Climate Change Environmentalists Duped By And Colluding With Russians


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Well, we know the Green Parties in Europe were founded by disenfranchised Eastern European Communists after the fall of the Soviet Union in order to continue the fight against capitalism. Here in the US it would seem the Kremlin has been very successful in this effort to shut down the US energy sector. It's clear they have been quite successful in convincing our media, academia, government officials, and many of our people to lobby for the economic destruction of our country by opposing the nuclear/gas/oil energy sector.

Here we have the United States House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Majority Staff Report starting on Page 5, Section II outlining the facts. Note the quote from Hillary Clinton:

"II. Republicans and Democrats agree the Kremlin is manipulating environmental groups in an attempt to carry out their agenda The Kremlin has a motive to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence domestic energy policy, since American energy represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests. Russia’s efforts to influence U.S. energy policy are well documented in the public domain. U.S. presidential candidates, European officials, and the U.S. intelligence community have all publicly noted that Russia and its government corporations are funding a covert anti-fracking campaign to suppress the widespread adoption of fracking in Europe and the U.S., all in an effort to protect the influence of the Russian oil and gas sector.22 Anders Fogh Rasmussen, then Secretary General of NATO, told reporters in 2014, “Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called nongovernmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.”

Former Secretary of State and then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with access to intelligence reports, made a private speech in 2014, according to documents from WikiLeaks, which included statements about the struggles of dealing with Russian-backed environmental groups. According to a media report, Secretary Clinton said the following: “We [the State Department and the U.S.] were up against Russia pushing oligarchs and others to buy media. We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand against any effort, ‘Oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you,’ and a lot of the money supporting that message was coming from Russia.”

In January 2017, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report that contained “clear evidence that the Kremlin is financing and choreographing anti-fracking propaganda in the United States.”The report found that the Russian-sponsored news agency RT (formerly Russian Today) “r[an] anti-fracking programing, highlighting environmental issues and the impacts on public health,” which “is likely reflective of the Russian Government’s concern about the impact of fracking and the U.S. natural gas production on the global energy market and the potential challenges to [Russian energy companies’] profitability,” such as state-controlled Russian energy giant Gazprom.26 A Republican staff report by the Senate suggests that Russian funds have been funneled through off-shore corporations and passed on to U.S.- based environmental activist organizations with the intent to effect political change.

More recently Senator Ben Cardin released a voluminous report on Russian manipulation of the media over decades. Specific to oil and gas, the Cardin report cited a “study by the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies [which] reports that the Russian government has invested $95 million in NGOs that seek to persuade EU governments to end shale gas exploration,” which illustrates how American energy directly clashes with the Russian energy agenda.28 Senator Cardin’s work reiterates that “according to NATO officials, Russian intelligence agencies also reportedly provide covert support to European environmental groups to campaign against fracking for natural gas, thereby keeping the EU more dependent on Russian supplies.” 29 Additionally, as further evidence of Russian attempts to spread propaganda in the United States, U.S. Department of Justice officials have demanded that the U.S. based affiliate of RT register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).30 FARA requires that agents representing the interests of foreign governments in any political or quasi-political capacity disclose public communications aimed at influencing American political debate or public policy.31 Through local programs all over the world, RT and other news agencies operate as a government-funded arm of Russia in its attempts to destabilize and disrupt democratic institutions and the free market. Under FARA, the American people have the right to evaluate the “statements and activities of [persons acting as foreign agents] in light of their function as foreign agents.” To that end, the Kremlin is attempting to make, as Senator Cardin’s report states, “useful idiots” of unwitting environmental groups and activists in furtherance of its energy influence operations."

More here:
I stopped at " we know" because that is always immediately followed by bullshit sping

Climate change is real and should be addressed.
The original orientation of the German Green Party was anti-nuke and anti-war, but it definitely predated the fall of the Soviet Union.
The original orientation of the German Green Party was anti-nuke and anti-war, but it definitely predated the fall of the Soviet Union.
Disillusioned Communists made their way into Green Parties after the fall of the Soviet Union increasing their political clout manyfold.
Watermelons: Green on the ouside, red on the inside.

An those shouting loudest about Putin are his most willing dupes.
Any good news coming from The GOP in the US or just random bashing of environmentalists?
Any good news coming from The GOP in the US or just random bashing of environmentalists?
Well, the Russian army took over ports in Ukraine, but I think they are waiting for the previous President to tell them whether this is good or not
Watermelons: Green on the ouside, red on the inside.

An those shouting loudest about Putin are his most willing dupes.
Check this out:

Biden Admin Relies on Russia To Finalize Iran Nuclear Deal as Putin Invades Ukraine​

Note: Three State Department Iran negotiators have left the Biden team because the US position is weak and gives too much to Iran.

Biden’s Dangerous Iran Deal​

March 4, 2022 6:30 AM

He's doing this because he is compromised.
Check this out:

Biden Admin Relies on Russia To Finalize Iran Nuclear Deal as Putin Invades Ukraine​

Note: Three State Department Iran negotiators have left the Biden team because the US position is weak and gives too much to Iran.

Biden’s Dangerous Iran Deal​

March 4, 2022 6:30 AM

He's doing this because he is compromised.
No matter how good your negotiating skillz are, if your goals are insane, the agreement will bring you nothing but unhappiness. Appeasing Russia's goons so you can cozy up to the Ayatollahs is the definition of folly and madness.
"II. Republicans and Democrats agree the Kremlin is manipulating environmental groups in an attempt to carry out their agenda The Kremlin has a motive to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence domestic energy policy, since American energy represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests.
That's just ordinary, non-ideological, international politics.