Gotham: After Dark OOC - Characters and Backgrounds


Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
Main Story: Gotham After Dark

Birth Name: Unknown

Name: Selina Kyle

Alias: The Cat, Catwoman

Real Age: Unknown. Appears to be between 28 and 34 years old.

Hair: A mix of Blonde and brown (dirty blonde)

Eyes: Green, almost cat like.. they shift at night or when she is feeling catty.

Height: Approx 5 ½ feet tall. Give or take.

Weight: Do NOT ask a lady what she weighs! Small enough to wiggle into some really tight spaces.

Markings: No birthmarks or beauty marks. Under her latex bodysuit there are some fine lines that could be noticed in ample light and when naked, and up close.

Skills: Eidetic Memory: Visual Recall (for a limited time), Lock pick, pickpocket, Handguns, bull whip, tech: mostly with Alarm Systems. Numbers, and organizational skills. Mild photographic memory skill.

Acrobatic, fearless bordering recklessness. Enhanced strength of body in bones and muscle. Doesn’t stay dead, but is it limited to 9 lives? Unknown 😊 A delicate touch, it helps with lifting items as much as it does in restoration projects in the Library.

Allergic to bees. country music (okay not really but it does make her want to howl)

Dislikes: Dogs, Children, morning people, idiots and housewives/soccer moms. Boredom. Nice People. Bistros. Clowns. The color Pink. Loud Noise. Salad.

Fears: Relationships, emotional attachments. Deep Water.


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Det. Lillianna Rose Stowe - Lily

32 years old

Brown Hair, Green Eyes, 5’7” approx. 140lbs

3rd generation cop with the GCPD.

Newest detective on the Major Crimes Unit.

Typical police officer training at the academy but also trained in jiu-jitsu. Excellent Marksman, and a sharpshooter as well. First in her class for a lot of things, top marks in most, negotiations proved to be a bit difficult for the young woman but she managed to pass that one, though just barely. She isn’t much for talking nor cajoling a suspect into compliance, she was denied S.W.A.T. because of her scoring but this route worked out better for her in the long run.

Her father was also a police officer with GCPD, working under Gordon, as a training officer and was killed in a bombing by The Joker just before The Joker disappeared. Her grandfather worked until retirement, also as a Detective with the GCPD. He passed away from old age a year after her father was killed. It is now just Lily and her mother who lives in a retirement home away from the hell of Gotham City. She has been given this opportunity for various reasons, but mostly because Gordon feels obligated to look out for her. He often has her meeting with Batman to handle things in an unofficial capacity. The mayor is growing more and more agitated with this Batman and with Gordon for not capturing the vigilante at large, whom the Mayor, of course, blames for all their woes.

Towing that hard line, as vague as this one is getting to be, is causing that moral code Lily used to adhere to, into faded shades of grey. At this point, why not just turn the city over to Guul? Judge of character wasn’t something she ever thought she would be tasked to take on. In law it is black and white, no bending, no bowing or fixing it one way or another, or at least, it shouldn’t be. Maybe because she is young, Gordon feels she is malleable? As Police commissioner, she has to wonder what his motives are. Why her? Is this a test or is she being groomed to take his place? When did law become ‘for the greater good’? Just who’s greater good is it?

These thoughts do weigh on her mind as she works. It isn’t so much loyalty but survival. Keep your head down, your nose clean and do your part. With the fading lines shifting ever-constant, it is time to start securing her future, her safety in all this and discovering for herself where these lines need drawn. As observant as she is, in people’s actions verses their oaths, she has caught on quickly to the game. The gut instinct seems to frequently override those fat old law books content of seemingly endless Code, but without a secure network backing your gut? Bureaucratic tape, it is often what Gordon bitches about, and she is torn about this. It is what keeps things fair, doesn’t it? If you live in Gotham right now, you’d know that not a damned thing in this place is fucking fair.


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Ra's al Ghul


Name: Ra’s Al Ghul
Alias(s): Master, Demon, The Demon Head, Sir.
Age: Unknown
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 268 Lbs.
Hair: Salt & Pepper

Position: Leader of the League of Assassins

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Name: Unknown
Alias(s): Joker, The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, Puddin’
Age: Unknown
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 188 Lbs.
Hair: Green

Position: DECEASED

It was all fun and games until the clown hurt the reporter.

Stop me if you've heard this one...

A clown goes to Metropolis and stages a big performance, he invites the press and everything. But one nosey reporter called Lois stuck her nose too close to the fireworks and got blown to itty bitty bits. More on those remains as they develop. Apparently the big blue alien boy scout had a Kryptonian hard on for this reporter, and he put his whole damn arm through our valiant clown like the cover of that movie, "Death Becomes Her."

It was almost funny, if only it weren't so final.

The real punchline was that his spiritual reckoning came in the form of an all-expenses paid trip to the Happiest Place after Earth: Hell! Hell was so much fun for the Clown! All the murder and mayhem you can eat except that nobody dies! Evil was like currency "down" there, which made this clown Nelson fuckin' Rockefeller.

Only problem was, death wasn't quite as final as previously advertised.
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Barbara Gordon

Alias: Batgirl

Nicknames: Barb, Babs

Age: 21 (a few months older than Dick)

Hair: Red

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5’5

Weight: 130

Weapons: Everything that batman has because she’s a copycat (aka too lazy to write it out)

Batgirl Costume

Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon and Thelma Gordon. Her mom died in a car accident when she was a little kid. She’s always been a bit of a daddys girl which was cool when she was younger but she hates it now as he can be overprotective.

As she grew into her teens she started getting interested in some of the crime happening in Gotham and had even participated in take your daughter to work day even though her dad made her stay at the office and watch the receptionist.

She didn’t listen of course and that was when she saw Batman. Eventually she met Bruce Wayne to whom she had an immense crush on.

Of course that was about 7 years ago when he adopted Dick Grayson and she became friends with him. She likes both Dick and Bruce but Dick never makes a serious attempt at being more than friends and when it seems like he does she gets distracted by something else or Bruce walks into the room and she barely hears him.

Appearance of Batgirl: N/A, it hasn’t happened YET

Likes: Reading, Karate, gymnastics, solving puzzles — she loves going to escape rooms

Dislikes: being smothered by her dad, being told she can’t do something, brocolli, being called Barbie
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Bruce Wayne/Batman


Name: Bruce Wayne

Alias: Batman, The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight

Age: 34 years old.

Hair: Dark Brown

Features: Classic

Eyes: Black, Brown, Blue depending on mood and moment

Height: Six feet, two inches.

Weight: 190 pounds of sculpted and scarred muscle.

Markings: Body marked with many small scars and remnants of lacerations, and on any given day, depends on the woman he was with the night before

Skills:Trained in the League of Shadows, specifically recruited by Ra’s al Guhl when just a young adolescent, and despite his physical prowess, mastery of several martial arts, an expert in nearly all form of weaponry, it was his mind, his ability to process information to rival anything Intel had or will create, his ability to control his body, if necessary bringing his pulse to levels that brought into question if he was still alive. It was that, the entire package that made Bruce Wayne both the crowing achievement and greatest disappointment of his life.

Background: Son of then millionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne, at the age of 9, was with them as they were brutally slain, which set his life’s course, one to fulfill his father’s legacy at Wayne Enterprises, and to avenge their deaths by ridding the Gotham streets of the types of vermin that had so brutally killed his belover parents and orphaned him.

Raised by their family butler Alfred Pennyworth, and ultimately both Ivy League educated and trained in the darkest of arts by Ra’s al Guhl. While aligned in their broad objective to create a better planet, Bruce found himself increasingly alarmed by Ra’s plans and tactics, and at the age of 21 he thwarted the single greatest initiative of the League to date. It set the stage for a lifetime of tension, mutually respect on one hand, and a deep ideological disconnect on the other between the Master, and his protege.

Seven years ago, Bruce was in the arena where Dick Grayson, was performing along with his family of acrobats, as his parents were killed by saboteurs. Dick became Bruce’s adopted ward, but would never allow him to call Bruce father. He has been educated abroad, only spending certain holidays and times in the summer with Bruce. As we begin, Bruce is contemplating bringing Dick into his veil of secrecy, his identity only known today by Alfred and Ra’s al Guhl.

Likes: Complex problems, applying the resources and assets of his company, applying state of the art technology to his crime fighting passion. Beautiful and intelligent women, carnal sex, fine wine, 21 year old scotch.

Dislikes: Bats! Rats, which are simply bats absent wings. The name was taken to address his fears, in retrospect he wishes he had chosen Dark Knight for it better defines all he he is, a man destined to be a lonely yet chivalrous protector of the city and people who both love and despise him.
NPC’s: Expendables

Coroner: William “Bill” Vhast

T.O. / Ex-patrol Partner: James “Jimmy” Barnes

Married /w kids
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Human form:

Poison Ivy form:

Poison Ivy

Age: 29

height: 5’8

Hair color: Red but in human form can be misinterpreted as just brown unless a certain light touches it. The red becomes more obvious when she becomes Poison Ivy.

occupation: Misanthropic Botanist

weapon of choice: plants, poisons, etc…

Weight: No.


Pamela Isley started off as a Botanist for Gotham City and was running a bunch of different experiments to help the city become better with their pollution. After many attempts to get Wayne corp to hear of some of her inventions and ideas, she got tired of the rejection.

Still eager to prove her methods are better for the environment and can sometimes end in a good time.

most of her ‘potions’ can be found in drugs, lipsticks she’s created and perfumes. She only turns green when she heavily uses her connections to the plant world otherwise she stays her human color.

For awhile she always intune with nature which was why her skin was always green but after dating Harley she was able to balance that out and not hate humans so much, only about 90 percent of the time.

Most of her lipsticks contain toxins not all for killing because if she killed everyone that would just get boring after awhile in fact it DID get boring.

They can be for lust, ‘love’, death etc…

Perfumes are the same way. She’s even considered going into business because every villain needs a little extra hand.
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Harley Quinn

alias: Harleen Quinzel, Harls (By Ivy), Harley, HQ (when she wants to be sneaky)

Age: 25

Occupation: Former Psychologist, Current CraZee

Weapon of choice: Bats…heh

Height: 5’6

Weight: 130


Harleen Quinzel was once a well known criminal psychiatrist but we all know the story, she ended up falling or “falling” for The Joker one of the most mad men in Gotham. He didn’t love her and manipulated her emotions to keep her under his control becoming his sidekick Harley Quinn. At the time, she’d had an on again off again relationship with Detective Harvey before he became two face but once the Joker had her, Harvey Dent was forgotten about.

At some point, Harley realized thats what he was doing and got from under his thumb or so she thought. She was tired of living in the Jokers shadow. While she no longer committed crimes with the Clown Prince of Gotham, he’s constantly haunted her mentally which is one of the attributing voices in her head.

She had a fling with Poison Ivy. Well, it was supposed to be more than that but Ivy couldn’t handle her crazy and ran, just like all the other champs. Another voice that haunts her.

Now, she’s on her own. She’s been on the Suicide Squad and under Amanda Wallers control which she despises. Tired of playing by the rules (sorta) and after hearing the Joker had died something in her brain clicked off and she’s ready to cause chaos.



Amanda Waller


Leader of the Suicide Squad

Has ties on the inside that gets her information that most people can’t get and works for the Government.