Boston Families Furious as City Kicks Black Children Out of Community Center to House Biden’s Migrants


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
Local families in the predominantly black Roxbury neighborhood of Boston are furious after the city shut down the local community center to instead use it to house more of President Joe Biden’s illegal border crossers.

Roxbury’s Melnea A. Cass Recreational Community Center, which was once a meeting place for Little League ball players, volleyball games, and other sports and community events, has now been dedicated to rows of cots for illegal border crossers, CBS, WBZ-TV Boston reported.

WBZ interviewed pre-teen Jeremiah Rodriguez who showed up at the community center on Feb. 17 under the mistaken impression that his community baseball team was using the facility for batting practice. He was devastated to find out his community center was now closed to him.
Of course, the Breitbarts of the world mostly oppose community centers on principle in the first place.