Donald Trump Stung as New Poll Shows How Unpopular He Is


Satan's Plaything
Oct 14, 2017
Donald Trump continues to have a low favorability score
among Americans, new polling shows, despite being the
likely Republican nominee after winning the lion's share of
primaries and seeing off his only remaining rival.

An ABC News/Ipsos survey of 536 U.S. adults, conducted between March 8-9,
found that 29 percent have a favorable view of the former president compared to
59 percent who view him unfavorably.

It came after Trump secured all but one of the primaries on Super Tuesday—
giving him 1,075 out of 1,215 delegates he needs to become the presumptive
Republican nominee—which prompted former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley
to drop out of the race to leave him unopposed. Primaries being held on
Tuesday could push Trump over the line.

Trump's popularity has remained largely unchanged since last summer.
In similar polls conducted last year, which have a margin of error of 4.5
percent either way, he has hovered around a 30 percent favorability rating.

That rating dipped to 25 percent—with 61 percent viewing him unfavorably—
at the start of April last year, immediately after he became the first president in
U.S. history to be indicted with criminal charges, which he denies, in New York.
In a two horse race with never more than half the population voting, 25% can be enough. But this year we have a three horse race.
Both parties are eager to fight dirty. Everything is in doubt in advance, from polling data to election results.
The Newsweek story is actually about a poll released by ABC News/IPSOS. I can’t find details of the poll itself but both ABC News and IPSOS issued press releases about it. If Biden supporters find reasons to cheer about the findings, God bless them. 🙂
Stay on topic, old drunk dude.
Trump lost a significant percentage of college educated women in the 2020 election, women who gave him the benefit of the doubt in 2016. This was a major factor in swing-states like Georgia.

That was bad, but this time around is worse: Trump's support amongst blue collar women, and women with high school education and below, has softened quite a bit, from 85 percent down to about 65 percent and sometimes lower. This is catestrophic for Trump's reelection hopes.

He still has a lock on rural America, but if the coloreds, the Hispanics, the gays AND women desert him he is toast.
The poll does bolster my belief that, regardless of all the neck-and-neck talk between Biden and Trump, Trump cannot win a majority on the individual vote--that when folks go to the election they will do so understanding the difference--in their own interests--between Biden and Trump. They'll pull the lever for Republicans down ballot, but not more than waver over the Trump name at the top. The only way he can win is by manipulating the Electoral College vote.
He still has a lock on rural America

Jimmy John, a white rural American: “I love Trump. He were on that there TV show I liked. ‘You’re fired!’ Cracked me up every time. And he hates the damn immigrants. Oh, that reminds me, Jimmy Bob did them immigrants show up to pick our tomater crop yet?”

Jimmy Bob, another white rural American: “No, they ain’t.”

Jimmy John: “God damn immigrants. Did my social security check come yet?”

Jimmy Bob: “No, it ain’t.”

Jimmy John: “God damn commie Marxist gubmint can’t even send checks on time!”
You’ve been one of the strongest advocates for another trump presidency. Put your money where your mouth is.
A one year ban from posting if he loses.
That drunk old cow will be dead from renal failure by November.
The one where you said you can't find details? That's due to your blurred vision. 😞
Did you not read the press releases from the ABC News and IPSOS? They provide more details than Newsweek’s coverage of the ABC News IPSOS poll. Not full details but more than Newsweek. Enjoy.
I was a De
You’ve been one of the strongest advocates for another trump presidency. Put your money where your mouth is.
A one year ban from posting if he loses.
To be clear, I was a DeSantis supporter. When he withdrew, I voted for Haley in the primary even though it was clear her campaign was going nowhere. Trump was not my first choice but I will vote for him in November.

At no point have I predicted he will win. I have been sharing polls that that show him leading slightly in national polls, and by a bit more in swing state polls. We also are seeing extraordinary disapproval ratings for Biden. Polls do not predict outcomes. They represent a snapshot in time. At this point in time, they don’t look good for Biden. The SOTU speech didn’t help. I’m not placing any bets or making any predictions. Just sharing the state of the race based on prevailing polling data.

One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after verdict: Reuters/Ipsos poll, June 1, 2024​

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ten percent of Republican registered voters say they are less likely to vote for Donald Trump following his felony conviction for falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Friday...

Among independent registered voters, 25% said Trump's conviction made them less likely to support him in November, compared to 18% who said they were more likely...

Biden and Trump remain locked in a tight race, with 41% of voters saying they would vote for Biden if the election were held today and 39% saying they would pick Trump, according to the poll, which surveyed 2,556 U.S. adults nationwide.


The guilty verdict will not effect my vote because my hatred of Trump is visceral. I cannot stand the sight of Trump. I cannot stand the sound of his voice. I cannot stand the stench of his soiled diapers and his character. :mad:
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Poll: 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out post-guilty verdict​

  • 54% of registered voters "strongly" or "somewhat" approve of the guilty verdict compared to 34% who "strongly or "somewhat" disapprove.
  • 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of the conviction.
  • The polls found the race effectively tied nationally in a 1-on-1 with Biden at 45% and Trump at 44%
  • 68% of registered voters said the punishment should be a fine.
  • Three in four Republican voters said the verdict made them feel less confident in the system.
  • And 77% of GOP voters, as well as 43% of independents, said they believed the conviction was driven by motivation to damage Trump's political career.

Poll: 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out post-guilty verdict​

  • 54% of registered voters "strongly" or "somewhat" approve of the guilty verdict compared to 34% who "strongly or "somewhat" disapprove.
  • 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of the conviction.
  • The polls found the race effectively tied nationally in a 1-on-1 with Biden at 45% and Trump at 44%
  • 68% of registered voters said the punishment should be a fine.
  • Three in four Republican voters said the verdict made them feel less confident in the system.
  • And 77% of GOP voters, as well as 43% of independents, said they believed the conviction was driven by motivation to damage Trump's political career.
now, babybrain will post a poll saying that 51% of independents think trump should not drop out.
I don't believe it but a poll taken after the verdict said there was a 10% republican loss in trump support.