Bunny's Stuffie Corner

Update on my dad: He had an appointment at the cancer center today. They're recommending that he do six months of an oral chemo drug and at least one treatment with an intravenous chemo drug. They're leaving it up to him to decide what to do, though.

I have to go down there tomorrow for unrelated reasons, so I bet he'll ask me what I think. I don't want to be responsible for this decision!
Update on my dad: He had an appointment at the cancer center today. They're recommending that he do six months of an oral chemo drug and at least one treatment with an intravenous chemo drug. They're leaving it up to him to decide what to do, though.
Thank you for keeping us up to date.

I have to go down there tomorrow for unrelated reasons, so I bet he'll ask me what I think. I don't want to be responsible for this decision!
And you don’t have to.

You are not in his situation and even if you were, it wouldn’t be the same because you are not him.
You can at best help him think through the pros and cons and find more info/questions to ask.

The decision is always going to be his.
Haven't talked to Daddy in like three weeks (not for lack of trying on my part). Finally get him to answer a text, and he's claiming he has a gout flare-up from "toe to ankle" and that he'll "try to talk to me later" because he took pain meds and he's loopy right now. :rolleyes:

You know, self, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

(Also, maybe your stupid gout wouldn't be flaring up again if you'd stop fucking drinking, genius.)
Sounds like you've got a whole lot on your plate right now. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Did they give him a timeframe for when he needed to have a final decision?

I'm not going to say anything bad about your Daddy, just that I wish you could get more attention and support right now.
Sounds like you've got a whole lot on your plate right now. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Did they give him a timeframe for when he needed to have a final decision?

I'm not going to say anything bad about your Daddy, just that I wish you could get more attention and support right now.

Thank you, bfg. I really appreciate it.

Supposedly, my dad is going back to the doctor sometime this coming week, and he's supposed to tell them then what he's decided to do. So I guess we shall see.

As for Daddy...well, I don't know why I expect anything different. :rolleyes:
Oh, lord, y'all, I've been paid to write a resume and cover letter for someone.

It's not that I can't do it. It's just that it's been years and years since I've done it. And I've gotta finish it by Thursday.

Any advice anyone can offer would be great, lol.
Oh, lord, y'all, I've been paid to write a resume and cover letter for someone.

It's not that I can't do it. It's just that it's been years and years since I've done it. And I've gotta finish it by Thursday.

Any advice anyone can offer would be great, lol.
Things that are appreciated here - might be different where you are and depend on type of position and job:

Start out with a short profile/summary of the resume, that has the most imortant points about what type of employee they are and what type of position they are interested in.
Try to get the most relvant buzzwords and experience/education across there, because if there is a lot of competition, each resume gets seconds in the first sort.

Starting with the most recent experience and going backwards from there.

Separating work experience and education.

Short bullet points about what they did at each job and what skills they learned there.

Try to be as specific as possible about how each job/course/life experience helped them hone skills that are useful for the type of position they are looking for now.
That way, even jobs that are in a different field can become relevant and useful.

I believe in including the whole spectrum of work and life experience as long as you do the profile/summary thing first.
When I read resumes, those things are what turns the candidate into a person beyond the obvious stuff that anyone looking for that kind of position will bring to the table and I know I’ve gotten huge brownie points for the very blue-collar, entry level jobs in the manufacturing industry and weekend jobs at nursing homes I did to get money while at university, even when the actual job I was interviewing for was a very white-collar job, because the future bosses felt it said something about being able to work with very different types of people and in very different environments and not being afraid of diving in and doing what needs to be done.
Things that are appreciated here - might be different where you are and depend on type of position and job:

Start out with a short profile/summary of the resume, that has the most imortant points about what type of employee they are and what type of position they are interested in.
Try to get the most relvant buzzwords and experience/education across there, because if there is a lot of competition, each resume gets seconds in the first sort.

Starting with the most recent experience and going backwards from there.

Separating work experience and education.

Short bullet points about what they did at each job and what skills they learned there.

Try to be as specific as possible about how each job/course/life experience helped them hone skills that are useful for the type of position they are looking for now.
That way, even jobs that are in a different field can become relevant and useful.

I believe in including the whole spectrum of work and life experience as long as you do the profile/summary thing first.
When I read resumes, those things are what turns the candidate into a person beyond the obvious stuff that anyone looking for that kind of position will bring to the table and I know I’ve gotten huge brownie points for the very blue-collar, entry level jobs in the manufacturing industry and weekend jobs at nursing homes I did to get money while at university, even when the actual job I was interviewing for was a very white-collar job, because the future bosses felt it said something about being able to work with very different types of people and in very different environments and not being afraid of diving in and doing what needs to be done.

Thank you, Iris! This is going to be very helpful. I have to get started on it today because I told her I would have it ready by Thursday. So this will definitely come in handy!
Things I don't understand: Why nudity is considered "erotic" or, even worse, inherently submissive.

I run into this a lot with male doms (not mine, but others). I'm generally naked when I'm at home alone because I find it more comfortable (and it gives me less laundry to do). So to me, there's nothing inherently sexy about being naked, nor is there anything shameful about it. It just...is.

I talked to a dom several years ago who was all, "Rah, rah, I tell all my subs to go naked at home, but you already do it, so you're soooooo submissive, blah, blah, blah." Nah, bro, I just don't like wearing pants. That's it.
Things I don't understand: Why nudity is considered "erotic" or, even worse, inherently submissive.

I run into this a lot with male doms (not mine, but others). I'm generally naked when I'm at home alone because I find it more comfortable (and it gives me less laundry to do). So to me, there's nothing inherently sexy about being naked, nor is there anything shameful about it. It just...is.

I talked to a dom several years ago who was all, "Rah, rah, I tell all my subs to go naked at home, but you already do it, so you're soooooo submissive, blah, blah, blah." Nah, bro, I just don't like wearing pants. That's it.
I'm the same way when I'm alone, which is most of the summer when my kids are gone. Otherwise, I'm in a dress. That's my preference.

I did have one special friend who wanted me naked every time he called, and I think it was more about my submission than about being naked. If someone I was with wanted me to wear panties, I'd do that, too.

But, I do think CMNF is sexy. There's a certain vulnerability to it, for me.
Things I don't understand: Why nudity is considered "erotic" or, even worse, inherently submissive.

I'm the same way when I'm alone, which is most of the summer when my kids are gone. Otherwise, I'm in a dress. That's my preference.
This is interesting, because I have thought about this and assumed that it was my Nordic view on nudity that caused the confusion.

But, I do think CMNF is sexy. There's a certain vulnerability to it, for me.

Yes and I think it is more about the context than the nudity.
A butler or a maid in formal dress serving less than dressed people or even naked ones at a pool party, would not be perceived as being in power.
Any power exchange would be about being undressed or following rules about dress, the mindset and how said nudity is treated.
I also think CMNF/CFNM is about context. Although honestly, if Daddy had me be naked around him while he had clothes on, I wouldn't really think anything of it. But the context changes if there are other people involved. That would probably end with me holding onto Daddy's leg and crying, lol.
So the person I wrote the resume for last week got the internship she applied for. So I haven't lost my touch completely yet.

Is it bad that I'm considering placing an ad here at Lit for a real-time play partner? I know I probably won't have any luck, but I want to play, and Daddy doesn't even seem interested anymore.

No online stuff, though. That's too much like actual work for my taste.
Despite telling my father he could make up his own mind about his treatment, the cancer doctor has now pressured him into agreeing to do oral and intravenous chemo simultaneously. He's also saying he needs to do radiation now, which was not mentioned at all before.

On one hand, I've got my mother carrying on about how she can't do this herself (What has she actually done? Nothing.) and how much it's all gonna cost. And on the other, I feel like in my heart of hearts, there's no way he'll ever survive all this "treatment" they're suddenly wanting to throw at him.

I told my mother that what they needed to do is get a second opinion. I wouldn't put my life in the hands of a backwoods quack. At least go see someone in a decent-sized city.

But who knows what they'll do? They'll do exactly what they want to do and never listen to anything I say, even though they solicit my advice all the time. I wish they'd just do what they're gonna do and stop dragging me into it because my input is always ignored, and it only serves to upset me and make it to where I can't fucking work.

Tried to text Daddy. Told him I knew he had a lot going on, but I do, too, and I'm really not coping well right now. No answer.

I am incredibly tempted to just throw out the whole Daddy right now.
I'm really glad the resume was a hit!

As far as your dad, I thought Cancer Centers were the best in the field, and wasn't both of those what they recommended before? I've never personally dealt with these types of things. I would definitely do a second opinion, especially if it's covered by insurance.

Dealing with stubborn parents seems to be the "in thing" right now. I could tell you some stories about mine! They want to tell you everything, but don't listen to advice. We're only their children and they still won't see us as adults. Drives me insane.

I'm sorry your daddy isn't there for you through this. I know we all have things going on, and it can be difficult at times for everyone's needs to be met. I'm going to PM you.
Despite telling my father he could make up his own mind about his treatment, the cancer doctor has now pressured him into agreeing to do oral and intravenous chemo simultaneously. He's also saying he needs to do radiation now, which was not mentioned at all before.

On one hand, I've got my mother carrying on about how she can't do this herself (What has she actually done? Nothing.) and how much it's all gonna cost. And on the other, I feel like in my heart of hearts, there's no way he'll ever survive all this "treatment" they're suddenly wanting to throw at him.

I told my mother that what they needed to do is get a second opinion. I wouldn't put my life in the hands of a backwoods quack. At least go see someone in a decent-sized city.

But who knows what they'll do? They'll do exactly what they want to do and never listen to anything I say, even though they solicit my advice all the time. I wish they'd just do what they're gonna do and stop dragging me into it because my input is always ignored, and it only serves to upset me and make it to where I can't fucking work.

Tried to text Daddy. Told him I knew he had a lot going on, but I do, too, and I'm really not coping well right now. No answer.

I am incredibly tempted to just throw out the whole Daddy right now.
Sounds like a lot Bunny!

Yay for the add though and I totally agree with you and BFG about getting a second opinion.

Dealing with stubborn parents seems to be the "in thing" right now. I could tell you some stories about mine! They want to tell you everything, but don't listen to advice. We're only their children and they still won't see us as adults. Drives me insane.
Hah yes, parents!

My mother, who used to be in charge of big stuff in her working days, now has to ask for advice about what restaurant to book for their celebrations etc.

Listening to advice about applying for service transports, help with cleaning etc though is not really a thing.
Let’s not even mention the discussion about my father not being a safe driver anymore.🤦‍♀️
So my dad has decided he's not going to do anything until my mom comes back from her trip in mid-June. (She leaves next week.) I'm going to do my best to talk him into getting a second opinion while she's gone.

On the work front, I'm about to buy several new websites (and one more toll-free number for a new direct dial character), so that's exciting.
So my dad has decided he's not going to do anything until my mom comes back from her trip in mid-June. (She leaves next week.) I'm going to do my best to talk him into getting a second opinion while she's gone.

On the work front, I'm about to buy several new websites (and one more toll-free number for a new direct dial character), so that's exciting.
Cool that exciting things are happening on the work front.

I hope your dad listens to you.
Well...my dad came by yesterday to bring me some drinks, and now he's sick, too. I feel super-guilty right now. But I swear, I thought it was food poisoning. But apparently, it wasn't.
Hey, y'all. I'm back to (mostly) normal after that awful virus. My appetite is nothing like it used to be, but I won't complain about that. It's kinda nice not having to stop every 2-3 hours to eat something. Hell of a way to go about it, though. *Shudder*

My mom is on a trip out West this week. My dad is coming tomorrow to help me finish disinfecting my apartment because he's already had it, so I know he can't get it again so quickly.

I talked to him a bit the other day. He seems to have decided that he's not going to take any treatment at all because the surgeon says he got all the tumor. So he's going on the assumption that there's nothing left in there.

Me, I think not doing the intravenous chemo is probably a good thing. I'm not sure about not doing any treatment at all, but it is his choice. I offered again to take him to get a second opinion. That's basically all I can do. I hope he's making the right decision, but how would you know, anyway?

Haven't talked to Daddy in like three weeks. I'm back to ignoring him, to see if he notices. (Yes, I know it's childish, but so is him not answering my texts because he doesn't feel like dealing with me when I need him.)

Buying a couple of new websites and another direct dial number Wednesday. Very excited about that. If only I had a lot of advertising money and an adult merchant account, I'd open my own company, lol. God knows, I know enough good people who'd come work with me.