Fucking Republican Ghouls

Nov 22, 2002
Im so tired of hearing these republicans talk about replacing this poor Johnson guy and making the senate 50/50 with a republican insert if he dies or wants to quit after the republican governor puts a republigoon in his seat making cheney the tie breaker.

What a bunch of heartless bastards you republigoons are.

If it happened and I was the republican governor Id put a democrat in his place and youd better believe I would.

As much as I hate the GOP....theres lines of decency one doesn't cross.

Fucking ghouls. The lot of you.
Killswitch said:
Im so tired of hearing these republicans talk about replacing this poor Johnson guy and making the senate 50/50 with a republican insert if he dies or wants to quit after the republican governor puts a republigoon in his seat making cheney the tie breaker.

What a bunch of heartless bastards you republigoons are.

If it happened and I was the republican governor Id put a democrat in his place and youd better believe I would.

As much as I hate the GOP....theres lines of decency one doesn't cross.

Fucking ghouls. The lot of you.

What Republicans? I read that the president and the missus prayed for Johnson.
There's been a lot of talk in the press about the Senate majority, and while it may appear to be a bit unseemly, it is a legitimate news topic.
yeah but jesus.....the poor guy. Did you hear the conference call he was on when he got all dillusional and crap?

Damn near made me cry.
Killswitch said:
yeah but jesus.....the poor guy. Did you hear the conference call he was on when he got all dillusional and crap?

Damn near made me cry.

I heard it, and it was scary. He went from fine, he thought, to totally befuddled, and without any warning.
I'm hoping he's OK.
You may not believe it but not all Republicans are ogres. Yeesh KS ...
I know but this jerk thats filling in for O'reilly tonite kept pushing the republican girls to talk about the change in the votes and all they wanted to talk about was what Im talkin about.

karen hanratty and some other girl. I applude them.

Just pissed me off.
Killswitch said:
Im so tired of hearing these republicans talk about replacing this poor Johnson guy and making the senate 50/50 with a republican insert if he dies or wants to quit after the republican governor puts a republigoon in his seat making cheney the tie breaker.

What a bunch of heartless bastards you republigoons are.

If it happened and I was the republican governor Id put a democrat in his place and youd better believe I would.

As much as I hate the GOP....theres lines of decency one doesn't cross.

Fucking ghouls. The lot of you.
Don't tell me you expected moral decency from the 'family values' party!
Just think if he becomes reliant on life support, their whole Terry Schiavo production will go flying out the window. They'd probably try to pass a law disallowing life support unless the person previously put it in writing that they wanted it. It would be necessary to help cut down medicare expenses.
Killswitch said:
Excellent point HB.

Very excellent point.
:) ty

Ya gotta say though, hows that for rotten luck for the dems.
Reid totally ignored the press questions on it and only spoke of his health. The press are just as bad but not quite as bloodthirsty.
Classical two-party duopoly politics. It will continue just as long as Americans salivate on the bell and pull the lever for the Democrats and Republicans...which is to say, as long as the food and the toilet paper hold out.
In my state 3rd party candidates were not allowed to run in the recent mid term election. Hows that for democracy?
During a debate, the 3rd party candidate clearly won, but in the end he could not run due to unfair election laws . I would have voted for him because I didn't like the Casey and Santorum was not even a consideration.
I haven't watched Fox News lately, but I know that a lot of the more left-leaning newscasters (i.e. Democrats) were talking about it as well.

It's not just the Republicans that are watching this. As usual, you are looking through filtered lenses.
Have the guts to post under your real name.

People think you are an idiot and place no value on your posts.
Killswitch said:
Have the guts to post under your real name.

People think you are an idiot and place no value on your posts.
you fucking loser,NOBODYS posts have any value. here today, gone tomorrow.

like i give a rats ass what a bunch of faceless nameless people think. :rolleyes:

you are a hate filled loser in life who delights in others misfortunes. one could say that you have a severe case of "arrested developement"
It seems to me the liberal (Democrat) media is the guilty party as far as pushing the "What if he dies or is incapacitated" agenda. I have yet to hear a republican POLITICIAN mention it...some of the talking heads are going to, no doubt, but that's a lot to blame on the Repubs...
Just sayin...

Nobody who follows politics thinks the Republicans will gain control of the Senate.

We've seen the Democrats run and win with dead guys.

Even if he's a vegetable, he's in.

Everyone knows that.

As a conservative Libertarian, I WANT Democrats to have BOTH houses for two years. That should just about do the trick...

;) ;)
JustWanderful said:
It seems to me the liberal (Democrat) media is the guilty party as far as pushing the "What if he dies or is incapacitated" agenda. I have yet to hear a republican POLITICIAN mention it...some of the talking heads are going to, no doubt, but that's a lot to blame on the Repubs...
Just sayin...

Yeah, you have to fill airspace, so speculation will abound, but at one point, Biden was out for seven months or more. Hell in the last presidential cycle, Kerry rarely showed up or voted, so it can't be that important that Tim be there...
JustWanderful said:
It seems to me the liberal (Democrat) media is the guilty party as far as pushing the "What if he dies or is incapacitated" agenda. I have yet to hear a republican POLITICIAN mention it...some of the talking heads are going to, no doubt, but that's a lot to blame on the Repubs...
Just sayin...

Is Fox Liberal? Is MSNBC Liberal?

The two largest media outlets on TV are conservative.

Liberal media. Listen to rush and hannity much dude? Come up with your own schtick.
It's the media. :rolleyes: How can you blame the Republicans? The first I heard it was Wed night and the news anchor said something to the effect of " How a senators health might effect the democratic congress at 11:00" That was the lead in.
Killswitch said:
Im so tired of hearing these republicans talk about replacing this poor Johnson guy and making the senate 50/50 with a republican insert if he dies or wants to quit after the republican governor puts a republigoon in his seat making cheney the tie breaker.

What a bunch of heartless bastards you republigoons are.

If it happened and I was the republican governor Id put a democrat in his place and youd better believe I would.

As much as I hate the GOP....theres lines of decency one doesn't cross.

Fucking ghouls. The lot of you.
This is all about hard core tribalism.

Butch up and bite down hard, either on their neck or on your pillow.
You yanks ever heard of these?

by-e·lec·tion also bye-e·lec·tion (b-lkshn)
A special election held between general elections to fill a vacancy, as for a parliamentary seat.