Electric cars.

I saw a Tesla cop car yesterday.

Bad ass. So many of the gadgets that need to be installed in a new police vehicle already exist in a Tesla.

Maintenance is nearly zero. đź‘Ť

No scheduled down time, cheaper fuel costs, far better performance, no emissions… It seemed odd to see a cop car that wasn’t idling with the cop standing by. It was silent.
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NONE of this changes the OP one bit. Nor does it address the question of the hidden high operating costs of EV's.
Versus the high costs and highly visible issues (floods, heat waves, extinctions...) from the heating up of the planet due to our species releasing so much carbon into the atmosphere. We're working on recycling car batteries, that will come. The more relevant and necessary challenge is decarbonizing our species habits...
It's a proxy. If we want to help nature, we need fewer humans and more land for natural ecosystems.
It's a multi pronged approach.... Yes, fewer humans, and if we don't decarbonize our atmosphere, we will accomplish fewer humans. The global south, and elsewhere, are already losing population due to natural disasters spawned by higher ocean temps...
Then we should focus on that before the multiple crises hit.
Ummm... While I agree, those multiple crises are already occurring and will only get worse if we don't decarbonize. Reducing population as a first priority (how would that happen?!) will not work. Decarbonization is the top priority.
That only tackles one of the crises. In other words, the problem remains.
I agree, my point is one has a higher priority, which doesn't mean do the next priority ONLY after the first is accomplished. Again, I'm curious how to reduce our planet's human population. Got any ideas?

Read the book The Ministry For The Future. It offers solutions to the problem of decarbonization.
The government won't tell you, that to replace the batteries in an ElectricCar could cost upwards of $25,000.00.
That's u they pushing the public in2 buying them. Govt ppl is all about job security & FINACE FOR THEMSELVES
I do not agree. Solving the problem has the highest priority; trying to treat symptoms means it will not change.
Perhaps we're talking about solving different problems. I do not see how reducing the population without decarbonizing human activities will solve anything.
Ask yourself this: if the population were lower, would there be as much carbon being emitted?
Ask yourself this: How much lower would the population need to be to lower the planet's temperature? You still have not provided a solution on HOW to lower the population.

You're playing a philosophical game without a realistic solution to lower the population. Your "solution" is NOT an answer to the warming planet.

You're barking up the wrong tree buddy....
What more do you want for range???
EVS can go as far as most cars on a tank of gas
At the same time we ain’t have the sorts of cars that Europe and the rest of the world has. 50 mpg!!
30 miles for a “normal” commuting car or 60 miles is all most folks need.
We tried, but they kept getting blown off I-70 before they could reach Wichita...
PS - At the end of their range, is the EV owner assured that there will be a charging station?

Do you keep a stationary bike hooked to a battery (think Soylent Green) in the trunk for emergency "fill-ups?"
Only if the libturds come to the door.

That would be the cause of a reckoning . . . .
Looking for a handout is how to get your ass whupped at Casa de Wat.
... and yet, they get handouts. When I lived in the country, my cats really had to earn their keep.

If nothing else, they could always dine on scorpion...
As long as the kibble bowl is full, there are no revolts.

Just revolting Lit morons . . . .