Bunny's Stuffie Corner

My most popular character on my busiest platform now has 300 reviews, which is more than twice as many as my next most popular character. She has an overall call rating of 4.95 out of 5.

I don't usually talk about these kinds of things, but this made me weirdly proud. Remind me of this post next time I decide I suck at my job, please?
My most popular character on my busiest platform now has 300 reviews, which is more than twice as many as my next most popular character. She has an overall call rating of 4.95 out of 5.

I don't usually talk about these kinds of things, but this made me weirdly proud. Remind me of this post next time I decide I suck at my job, please?
Nothing weird about being proud of that, I think.

I have a folder for mail from people who are happy with my work, for when everything sucks too badly and I wonder why I even bother with my kind of work.
Perhaps you could save ratings and feedback some way, to get back to when you feel you need it?
Nothing weird about being proud of that, I think.

I have a folder for mail from people who are happy with my work, for when everything sucks too badly and I wonder why I even bother with my kind of work.
Perhaps you could save ratings and feedback some way, to get back to when you feel you need it?

That's a good idea! I should screenshot some of the ones with really nice comments and save them. :)
Stopping by to see how you're doing!

*drops off some fresh fruit and cheeses*

I'm doing OK. :)

I'm currently trying to get my house clean, and I'm almost finished, except for my bedroom. Hopefully, I'll finish that tomorrow, and then I'll be done with it.

Thanks for the fruit and cheese! :rose:
Hi Bunny,

I am glad your dad made is alright thro the surgery and is back home now. Thats good news!

And I am truly sorry about your friend who passed away... 🙁

*Gentle HUGS sent your way*
Hi Bunny,

I am glad your dad made is alright thro the surgery and is back home now. Thats good news!

And I am truly sorry about your friend who passed away... 🙁

*Gentle HUGS sent your way*

*Hugs back*

Thank you. 💜💙💚💖
I asked Daddy earlier today if he would come see me later this week or this weekend. He said he'd try.

I'm not holding my breath. 😑
Anybody got any tips for getting rid of brain fog? (Except keto. I refuse to remove the last few drops of joy from my life by eating that way all the time.) I've got it pretty bad lately, and it's interfering with everything I need to do.
I asked Daddy earlier today if he would come see me later this week or this weekend. He said he'd try.

I'm not holding my breath. 😑
How did it go?

Next time show him this 🤭
My friend L. is in Atlanta with her boyfriend for a con (or something) this weekend. So I'm staying with her kid while they're gone. It won't be any trouble; kid is perfectly behaved and old enough to mostly fend for themself. I'm just here to make sure nothing bad happens.

I didn't even bother telling Daddy I was going out of town this time because it's not like he's going to message and want to see me, anyway. :rolleyes:

My dad finally had his follow-up appointment today with the surgeon who removed the tumor. Apparently, it was cancerous, but they seem to have gotten it all. He has an appointment with the Cancer Center soonish to determine if they think chemo is necessary. I sincerely hope it isn't.

I can't do phone this weekend for obvious reasons, but I am going to do web chatting and also try to catch up on some non-phone stuff that needs to be done. Also-also, I'm planning on putting myself a profile up on Fiverr. Anybody know anything about that? (If not, no worries. I'll watch a YouTube video or three if I need to.)

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I love all of you. :heart:
I'm so glad they were able to completely get that tumor! He seems to be in good hands over there.

What is Fiverr? I've never heard of it.

I hope you have a good weekend away, even if it's just to keep an eye out on your friends kiddo! At least you're out of your own space and, sometimes, that's all we need. A change of scenery.
I'm so glad they were able to completely get that tumor! He seems to be in good hands over there.

What is Fiverr? I've never heard of it.

I hope you have a good weekend away, even if it's just to keep an eye out on your friends kiddo! At least you're out of your own space and, sometimes, that's all we need. A change of scenery.

Thank you! I'm very glad they were able to get it all, too. :)

Fiverr is a platform for freelancers, where we can advertise our services and be connected to people who are looking for such things. I'm going to advertise as an adult content/blog writer and SEO person. I have mostly contained my advertising to places like phone sex forums, but I'd like to branch out a bit and grow the biz.

I think it'll be a good weekend. I'll get to see L. when she gets home, for one, and I haven't seen her since we went to Daytona together in 2022. :eek: Plus, she said it'd be unusual for the kid to come out of their room, unless they're coming down to the kitchen for a snack, lol. I'm not very good with kids, but this one is not a small one, and they're also very well-behaved, as I said. Plus, it'll be nice to work on stuff I've been putting off in favor of the phones.
Great news about your father!
Fingers crossed that he doesn’t need the chemo and if he does, that he tolerates it well.

Sounds like a nice weekend.
And I would imagine that you would be rather good with kids actually.
Treating them like humans works just fine, most of the time and often seems to be a step up from what they are used to from others.
Great news about your father!
Fingers crossed that he doesn’t need the chemo and if he does, that he tolerates it well.

Sounds like a nice weekend.
And I would imagine that you would be rather good with kids actually.
Treating them like humans works just fine, most of the time and often seems to be a step up from what they are used to from others.

Thank you!

I'm ok with kids who don't need constant attention, be it due to their age or due to their personality. Luckily, this one is, as L. describes them, "a free-range kid," so it's not bad at all. :)

Brief update on the Fiverr thing: After spending two hours on it, they rejected me, presumably because of my wording. Supposedly, selling adult written content is allowed on there (and I know I saw other people doing it), but I guess I didn't tiptoe gently enough around the subject. And honestly, I don't care enough to spend another two hours trying to set things up and be rejected again, so I'm just not going to bother with them.

Instead, I set up a package deal discount and am offering it on the PSO forum and to my existing customers. Already had two bites on it, so maybe this'll work out ok. :)
Somebody on the PSO forum called my old hell company out for charging men $2.99/min. while paying the girls who work there 70 cents a minute as base pay.

Oh, I wish I had an alt on that board. I can't say it under my main name, but I'd love to go in and say, "Why do y'all think they're always hiring all the time now? Nobody in their right mind is going to do all the promotional work they require for the pittance they pay." :ROFLMAO:
DD/lg = Daddy Dominant/little girl
It is a type of D/s dynamic
There are a wide range of how people interpret and enjoy this dynamic, however it is between consenting adults (it is NOT pedophilia) and for many it is typified by a mentoring/caring/nurturing relationship with a Dom/sub dynamic. It may or may not have a pain/punishment dynamic

It's definitely not for everyone, so if it's not for you, just keep on walking. 😉
Sounds very interesting