Folk horror stories


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
Okay, I wasn’t going to post any more threads until I wrote a story and posted it…but that was before my job put me on permanent call.

Anywho, I’d like to generate some ideas for folk horror erotica. As always, anything idea is up for grabs for a potential author. With folk horror, I’m being pretty broad: could be cults, actually supernatural or secretly mundane, could have elements of cosmic horror: as long as its old beliefs and traditions clashing with the modern age, it’s fine.

1. Guy who was raised in a cult before the feds busted it gets a call from one of his fellow survivors, a young woman who he was friends with and even had a crush on. They catch up and work through their complicated feelings towards the cult while starting a relationship. She has a proposal for him: go back to the site where the cult used to be and burn whatever’s left to finally put their past behind them.

When they arrive, to their shock, the other survivors are there and are attempting to rebuild the cult and are even holding a mass orgy and burning effigies.

Guy wants to bail but finds his car has been stolen, while She reveals this changes nothing: she will burn the site down, revealers included. She believes she is the reincarnated goddess and the guy is her consort. The cult polluted what was supposed to be a sacred maternal rite and she must burn it all away to ascend.

2. City kids go out to the country hoping to score some meth and easy pussy. They don’t find the drugs but they do find a party going on with multiple gorgeous naked women who pull them into harvested fields and make love to them over and over until the guys are exhausted. But as they lay there exhausted, the women suddenly pile on top of them and force them into the earth where they are swallowed: the next morning, a tow truck arrives to take their car. The boys didn’t know the local farming community has a fertility ritual to keep the crops growing.

3. Lesbian or bi Woman who left a small town gets a frightened call from her friend saying that she (the friend), has been chosen as the “harvest bride.” A ritual where one woman was chosen each year to be impregnated by the town’s men. While none of the brides ever complained our lead was disgusted by the ritual and when she hears her friend (who also was her first crush) being terrified, she rushes home only to have everyone in the town pretend nothing is going on, even the normal festival. Our lead tries to play it cool but as she searches for her friends she keeps getting caught in increasingly erotic dreams and situations. She finally finds her friend, bound to an altar, but not in the gown other women wore. Our lead frees her and they escape to the edge of town where our lead collapses, having been drugged by her friend.

When she comes to she is on a new altar, in the harvest bride’s gown but instead of hordes of men, just her friend approaches her, in a special gown with a curious appendage swinging between her legs.

Her friend reveals that this festival was very special. The goddess the town has worshipped is tired of lying in the shadows: she wants a physical form. So our lead, who over the course of story has been prepared will bear the child that will be the goddesses earthly form.

Friend reveals she always loved the lead and despite the situation, she won’t force her and needs to hear her give her consent…though friend is allowed to tease her until she consents or dawn.
The middle one reminds me a lot of Wicker Man, which would make for a good erotic folk horror story.
I like the city kids going into the country to try to get their hands on drugs. Perhaps the sounds of sex or bodily fluids reaching the ground awaken the earth entity.

Okay, I wasn’t going to post any more threads until I wrote a story and posted it…but that was before my job put me on permanent call.

Anywho, I’d like to generate some ideas for folk horror erotica. As always, anything idea is up for grabs for a potential author. With folk horror, I’m being pretty broad: could be cults, actually supernatural or secretly mundane, could have elements of cosmic horror: as long as its old beliefs and traditions clashing with the modern age, it’s fine.

1. Guy who was raised in a cult before the feds busted it gets a call from one of his fellow survivors, a young woman who he was friends with and even had a crush on. They catch up and work through their complicated feelings towards the cult while starting a relationship. She has a proposal for him: go back to the site where the cult used to be and burn whatever’s left to finally put their past behind them.

When they arrive, to their shock, the other survivors are there and are attempting to rebuild the cult and are even holding a mass orgy and burning effigies.

Guy wants to bail but finds his car has been stolen, while She reveals this changes nothing: she will burn the site down, revealers included. She believes she is the reincarnated goddess and the guy is her consort. The cult polluted what was supposed to be a sacred maternal rite and she must burn it all away to ascend.

2. City kids go out to the country hoping to score some meth and easy pussy. They don’t find the drugs but they do find a party going on with multiple gorgeous naked women who pull them into harvested fields and make love to them over and over until the guys are exhausted. But as they lay there exhausted, the women suddenly pile on top of them and force them into the earth where they are swallowed: the next morning, a tow truck arrives to take their car. The boys didn’t know the local farming community has a fertility ritual to keep the crops growing.

3. Lesbian or bi Woman who left a small town gets a frightened call from her friend saying that she (the friend), has been chosen as the “harvest bride.” A ritual where one woman was chosen each year to be impregnated by the town’s men. While none of the brides ever complained our lead was disgusted by the ritual and when she hears her friend (who also was her first crush) being terrified, she rushes home only to have everyone in the town pretend nothing is going on, even the normal festival. Our lead tries to play it cool but as she searches for her friends she keeps getting caught in increasingly erotic dreams and situations. She finally finds her friend, bound to an altar, but not in the gown other women wore. Our lead frees her and they escape to the edge of town where our lead collapses, having been drugged by her friend.

When she comes to she is on a new altar, in the harvest bride’s gown but instead of hordes of men, just her friend approaches her, in a special gown with a curious appendage swinging between her legs.

Her friend reveals that this festival was very special. The goddess the town has worshipped is tired of lying in the shadows: she wants a physical form. So our lead, who over the course of story has been prepared will bear the child that will be the goddesses earthly form.

Friend reveals she always loved the lead and despite the situation, she won’t force her and needs to hear her give her consent…though friend is allowed to tease her until she consents or dawn.
I'm tentatively planning to write a folk horror story for the Halloween event this year. Something like a mix of Shadows Over Innsmouth and a LW story.