chyoo inspired me to write an interactive e-book (and you can do it too!)

Feb 20, 2012
I have been an author at chyoo under a different account name for, wow, years now. The collaborations, when they really get going, are a huge turn on. The stories are exciting. I will continue to use chyoo, but I created this new account with my real name so I could earn a reputation based on these works.

Basically, I loved chyoo and I thought e-reader devices like the kindle presented a new and interesting opportunity to try something different.

So I have written my very first erotic novel and I think it will appeal specifically to fans of chyoo. Because it's interactive!

Hard at Work: A Cheating Girl's Office Adventure is based on the same choose an adventure concept that inspired chyoo, only now it's portable.


I'm a bit nervous showing this to all of my peers here at chyoo, but I think you guys are the likeliest to appreciate it. It was super easy and fun to do and if you have any questions feel free to PM me. I'm not shy :p

If anyone is game, and mods allowing, I would also like to use this thread as a chance to discuss chyoo authors interested in self-publishing their own interactive ebooks. It's fun and easy and I would be glad to help anybody with the information they need to get started. You can hone your skills here at chyoo and set them loose on amazon.
Another way if you have a Mac and the program Pages (Apples equivalent of Word) you can just export your story as an ePub file, really easy