strategy like that would appeal no end and he'd lap it up and run with it.

Not in this recent case, imho - and some of the other name exchanges were dubiously intentional, with some clear examples of erroneously substituting Obama’s name for Biden,

This latest example was clearly an extended senior moment: Almost Mitch McConnell freeze up level.

How long before the MAGATs think to claim that President Biden has hand-sores and mental degeneration typical of syphilis?

/Remember that Stinko said that he wanted a Purple Heart in recognition of his battles with STDs during the Vietnam War era.
How long before the MAGATs think to claim that President Biden has hand-sores and mental degeneration typical of syphilis?

/Remember that Stinko said that he wanted a Purple Heart in recognition of his battles with STDs during the Vietnam War era.

Syphillis addled brains would also go a long way in explaining our resident Lit PB Deplorables’ incoherent posting and constant reading comprehension fails.

Not in this recent case, imho - and some of the other name exchanges were dubiously intentional, with some clear examples of erroneously substituting Obama’s name for Biden,

This latest example was clearly an extended senior moment: Almost Mitch McConnell freeze up level.

i bow to your superior knowledge in these things, especially since i can't bring myself to actually listen to trump's rantings :)
Haley is hitting him hard on this. Will it change the outcome on Tuesday? I like Nikki but I doubt this changes the trajectory in NH and things don’t look bright for her in her home state.

Will Trump’s latest “senior moment” change voter perceptions about the mental fitness difference between Trump and Biden? Time will tell.
Haley is hitting him hard on this. Will it change the outcome on Tuesday? I like Nikki but I doubt this changes the trajectory in NH and things don’t look bright for her in her home state.

Will Trump’s latest “senior moment” change voter perceptions about the mental fitness difference between Trump and Biden? Time will tell.
Haley is probably the best of the crop of candidates, but if she can't face down the MAGA morons with basic US history truths how the hell is she going to fare with people like Putin?
i bow to your superior knowledge in these things, especially since i can't bring myself to actually listen to trump's rantings :)

I don’t blame you one bit.

I always wait at least 30 minutes after eating before watching anything to do with that vomit inducing orange POS. And even then, I only watch the more consequential snippets, like this most recent fuck up.

All they talk about is diversity, and racism, and the patriarchy and white man bad, and rich men bad and...
Except that no, we don't. That's just your interpretation of what we say.
Two elections in a row where your choice is an old, straight, rich, white patriarch wfho is a lifetime politician, meaning all the "systemic" crap you whine about you keep electing a cause of cit.
It was not the progressive left that chose Biden from the most diverse primary field in history. It was the Democratic rank and file, who I'm sure you want to believe are all wild-eyed radicals, but they aren't.
Not to mention his long history of racism, and current racial blunders.
Tell it to the Black voters who overwhelmingly supported him in the primaries.
Meanwhile the racist sexist republicans have a woman running, had a man from the middle east running, and show more diversity in their candidates in general than the left.
You've already had your ass handed to you on this one, but I might as well repeat, in 2020 the Democratic field was far more diverse. In both cases, though, that you "have them running" alone doesn't really mean anything. Anyone can run. But those "diverse" Republicans are losing to a racist, sexist wannabe dictator who proves every time he opens his mouth that he has no business being anywhere near the White House.
If you have an unbiased brain cell left in your head, it should make you wonder who the real ists are.
Physician, heal thyself.
Haley is hitting him hard on this. Will it change the outcome on Tuesday? I like Nikki but I doubt this changes the trajectory in NH and things don’t look bright for her in her home state.

Will Trump’s latest “senior moment” change voter perceptions about the mental fitness difference between Trump and Biden? Time will tell.
Does it change yours? Or are you back to slurping?

“Sleeping Don” !!! Anytime from here on he mentions “Sleepy Joe”?? Fuck him!!
“If Biden is ‘Sleepy Joe,’ I guess that makes you Doze-O the Clown,” Kimmel said.

Prospective Jurors aren’t allowed to snooze and have to give up a day of work!!
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Pick any transcript of a Trump speech and any one by President Biden. There are a load to choose from, let Google be your friend.

Imagine if you will, that you are a translator for a foreign language service and need to produce something that reflects accurately what was said. You won't volunteer for a Trump speech twice.
Pick any transcript of a Trump speech and any one by President Biden. There are a load to choose from, let Google be your friend.

Imagine if you will, that you are a translator for a foreign language service and need to produce something that reflects accurately what was said. You won't volunteer for a Trump speech twice.
Some day… the translator for his 1st meeting with Putin will tell us what instructions Putin gave Trump on how to rule Amerika
How long before the MAGATs think to claim that President Biden has hand-sores and mental degeneration typical of syphilis?
They used the same slur on Nietzsche, a famous person who was culturally liberal and methodologically conservative.
They used the same slur on Nietzsche, a famous person who was culturally liberal and methodologically conservative.
This is an old thread. Trump appeared with some nasty black marks on his hand that matched medical textbook images of syphilis: the joke is that everything that Trump was picked up on was immediately projected onto President Biden.
Listen to this word salad from the cognitively impaired former President...

Make any sense? No it did not.
I finally figured out what he was talking about
It sounds like he slipped up and confused Haley with Pelosi. That doesn't make him anywhere near as mentally fucked up as Joe Biden who can't remember a single fact from his confused life.
It sounds like he slipped up and confused Haley with Pelosi. That doesn't make him anywhere near as mentally fucked up as Joe Biden who can't remember a single fact from his confused life.
How can you confuse Haley with Pelosi? Please show me where Biden ever did?