Dear X,

dear x,

i just got another promotion, making four times as much money as i was when you decided i wasn’t worth your time anymore all those years ago. i vacation all over the place every year. i’ve flipped our old little two bedroom shack into a gorgeous four bedroom home in the burbs with a great flower bed and three car garage.

i hope the dumbshit part-time dishwasher guy from the restaurant who was still living with his parents was worth it.


p.s. if you’re ever in the area though, hit me up if you need some great dick. that’s one thing you were always good for.
If I say that I'm really very sorry and admit that I was extra super naughty do you think we could band together to remote-magic my speaker-microphone-sound-making-thing on my phone back on maybe, pretty please?
Dear IT dept,

Could you please fix the issue I’ve been experiencing since you were mucking about in my laptop with your upgrade? I have shit to do. I’m really handcuffed here, and not even in the fun way. *sigh*

Thank so much,
Dear knuckleheads,

Wearing a mask is not an option. Yes, freedom is important, but more people getting sick means we all suffer. If your freedom is more important than everyone else suffering, then take all four fingers (you can throw in that middle finger as well) and shove them up your ass.

Everyone Else
Dear X,

Netflix called me yesterday. They heard you want to cancel. They told me to tell you it’s cool; they get it. You are paid-up through the end of the month, so feel free to keep watching until your membership expires on 7/31/2020. They also said no hard feelings, it’s been a real delight to service you; but you are probably better suited to one of their competitors. They suggest a pay per view situation will be more to your taste. Anyway, that’s about it. Sounds like good news all around. All’s well that ends well. So long!

Dear X

It took me a while before I forgave you for leaving. It probably didn't matter to you, but it did matter to me. I heard that cancer tool you away from your family. Cancer sucks. Sorry, it sure isn't fair.
Dear L

Dear L

And now I feel this lady fair
Can never more be mine
Long gone are nights in my lonely bed
All suffering and crying
And though I fear that through this life
She'll only call me only friend
'Till I'm dead and buried in my grave
My Love will never end
Dear X,

Be careful with my memory,

"For you, were all, there was to know...about me." - (Justin Hayward)
Dear badass bitches,

You were my friends. I had a hard year, a hard few years. But this behavior where you as a group decided I wasn’t your friend or worth your time 3 weeks after a loved one died… that’s unacceptable. I deserve better, I know that. Because I’m petty I hope each of you experiences a bit of karma. I hope your loved one dies unexpectedly, I hope you experience a separation from society because of marital status, I hope you’re harassed at work and loathe your career, and I hope you lose a family member after watching them live a long glorious life and wither away before you. I hope each of you is left to deal with those experiences alone. In the same manner you’ve left me. I’ll never forget how you’ve made me feel. I’ll be damned if I let you win. I wish you the alone time that have given to me. I hope you haven’t scarred my heart so badly that I’ll never mend. I’ll start over. I hope I’ll be the beacon of light to someone and I’ll help them find their way over your stumbling life experiences.

* tossing your memories into the bonfire… walking away proud… getting into my Lamborghini flipping you the bird

Fuck off ladies,
Dear X

I wish my lips and tongue could still remember the feeling of your nipple become erect in my mouth. I wish my face could still remember the heat of your breast, the softness of your skin, and the scent of your body as I held you close wanting to fuck you as much as I did. And within the shadows of my desire--still do.

I miss you. And if I allow myself the time to dwell, that missing turns to a longing ache. A hollow empty. A pain to the point of tears to which I must force myself to push back and hide before it becomes all to evident that I love you and had never not loved you.

I wish I could reach out and grasp you and pull you in and hold you close and feel all these feelings with you in my arms. I wish you could feel me cry against you while also holding back this desire to thrust and free myself up into you for you to carry and me to care for.

I wish what was written, and what was all in my head as dictated by my emotions were real, not imagined, and reciprocating in kind.

I've grown tired X. I've grown tired of casting out lines and reaching out for a hand and heart to hold on to in a hope that what they are--is that piece which I know will be forever missing.
Dear X,

I’m going to blame myself for not being more thorough in my investigation of our relationship. On the one hand I wish I hadn’t looked and now I’m stuck knowing that you’ve lied to me since me met. Had you told the truth, I might’ve at least been wise to your ways. I’m tired of this being all I can have of you. I get that we work really well together but it’s not really worth every last shred of my dignity just for a moment if your time. I wish you luck and I really wish you hadn’t captured my heart. I tried to be clever in keeping it safe but you had finally worn me down. I really hate that you put me in this position. Thank you for being my confidence booster but I’m not likely to let you have a taste of what you crave. But, (literally) if I’m feeling in a mood I’ll peg you for being such a pain my ass.

The best you’ll never have,
💋 your favorite tease
Dear X

You are nowhere
Where I used to be

Or where I am now.

Here in what could be a cafe
Or treehouse we used to play
--and take shelter in as children

I remember hiding with you
And holding you
And feeling close to you like a sibling
--that was dying

Knowing that your touch and my touching you
And my being with you
--was ending

And now it's gone
And I want to look into your eyes
And see you watch my lips asking you
--remember when it wasn't?

Remember how we held hands?
How my thumb kept sliding across
The smooth polish of your fingernail?

It was like glass to me
And I could picture it in my mind
As we lay in the darkness of a time
--we knew would never be long enough.

I'm there now again
Only sleepless and alone
Not thinking
Never thinking
Just here
--letting time pass as it does.
Dear x,
I really really want to step over the boundaries we have set. It's hot and fun.
Then again not stepping over makes the tension enjoyable as well.
Dear x,
You want to be friends like we were before. You are one of a few women who I've held such a deep connection with. I can't just push that aside and "be friends". I am not some puppet you can pull my strings. That ship has sailed. The friendship has sailed. I wish you couldn't understand why. I wish you could accept your denials and not owning up to what you did hurt.
I'd love nothing more than to be friends with you because you got me, and I got you. It would be so easy to slip back in but it would do nothing but hurt me. I have enough going on as is.
Dear X,

I’ve craved you every day since we first connected. I wish things were different and we had similar goals. You should know that I loved you despite my refusal of such feelings. Maybe we will reconnect in our twilight years and someday you’ll trust me with your head and your heart.

Good luck my love,
Your Sexy Secret