Chess? They draw the line at chess? Really? Not at weight lifting or swimming or track and field

Chess should be open to everyone. I don’t think men are more logical or smarter than women. Maybe it has to do with experience? More men play and start earlier than women? Either way, I’m not against men and women competing against each other in chess.
I look at the list of grandmasters and it's pretty male-dominated.

If I were a woman, I might not want to compete against the men.
Chess should be open to everyone. I don’t think men are more logical or smarter than women. Maybe it has to do with experience? More men play and start earlier than women? Either way, I’m not against men and women competing against each other in chess.
Anyone who plays chess in a club or participates in international chess clubs knows very well that women players kick ass. I’ve had my face handed to me on several occasions by women players. I’ve developed a high respect for women sharks lol
FIDE has separate events for men and women because if they were mixed there would probably be no more than 1 or 2 women in the top 100. Their objective is to get 1 competition for all sexes eventually, but they figure that they need to develop a lot more competitive females first. They want at least a dozen Judit Polgars.
Chess should be open to everyone. I don’t think men are more logical or smarter than women. Maybe it has to do with experience? More men play and start earlier than women? Either way, I’m not against men and women competing against each other in chess.
Totally agree.
Also, take titles away?
If you win, without evidence of cheating, it's your title for that time period.

I am holding out hope for humanity that this is a farce.
Chess should be open to everyone. I don’t think men are more logical or smarter than women. Maybe it has to do with experience? More men play and start earlier than women? Either way, I’m not against men and women competing against each other in chess.
Neither am I. Chess is a game of skill, strategy and intellect. It's not a weightlifting competition, or heavyweight boxing. Let women and men compete against each other; why not? This isn't Afghanistan here.

Track and Field are in my opinion the best sports.