Biden should fire every federal worker who walks out over Israel


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
The reaction to the planned Tuesday walkout by Biden administration officials should be straightforward: fire every single one of them.

Federal workers are reportedly planning a walkout over President Joe Biden’s support for Israel amid its current war against Hamas. In case you need to be reminded, Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, massacring 1,200 civilians, including more than 30 Americans. Hamas has since continued to lie about its own civilian casualties, use Palestinian civilians as human shields so that they can stand on their corpses to propagandize to the world, and be a terrorist group that is committed to slaughtering Jews and erasing Israel off the map.

A self-respecting president would fire everyone who participates in this walkout, especially given the excuse they are using to protest their own boss. If Biden can’t do so, he undermines both his own administration’s message and the idea that he is a capable leader in any capacity.
Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution comes to mind. fire them all. The worst labor decision ever made was to allow federal employees to unionize.
Federal werkers know better than to walk out in this economic environment.
Is there anything in the Constitution (pretending for a moment that it's still relevant) that explicitly approves of confiscating wealth from US citizens so it can be given to non-citizens on the other side of the planet?
Nope! You’re preaching to the choir.
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So… the ability to confiscate… also grants the right to use it any way they please? No wonder they all leave Washington as millionaires.

As Adams observed, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Clearly at this point in time, it is no longer adequate. The sociopath ruling class has twisted it into meaninglessness and their devotees adore them for it, praising the thieves even as they are being robbed.

Nothing short of a total collapse, likely resulting from the wars they are desperately trying to start is going to lead to anything better. You’re definitely not going to vote your way out of it.
You asked if there was anything in the Constitution that approved it. The rest of this rant is just moralizing.

You can disagree on if the spending provides for the common defense or promotes the general welfare, but those are intentionally vague terms that are open to wide interpretation.

You are allowed to petition the government for change and your ability to criticize their actions without fear of prosecution is a protected right. Voting on different representation is just one option for affecting a change in policy.
It's hilarious that you want those federal workers fired fir not having loyalty towards a foreign country. 🤣
Federal werkers know better than to walk out in this economic environment.
So let’s clear the air on some shit, shall we? I come to this board under no false pretense. I make quite clear my feelings and opinions on things and where I stand. I am an admitted troll, proud of it, and many times I am a hammer looking for a nail. I am well aware that this approach leaves me open to criticism from both the left and the right. So I better make damn sure that I have my shit together and I believe, for the most part, I do. If am proven wrong or make a mistake, and I will, then I want to be apologetic and I want to be on the side of the truth. I am quite sure that my friends on the left may not like my approach at times. That’s fair. I’m sure that my friends on the right think I am an ass. That’s fair as well. But if you come at me, ya better come at me strong. YOU, sir, did not do that. You chose to make a swipe at me on a thread where I was expressing my condolences. What a punk ass bitch you are! What weak sauce you brought to the table. You could’ve come at me at on any other number of the frequent polarizing topics I opine on but it was on THIS and WHEN that you decide to rear your head and throw shade. Why are you such a fuckin coward? Don’t answer, it’s rhetorical. I’ve no more use to converse with you and it’s not because I am running. Oh! I love LOVE a good back and forth. I just choose to debate people who are not as openly coward as you.
The president doesn't have the authority to fire most federal workers.
So let’s clear the air on some shit, shall we? I come to this board under no false pretense. I make quite clear my feelings and opinions on things and where I stand. I am an admitted troll, proud of it, and many times I am a hammer looking for a nail. I am well aware that this approach leaves me open to criticism from both the left and the right. So I better make damn sure that I have my shit together and I believe, for the most part, I do. If am proven wrong or make a mistake, and I will, then I want to be apologetic and I want to be on the side of the truth. I am quite sure that my friends on the left may not like my approach at times. That’s fair. I’m sure that my friends on the right think I am an ass. That’s fair as well. But if you come at me, ya better come at me strong. YOU, sir, did not do that. You chose to make a swipe at me on a thread where I was expressing my condolences. What a punk ass bitch you are! What weak sauce you brought to the table. You could’ve come at me at on any other number of the frequent polarizing topics I opine on but it was on THIS and WHEN that you decide to rear your head and throw shade. Why are you such a fuckin coward? Don’t answer, it’s rhetorical. I’ve no more use to converse with you and it’s not because I am running. Oh! I love LOVE a good back and forth. I just choose to debate people who are not as openly coward as you.

Could you keep your shit shorter. I get adhd after about two sentences. That's why I don't read hardly any of your flaming posts. I know you like to see yourself in print but it sure gets boring almost immediately. You aren't all that and an order of fries like you think you are.