Border Bill Is National Disaster

Do you ever read anything you pop off about or just fling poo like the caged monkey you are?
I actually read it. I also know that ALL financial prognostications from this administration have been revised downwards. Further the notion that a 14% revenue increase based on an unskilled labor force increase is unrealistic. What is pointedly NOT addressed in the report is the increase in social services expenditures due to this illegal immigration.

Historically it won't be until the second generation of the immigrants that the nation begins to see a net increase in productivity (tax base). This will reach optimum in the third generation. Meaning that we won't see any reasonable returns for 20 years, the directors report is 10 years short.

The report also neglects to address the impact on our penal systems. Currently approx. of all alien inmates in the federal prison system is 26%, within the state systems the numbers vary but within some states (CA, AZ, NM, and TX.) that number approaches 70%. Nor does it address the financial losses to the public at large due to those that are caught and retained let alone those that are released or not caught at all.

Horse shit.
I actually read it. I also know that ALL financial prognostications from this administration have been revised downwards. Further the notion that a 14% revenue increase based on an unskilled labor force increase is unrealistic. What is pointedly NOT addressed in the report is the increase in social services expenditures due to this illegal immigration.

Historically it won't be until the second generation of the immigrants that the nation begins to see a net increase in productivity (tax base). This will reach optimum in the third generation. Meaning that we won't see any reasonable returns for 20 years, the directors report is 10 years short.

The report also neglects to address the impact on our penal systems. Currently approx. of all alien inmates in the federal prison system is 26%, within the state systems the numbers vary but within some states (CA, AZ, NM, and TX.) that number approaches 70%. Nor does it address the financial losses to the public at large due to those that are caught and retained let alone those that are released or not caught at all.

Horse shit.
I've read some of your other long winded predictions and much like this one...

Horse shit.
Of course, most voters are low-information voters. That's who the Republicans are targeting...all they'll know is that the Republicans are screaming at the top of their lungs about how Biden failed to secure the border.
Yes, and the Dems need to get way better at getting the message out

You're full of shit and mixing apples with oranges.

I didn't specify a party regarding making a case to the public, you are.
Yes you did

As far as I'm concerned both parties are culpable. You'd best step out of you're ever shrinking partisan shoes.

The problem is actually quite simple from a political standpoint, Texas has turned the issue at the border into a shit show in an election year. This "bi-partisan" effort on the part of certain politicians to leverage the issue in a massive spending bill has fallen on deaf ears as far as the public is concerned and the democrats are left without the excuse that it failed on purely partisan grounds (although I have no doubt they will anyway).
trump called the bipartisan bill off. That means your side now owns the border, not Dems. Face facts if you’re able

Whether you like it or not that albatross is still hanging around the democrats neck and the options to turn that around are diminishing daily.
I realize that’s your kool-aid, but the Dems gave repubs a lot of what they wanted so while nobody’s in love with the bill, you must acknowledge the reality that repubs pulled the plug on trumps order, and now they’re dancing around trying to explain why.

Interesting article from the Cato Institute:​

Trump’s Detention Surge Failed to Significantly Increase Removals

Annual removals increased by just 31,845 from 2015 to 2019, while the number of people placed in detention for any period during the year increased from 307,482 to 510,854 (Figure 2). In other words, ICE imprisoned about 203,000 more people in 2019 than in 2015, but just 16 percent of those people were actually removed. The dramatic increase in detention primarily resulted in a much higher number of individuals being subjected to periods of imprisonment at a big cost to US taxpayers before being released into the United States.
The Senate bill would give work permits to those who make it to the next step after asylum preprocess. Those people would work for a living, therefore reducing the number of migrants burdening the taxpayers.

I've also heard that people who work for a living are less likely to commit crimes.... But maybe not .... It's all so confusing

Good luck getting a job in this economy. I wonder if they get unemployment while looking for work. American citizens need to have worked X number of months to qualify.
The Senate bill would give work permits to those who make it to the next step after asylum preprocess. Those people would work for a living, therefore reducing the number of migrants burdening the taxpayers.

I've also heard that people who work for a living are less likely to commit crimes.... But maybe not .... It's all so confusing

Good point. Cato Institute has another article arguing that chaos at the border can be controlled by letting more immigrate legally.

What Biden Can Do After Another Failed Border Deal

You're full of shit and mixing apples with oranges.

I didn't specify a party regarding making a case to the public, you are. As far as I'm concerned both parties are culpable. You'd best step out of you're ever shrinking partisan shoes.

The problem is actually quite simple from a political standpoint, Texas has turned the issue at the border into a shit show in an election year. This "bi-partisan" effort on the part of certain politicians to leverage the issue in a massive spending bill has fallen on deaf ears as far as the public is concerned and the democrats are left without the excuse that it failed on purely partisan grounds (although I have no doubt they will anyway).

Whether you like it or not that albatross is still hanging around the democrats neck and the options to turn that around are diminishing daily.
You're so full of shit.

This was the most conservative immigration bill in over 20 years that Republicans asked for. Republicans don't give a fuck about even trying to solve the problem. It's all about having an issue that they can blatantly lie about as their policies won't win elections.

No house has ever been a unproductive as this current one. The truth is that Republicans are utterly incapable of governing.

Abbott is a moron. What else is he going to run on? How great their electric grid is?
Good luck getting a job in this economy. I wonder if they get unemployment while looking for work. American citizens need to have worked X number of months to qualify.

The unemployment rate is at historic lows, but I know you think that’s a conspiracy.

Where I live, companies that are hiring advertise on TV every night. Lots of manufacturing jobs. There’s so much demand for employees that companies are competing for them. I’m an old guy, and I’ve never seen employment ads on TV before. It’s great.
Good luck getting a job in this economy. I wonder if they get unemployment while looking for work. American citizens need to have worked X number of months to qualify.
Without the ability to work, it's even more difficult.
This is just one of many examples that's the disaster related to open borders and jackass policies..... this monster is haitian, there's another who is Guatemalan (unable to locate the story) these were/are 10 year old girls.....
Is there any justice?
Replace "Guatemalan" and "Haitian" with "Catholic priest" and "Republican Congressman."

Perhaps "Angry white incel."

Do you care more or less about the atrocities now?
Replace "Guatemalan" and "Haitian" with "Catholic priest" and "Republican Congressman."

Perhaps "Angry white incel."

Do you care more or less about the atrocities now?
Thing is if we weren't chasing these useless meat sacks/criminals from outside of our borders we'd have more resources to hunt the other perpetrators..... you don't give two shits about these victims of illegal alien crimes..... you may very well have a change in attitude when someone you love and care about is victimized.....but this is what you voted for..
Thing is if we weren't chasing these useless meat sacks/criminals from outside of our borders we'd have more resources to hunt the other perpetrators.....
What the fuck, the Catholic church alone has been doing this for hundreds of years, but we can't prosecute them because our resources are too thin??? This has to be the worst attempt at deflection I've seen from you. Do better!!

Maybe YOU fit the profile???
What was wrong with Trump's plan of shutting off the border completely and having fire trucks to lift all the cattle over the wall so they could drink from the river?
It didn't get out of the starting blocks. Trump failed to fund enough trucks and drivers trained to lift the cattle back and forth over the fences. Also, the cattle objected to being 'airlifted' on humanitarian grounds. Not to mention the hamburger industry complained it might damage the meat in transport. ... So I 'herd.' :nana:
It didn't get out of the starting blocks. Trump failed to fund enough trucks and drivers trained to lift the cattle back and forth over the fences. Also, the cattle objected to being 'airlifted' on humanitarian grounds. Not to mention the hamburger industry complained it might damage the meat in transport. ... So I 'herd.' :nana:
And after all this, the Ukraine funding bill passed without border security.

Republicans are totally a clown show.

Sadly, they're going to end up losing one of their biggest assets when they kick McConnell to the curb. The majority don't realize how much he has done for their party.
So CRT and Woke have been laid by the wayside and we're back to immigration as being the "shinny thing"?

If only there was a high cliff to throw that “shiny thing” off of.

Then just let the MAGAt Lemmings be MAGAt Lemmings.

So HR2 is DOA
The Senate bill is DoA

This entire thing has shown that no
Republican wants compromise.

So the only way to address the border are temporary executive measures or complete control of Congress.