"Behind Bars" (always open; PM hostess)

(OOC: A small portion of this is repeated in the "Jules and Leigh" thread, in case it looks familiar to you. The reply below, though, has far more in it, so please read both of them.)

Charlie only laughed at Molly's embarrassment for having walked into the office while the prison's Chef was balls-deep inside the Warden's pussy. "If that was something you were interested in, I'm sure that Steven--"

"Oh my God, no!" the Office Assistant almost shrieked. "Stop!"

Charlie continued to tease the younger woman, and Molly just tried to bring an end to the horrifically erotic and embarrassing suggestions. When Charlie finally asked why she was here, Molly handed her the papers Lou had signed off on.

"He made some suggestions on which jobs needed to pay more or less," she said, pointing at red ink on the pages, "as well as which benefits should cost and which should be part of the minimum hours worked package."

Charlie looked it over and liked what she saw, for the most part. Deep down, Charlotte Higgins was financially and morally a Socialist: she believed that no matter your station in life or job in the workplace, each person deserved a basic level of support and respect for what they did. She didn't believe that Doctors and Lawyers and CEOs deserved to earn ten, a hundred, a thousand times more than the lowly people who worked on the bottom rungs of the corporations and firms they owned or ran.

Now, as the dictator of Three-C and the person with near total control over just about everything, one might even say she was more than a Socialist: she was a true Communist. Of course, Charlie didn't plan on leading that way. It was nice to know, though, that she could when necessary take steps that some might not like, so long as she felt that it benefited the whole of the community.

"It's good for now, Molly," she told the redhead. "Why don't you head over to A-Wing and fill your hands with some of the booty from the Casino. I'll be right behind you."

Charlie had seen a lot of stuff walking off between the docks and A-Wing earlier during the unload. To be honest, thought, so long as it wasn't food, water, entire cases of booze, and other stuff that was more community in nature, she didn't really care.

Harvey radioed Charlie about the madness in A-Wing, to which she first said to relax and let the people shop, then said, "Molly's coming over. Let her take whatever she wants."

When she arrived, Charlie found a festive atmosphere that Three-C most definitely needed. Oh, there was some obvious sorrow in some of the faces over the 3 lives that had been lost to get this treasure, but a solemn moment out on the loading docks earlier had relieved some of the despair.

Charlie spoke to Maria about selecting some sexy things for her girls; to Steven -- whose ass she gave a sharp slap and pinch -- about food stuffs for his kitchen; to Leigh about her disappointment that the team hadn't visited a farm store as originally planned; and to Doc about the meds or lack thereof for his Infirmary. She told Michael, "We'll make another run soon, say day after tomorrow, to the hospital or a pharmacy or two."

Then Charlie found Jules as he was wandering about looking for something to tempt Leigh. He seemed focused mostly on female items, and she jokingly asked, "I didn't realize you were a cross-dresser. Or ... could you be shopping for one of our pretties?"

(OOC: This conversation between Jules and Charlie continues in the "Jules and Leigh" 1x1, if you haven't already begun reading it.)

They chatted a moment, and Charlie moved on to chat with others. Some of the Residents had noticed that specific loot had been locked away in cells and wanted to know why they couldn't take some of it, too. "You've got clothes, jewelry, books, cards, board games, makeup, hygiene products."

"What if I want a case of Top Ramen or caviar?" someone asked.

Charlie laughed. "First off, do you really think we found Top Ramen noodles at a fancy casino? And second, if we found caviar, don't you think Wall Street and I would have already eaten it in the Blue Lounge while playing strip poker?"

There was more discussed, but Charlie said, "Tomorrow, we will talk more about all this. For now, grab a beer and a bag of chips and some Gucci..."

And she finished with a harsher tone, "...and be happy you aren't laying in the freezer with Louisa and Kenneth."

That ended the pettiness in a heartbeat, and as she chatted more, Charlie looked about for Steven. He was no where to be seen, nor was his niece, who Maria had delivered to Steven's cabin this morning, leaving one of her girls to watch over her with the .38 Special Charlie had given her. The Warden had no proof whatsoever that there was anything untoward about Steven's relationship with his niece, but still her suspicions made her wish the girl had never come to Three-C, an admission she would never make to Steven, of course.

"When you finish here," Charlie inconspicuously whispered to Marla, who was doing some shopping of her own, "come to my place."

The woman who'd spent most of the nights since the start of the New Society began asked her lover, "I thought once he was back..."

"You thought wrong," Charlie said pointedly. Then, pocketing a package of AAA batteries, she told the woman, "And bring Barney with you."
Steven and the night watch

Previously in Charlie's Office

Sweaty and grinning Steven was sipping on his glass of post coital nectar when Charlie asked the question, "Are you and your niece fuckin'?" Steven was surprised, but he and Charlie seemed to have that type of relationship, he answered honestly, hoping to end it there, "Nope" He was ready to go back to the prior discussion, she was not. "I see it in her face every time she looks at you, Steven. She wants you. Maybe you don't see it, but it's there. You're gonna have to deal with it. Either let her down easy, or--"

So they were going to discuss this. He looked at her, "I am kinda leaning toward or..." He wanted to see her reaction, she finished her previous thought, "--do it the hard way. It's no one's business but yours and Jessi's, Steven. And ... if it means you and I are over ... well, I'm a grown ass girl. I can handle it."

Steven ran his fingers through his hair, "I was hoping it wasn't either or, does it have to be? I was thinking we sort of understood that...enjoy each other, no strings, you didn't strike me as the monogamous type?" He was sure he was right about Charlie, but Jessi was different, and there, well he would just have to see, maybe nothing would ever happen, but "Charlie, her mother, my sister and I were lovers, more than lovers, so yeah it is complicated. I don't have rules on sex or love, other than enjoy it, and try not to hurt anyone...I guess we'll see...does that work for you?" If she wanted to know more he would tell her, tell it all, but not now. Molly wanted in.

Post the fucking and the very brief coitus interruptus by Molly,and before the discussion of Jessi, Steven and Charlie had sat down and agreed that any thought we could defend this place with minimum sentry was probably foolish. We had survived earlier today, through the capabilities of some strong ex military who had naturally known how to work together. Say what you will about how horrible and corrupt Washington may have been, but the US Military, when it wanted to, could kick some serious ass.

The Rest Of The Day

After leaving, Charlie's office, his desires well sated, he had gone to the kitchen to see what he might be able to do for a celebration. Nothing would really do, so he had gone and gotten Jessie, they were going to go on a bit of a hunt. He knew where to go, he had seen them about two miles out when he first left the prison to get Jessi. One hour later he was back with a large wild hog. jessi would get the credit, she had shot her arrow right through the eye of th wild beast from almost 30 yards!

They weren't in the best position to have feasts, but through a combination of a pig roast, a huge pit of bacon laced baked beans and a tub of cole slaw, it was pretty damn close, if he so said so himself. One of the guys that Steven didn't know offered up some rum that they combined with some lemonade and a few other ingredients to make a nice rum punch. By the end people were laughing and dancing in the courtyard, even the Warden and Nurse Betty. Jamie had tried to hit on Madge, but she either was honestly not feeling good, or for some reason wasn't feeling him.

So after a few slow dances with Jessi, the kind that would lead to all sorts of gossipy conversations tomorrow, he had asked her to go back with the Madam. He grabbed Diego, the spurned Jamie and a few others to go up to the guard tower and talk and discuss the plan he and Charlie had outlined. The security chief was "engaged" but Steven and he were in agreement.

They had barely climbed up and were discussing how to cover all the key vulnerabilities of the prison perimeter, when their uninvited guests made their appearance. Diego drew his gun, but Steven called out, "at ease...unless they are a distraction and are hitting us elsewhere, this would be the clumsiest invasion ever."

Over the next few minutes, Steven became more confident he was right but you couldn't be too careful.. he sent one of the younger people to get Doc and he turned to him, but didn't have to ask, he clearly knew the younger girl. "Okay, I am sure it is safe, but Doc you are too important, go down and I will bring them and her in, Jamie come with me, Diego keep a gun on them just in case."

it was a rag tag crew, but Doc's step daughter, Ashley, and the apparent leader, Lanny, were gorgeous. "You know this is a former prison, right? Filled with ex convicts, and only ex because of the Red Flu." Steven turned to Ashley, "Your step father is a good man, critical here, but he is only one man, I want to make sure you know what you are getting into if you come inside?"

Jamie looked at Steven as if he was crazy, and reaching out, put his hand on Lanny's lower back. Madge was his target, but she might not be interested, meanwhile this Lanny....well, she was a compelling alternative, and she was right here. "Don't listen to him, he is an ex Navy seal, thinks every damn person is a potential enemy. Let's get you some food, we just finished a pig roast and there is plenty left over, now that doesn't sound like such a bad place does it?" Steven had to chuckle, no wonder Jamie had been able to get all that money from all those rich pricks! He stayed close to Ashley until he could turn her over to Doc and Charlie.
OOC: This is happening during the timeline in the thread Jules and Leigh. It is in-between Jules picking up items and talking with Charlie and him visiting with Leigh in her cell.

Jules walked out of the prison, his drug that he had obtained from his mattress, the only remaining item of his stash, stuck down his back pocket. There was much celebration being had in the courtyard with a full and proper roasted pig. Jules did not plan on keeping Leigh waiting, but next to everyone was there in the courtyard enjoying themselves.

After he had talked around a bit, made some connections, started to try and get his products back in order, he would be then visiting her. He had dumped his bag of chips in his cell along with the items that he had gotten for her.

The party itself, well, it was a fun old time, it was hard not to get caught up in the celebration despite everything they had gone through. Jules spoke selectively, but did indeed find out some important information. Namely a run was already being planned in a few days to get some drugs from close by hospitals.

Jules really wished he had gotten his supplies earlier as it would be a lot harder to trick Charlie into letting him come along on this resource run, but it was worth a shot. There was a good chance it wouldn't pan out, but Charlie did say she would see to it that he had stalk and stayed in business. He just hoped she was true to her word.

After having a bit of the pig for himself and laughing about some very badly told jokes, Jules was on his way to get his items from his cell and then visit with Leigh.
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Doc MacFarlane was sifting through stacks of medical records in the Infirmary when a young resident knocked at the door. Doc recognised the man but didn't yet know his name.

"Doc? Steven wants you now." The man paused. "Please. He's up on the watchtower."

Doc had never been up there. As he climbed the stairs and stepped out onto the platform, he saw Steven and Diego were armed. They looked ready for action. There were others there but he didn't register faces because their backs were to him. All attention seemed to be focussed on something happening at ground level.

"You wanted me, Steven?" Doc asked.

Doc looked down over the guard rail to where Steven pointed. In the glare of the searchlight, he saw a ragtag group of people huddled on the ground outside. It was an odd group: two older men, a pair of young girls and two children. They looked dusty and hungry.

"I don't get it," Doc said. "Are they sick? Why'd you want me?"

Steven explained that one claimed to know Doc. Doc looked again but he couldn't make out any faces. Steven pointed.

Doc concentrated. A pale face shone up at him. She had her hair up and her face was streaked with sweat and dirt but there was no mistaking the wide brown eyes and the full lips.

"Ashley!" Doc whispered but loud enough for Steven to hear. Steven had been watching Doc's face.

Steven nodded before replying. "Okay, I am sure it is safe, but Doc you are too important, go down and I will bring them and her in, Jamie come with me, Diego keep a gun on them just in case."

Doc resisted the urge to rush down. He held his place as Steven took Jamie with him and headed down the stairs. Diego stepped up next to Doc, rifle trained.

"This place is full of surprises, no jefe," Diego said. "Your daughter, no?"

Doc could only shake his head. Of all the people he had expected to see, Ashley was the last, save his wife Mindy, who had disappeared years ago. Of all the people Doc wanted to see, Ashley was the first.

His mind was awhirl with images of the last time he had seen his step-daughter. Her last visit had been over a year ago. She'd been as regular as clockwork uptil that point. Then, no more. He had tried calling but the number always went to voicemail. Then, other shit happened and he put her aside. Much as he assumed she had put him aside.

And why wouldn't she? he'd thought to himself after putting the receiver down after the last failed phone call. She's an heiress now to millions. She's young with her whole life ahead of her. Why would she want to spend any more of it with a step-father who was now a convict?

They'd been very close once. Ashley had come with Doc's wife, Mindy, a child from Mindy's previous relationship. Ashley had been a shy and awkward fourteen year old but once they were sharing the same roof, they began to get on. That Mindy was a raging control-freak helped. Both Doc and Ashley were victims of Mindy's constant emotional blackmail and financial manipulation. When Mindy was away running her multi-million dollar IT firm, Doc and Ashley found a solace and shared understanding in each other's company. Until Mindy disappeared. And everything went south.

He could feel his heart thumping in his chest. With an effort, he pushed that aside and answered Diego's question.

"Surprises, Diego? Yes. And yes, that's my girl."
After her fun on the desk with Steven, her review of Lou's economic details with Molly, and her walk through A-Wing's inventory, Charlie ended up out at the party with the others. It was something she'd never imagined seeing in Clark County Correctional: loud music, dancing bodies, male-female couples flirting or more, and a feast that was like nothing ever conceived of in such a place.

The radio she carried with her at almost all times crackled with a report from the Northeast Tower: "Incoming, incoming! Warden, someone's on the road, coming in, copy?"

Charlie first thought, of course, was that Walter Johnson's people had followed the Casino Team back to the prison. She noticed that others were already rushing for the gate and tower, alerted by the radio or word of mouth.

Looking about her at the oblivious party goers, Charlie feared a panic almost as much as an attack. Harvey -- also listening to his radio -- hurried up to her with the same thought: "Get the long guns, arm those people we trust with them."

As the CO hurried off for the Armory, grabbing a couple of Residents on his way, Charlie hurried for the gate. By the time she got there, though, the fear of an impending attack had already been averted: the gate was open, and Steven, Jamie, and others were escorting the half dozen strangers -- some of them children -- in through the prison's gates.

Charlie looked upwards to find a very concerned looking Doc peering down at the newcomers. A better study of the situation revealed that he was looking specifically at one of the strangers, a young woman who could very well have been about the age of Michael's step-daughter.

Charlie was aware of Ashley's existence, and aware that Doc had hoped she was still alive somewhere out in the world. But the odds that this woman was that woman were just astronomical, so it didn't even occur to her at the moment.

"Greetings," Charlie said as she approached the 6 newly arrived. "I'm Charlotte Higgins. I'm--" She hesitated before using the word Warden, instead continuing, "You can call me Charlie. Everyone does. I'm the leader of this place, and yes, it was a prison, but it is no more."

She could tell by the body language and glances of most of them that the tall and incredibly sexy woman out front was in charge. Charlie offered her hand, asking, "Are you the leader?"

Lanny hesitated, both before taking the offered hand and responding. "No, not really. Well, sort of. We need food and water and a place to rest. We've been on the road for quite a while."

Before Lanny even finished talking, Madge was right there, gesturing for the newcomers to follow her. "Hi, I'm Margaret ... Madge. Come, we'll find you a place rest and clean up, and we'll bring you food and water. Charlie, can we use one of the cabins?"

As Charlie was okaying the request and making inquiries of Lanny about where they'd been and through what they'd been, Madge caught the look that Jamie was giving the Beauty Queen who'd suddenly joined the community. Madge wasn't typically the jealous type, as usually it was she who women envied and even sometimes hated for her ability to get any guy. This was a new feeling for her, and suddenly she was regretting having avoided, ignored, and even shunned Jamie over the past handful of days.

Before Madge could get away with the group, though, one of them seemed to be looking all about for someone or something. Charlie was still in total disbelief that this young beauty could be anything other than a random stranger.

Still, she asked without hope of a positive answer, "Sweetie, you look like you're hoping to find someone you know. Do you have a relative here, an inmate or staff member?"

"My uncle," the girl said. "His name is Michael."

Charlie's face filled with shock, and she chuckled in amazement. "Michael MacFarlane?"

Ashley's face filled with hope as she asked with excitement, "You know him? You know who he is? Is he here? Is he still alive?"

Charlie was all smiles as she looked in the direction of the tower and found the rapidly approaching Doc. She only pointed Michael's direction.
Ashley Kingston -- previously a doll who was never seen without a fashionable wardrobe and her hair and makeup perfect -- was now visibly, physically, and emotionally a wreck. Her hair hadn't been combed through in a week, and she had smudges of dirt and even dried blood on her face and neck.

The long coat she wore to keep herself warm in the thin, sexy dress she'd been incidentally wearing at the beginning of her recent flight into the wilds of Clark County was ripped and torn and also covered in dust, mud, and blood.

She was exhausted, hungry, dehydrated, and on the verge of collapse when she looked through the crowd of mostly former inmates to see her step-father Michael coming her way. In an instant, she burst out in tears and sobs, holding her arms out for him as she struggled to remain on her feet, nearing him with great effort.


OOC: This reply is repeated as the first offering to the 1x1, "Doc and Ashley". Feel free to read along there to enjoy the interactions of Michael MacFarlane and his step-daughter, Ashley Kingston.
As the BBQ rages:

Although most of the others were already out at Steven's feast, Molly O'Flanagan was still rummaging through the treasure trove of wondrous things brought back by the Casino Field Trip Team.

Harvey had run everyone else out when he'd noticed some people hording stuff away for future sale, not personal use. Charlie had told him to let Molly have anything she wanted, though, so he'd used his key to lock the gate to A-Wing and told her before he left, "Close the door behind you. It'll lock until the Warden opened it again."

She thanked him and began looking through what remained of the women's wear. The Casino Team had cleaned out entire sections of some of the nicer clothing boutiques, and Molly now found herself looking at dresses that in a pre-Red Flu world she could never have afforded.

She found everything she needed: a tight fitting dress that showed off her curves, sexy lingerie of which -- unfortunately -- she had no one to show; high heels that were just a bit too big but would still work; cosmetics that highlighted her features without hiding her beloved freckles; and an elegant necklace of semi-precious stones to draw attention to the generous cleavage of her D-cup breasts.

Molly made her way back to Cabin #7, which she was sharing now with Betty and Madge. She looked for the signal that one of the women was entertaining, finding that the coast was clear. Betty was romantically involved with the Good Doctor as of last night, of course. Madge, however, hadn't found the right man yet, though Molly had noticed the man they called Wall Street trying to start a conversation with her on a number of occasions during the past few days.

It took her a good 40 minutes to get ready -- shower, hair, makeup, wardrobe -- and by the time she reached the feast, the place was all abuzz with the amazing news that Doc Michael's step-daughter had somehow found her way to Clark County Correctional.

As interesting as that was, Molly was on a mission and didn't have time for distractions. She'd heard that Chloe wasn't feeling well, backed up by the fact that Molly -- peeping a bit -- had seen the young woman walking about Cabin #6 in nothing more than a long tee shirt and socks.

That meant that Lou Edwards was without his squeeze. She wandered about the party, politely deflecting the abundance of attention she was getting from just about every male -- and even a trio of females -- until finally she found her target.

"Hi," Molly said with a bit of a shy smile and tone. She gave Lou a moment to admire her dress -- even turning in a slow circle to show off her mostly bared back and full, pear shaped ass -- then asked, "Did I choose well?


OOC: This interaction and -- if we do this right -- many more exciting ones to come continue in "A Love Triangle: Lou, Chloe, and Molly". The above post is repeated word for word in the first post of this 1x1 thread, so don't feel as though you need to reread it.
Lou had finally finished up everything to his own satisfaction. (no easy task in itself) He had everything ready to hand out each citizens stipend and set his, the communities bank in progress. He locked up and looked at his watch. He still had tome to go and enjoy the street festivities.

Chloe had chosen to stay at home tonight. Lou wondered if she wasn't feeling well, or if she had a particularly hard day at work. Her day job as one of Maria's whores. An occupation she had yet to reveal to Lou though he was already well aware of.

There was still. quite a crowd in the main area, though it seemed like many of the populace were making their way hastily to the front gate. Lou paint that no mind as he saw Molly approaching from the opposite end of the merriment.

"Hi," Molly, with a soft smile, said when she got close to him. giving a small thrill before asking , "Did I choose well?"

"WOW! Dressed to seduce?" Lou looked around and saw no one else she might be pursuing. "Your so hot my zipper is falling for you." Lou wanted to kick himself for using such a corny line on the workmate he was developing a crush on.

continued in SRP "A Love Triangle: Lou, Chloe, and Molly".
Steve & Jamie After The Visitors Arrival

It was nice to see the look on Doc's eyes as he met his step daughter, he thought of his reunion with Jessi, and part of him couldn't wonder if their relationship crossed any of the same lines he and Jessi were navigating. He was being stupid and he knew it, or sort of knew it. He had actually hoped to spend a minute with Doc himself, he swallowed, feeling light headed, not sure how much blood he had lost. Earlier in the day, at the Casino, he had been grazed by a bullet, closer inspection would reveal it was a bit more than a graze, nothing serious. He had grabbed some gauze pads, and tape from the casino gift store, and sprayed some benedictine on it.

Diego had asked, told him he should have it looked at, but he had survived much worse and at the time he didn't know they were safe. He had blocked it out, and just ignored it, but now he could feel the trickle of blood running down his arm. It was time to call it a night. Charlie was talking to Lanny and Madge, and Jamie was looking at Steven, then at them, and then at Steven. Steven had smiled, "Seriously both? Good luck, that takes a brave man, they look like wildcats!" Of course little did Stephen know it would only be a matter of time, before he entered the cage with his own pair of wildcats. To be continued in "Madge, Lanny and Jamie Makes Three".

Charlie turned away and Steven caught her eye, "Boss, do you mind, I'd like to call it a night, I think this party may go on a while and I'd like to check in on Jessi." By the time Steven got to his cabin, Jessi was the only one there. He had seen her eating with the Madam, they seemed to have hit it off, but Steven had been busy tending to the food. He was tired, It had been a helluva day. As he took off his coat, Jessi saw the blood soaked shoulder, Steven was starting to feel light headed. but he saw her concern, "It's okay, I promise, just go into the cabinet and get me that needle and thread, and the lighter please...oh and some of the alcohol in the cabinet." Steven raised his good arm and pointed.

Once Jessie brought it all over, Steven began trying to do his own stitches, the pain was a bitch, but he had done it before. But then he looked at Jessi, she was not scared at all, and he smiled at his hunter. "Do you think you can do this, I mean, I would really appreciate it..." That night he thought just might be their true first time, but that was not gonna happen...he knew that, even before he passed out in her lap...

OOC: This will be picked up later in Steven, Jessi and Charlie...
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Earlier in the day:

Jenny Ralston was waiting with the boat when -- from the direction of the Casino -- she heard the firefight begin. She scanned all around her for danger, and only after determining for certain that the gunfire was far off, she looked to the man on the dock and asked incredulously, "Well, aren't you going to go help them?"

"We don't know that they need help," he snapped back at her. "Besides, Walter told me to keep an eye on you."

"Oh, sure, while he's getting his ass shot off," she chided, "you're gonna wait here in safety and watch my ass."

She meant that figuratively and literally both. A couple of weeks earlier, a trio of men had found Jenny alone, hungry, desperate, and willing to do what was necessary to survive. Each of them had had her two or three or four times each before Walter Johnson and his little Militia came across the group, killing the three men and taking Jenny into their care.

Since then, only Walter had been putting his cock inside Jenny, but the rest of his crew had spent more than their share of time ogling her tight little ass. There wasn't a one of them that wouldn't have ripped her clothes off and raped her repeatedly if only they hadn't been deathly afraid of the former Corrections Officer.

She and her watcher listened to the continuing firefight for a couple of very long minutes, with her repeatedly urging him to go mix it up. Jenny's fear, of course, was that if Walter was killed in a gun battle, she'd end up back where she'd begun this latest adventure, parting her thighs for who knows whom.

Eventually, the gunfire ended, and some ten minutes later the first of the survivors of Walter's Militia began appearing over the river levy, coming toward the dock; two of them were injured, with one of them being supported by the arm of his brother. Jenny realized quickly that her savior was not amongst the men returning, and her stomach turned over with dread.

The man watching over Jenny -- also seeing the others returning -- untied the rope keeping the boat tied to the dock. Without hesitation, she fired up the boat and kicked the motor into reverse. The surprised watcher did just as she'd hoped, setting his feet on the old wooden dock and pulling tight on the rope. The powerful motors easily pulled him forward, right into the waters of the wide river.

Jenny rammed the throttle forward and swung the boat to port, shooting away with rapid acceleration. Looking back behind her, she saw the man at the end of the rope thrashing through the water, desperately trying to hold on, only to finally be forced to release his grip. Up on shore, the surprised survivors -- already knowing that their leader was no longer with them -- opened fire on the quick moving boat without positive result.

Ten minutes later, Jenny was pulling the boat up into an old abandoned, covered river dock hidden 50 yards back in a slough surrounded by thick foliage. After tying up, she pulled down the camouflage drapes surrounding the dock, then sat down to sob in a mix of joy and fear.

What the fuck? she thought. She was alone again, had virtually no food or water, and hadn't the slightest idea what she should do next.

What she didn't know was that just 6 miles to the north, up a gravel road leading away from the river, was a place called Clark County Correctional. Coincidentally, it was where her former savior and lover Walter Johnson would be in a short time; it was where the former CO and wannabe Warden was about to go on trial for his pre- and post-Red Flu crimes against the inmates who now ran the place.
Day 7:

First thing Charlie did when she emerged from her quarters was to tell Lou that the disbursement of chips was to be delayed until the next day. "I want more time to better figure out how we're gonna do all this payday and benefits and overtime stuff before we start dishing out money."

She wasn't sure whether or not Lou was disappointed -- he'd put in a lot of work over the last few days -- but she reassured him that they'd have it all up and running the next day. Before she left, she asked with a smile, "So ... how's the sex life? Happy with Chloe still?"

She didn't wait for an answer, though, unsure of whether he would give her a simple Yes, it's still good, thank you or whether he would try to explain the rumors already circulating that he'd spend the night with Chloe and Molly O'Flanagan. As she made her way out of the Administration building, Charlie wondered to herself, How the fuck did that little nerdy paper pusher land two of the sexiest women I've ever met?

She made her way to Dining Hall where breakfast was about to be served. Charlie wasn't surprised to see only half of the Residents present, the rest of them likely still in bed and about to suffer massive hangovers. Charlie shouldn't have allowed so much of the scavenged alcohol to be served up, but then, she might have had quite a fight trying to prevent it.

She snagged some carry food and headed for the infirmary, expecting to find both Doc MacFarlane and Nurse Betty working on the continuing prison-wide medical checks and records updates, only to find the space empty and silent. Hangovers? Or ... something a bit more personal? Everyone knew that the pair had spend the night before the Casino Field Trip together: it was a small community.

Charlie's next stop was Maria's. The Madam had wanted reassurances that her girls were going to be paid for their services, with chips; there had been rumors that the Basic Benefits Package each Resident would get for a minimum work day would include access to the whores, but Charlie reassured her that that wasn't true.

By now, those workers who'd recuperated enough to actually get to work had begun moving about to their stations. Charlie found Leigh on the farm, surprisingly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Leigh and Jules had been spending some time around each other, and what with his private business -- illicit drug sales -- Charlie was concerned that perhaps the Farm Manager might be on a slippery slope toward addiction.

But the truth was far different. Leigh was naturally energetic as she worked with a half dozen others -- including some of the Newcomers -- to make a plan for the planting, which was scheduled to begin on a major scale in just a couple of days.

Charlie tried her best to connect with each and every Resident today, just as she had each of the last handful of days. She wasn't done with her rounds until lunch. She'd been peppered with questions about the Casino chips at every turn, so she decided to bump up the delay of the announcement.

She got onto the intercom and announced, "After the lunch meal today, the Steering Committee will be making its presentation on the future of the New Society. As we are still looking for input from all residents, I hope each and everyone of you will attend."

Then, fearing that some might, Charlie added, "The first of the disbursements of the New Society's currency will be made at this meeting. You snooze ... you lose."
Lunch meal time:

Charlie wasn't at all surprised to see each and every Resident in the Dining Hall at noon. Some still didn't understand the whole New Society Currency and Banking thing, but they knew that it was important.

"Let's start with what's obvious," Charlie began. "There's work to be done if we want to survive and possibly even thrive here, and there's no one else but us to get it done."

She spoke for a bit more than 30 minutes about the multitude of tasks before them. Most of them had been done in whole or in part by the inmates prior to the Red Flu, but some of them had been the job of Staff or Contract Workers, such as maintenance of the power systems.

"Are we getting paid to do this work?" someone called out.

"No," Charlie answered bluntly, quickly adding, "and yes."

She explained how each Resident would need to put in a minimum number of hours or Three-C would simply collapse. "We won't have food come autumn and winter, we won't have power once the diesels run out of food, we won't be able to defend ourselves with weapons."

"What? What's that mean?"

Charlie talked about how the Veterans were going to train teams to venture out into the world to look for resources, which included weapons. "Just because most of the Jarheads and Dog Faces died, that doesn't mean that their guns just vanished. We all saw what happened at the Casino, and that was just us fighting against a dozen or so men with your grand-pappy's hunting rifles. Imagine if we get a visit from an organized militia of true, trained warriors."

"What's happening with Walter Johnson?" someone asked.

Charlie hesitated before answering. She knew that most of the people here despised the former CO as much as she did, but she also knew that there were at least a handful of people here -- mostly but not exclusively men -- who had been friendly with Walter. He had provided them with cigarettes, drugs, prepaid cell phones, and even the sexual services of other inmates, and they had provided him services, such as intelligence gathering and shivving of inmates for whom he didn't care.

"Walter Johnson will face trial in the very near future," she told them vaguely, "and you, the former inmates of Clark County Correctional, will serve as his jury."

There was a round of loud discussion about this topic, and once she settled them all down again, Charlie went on about work, pay, and benefits. She explained that anyone who put in the work got room and board for free, as well as medical care.

"So, what are the chips for?"

"Everything else," Charlie said, again being vague but not intentionally. "The Salvage Teams going risking their lives to bring resources back to Three-C will be paid for their service. Nearly everything they bring back will go to A-Wing to become part of the inventory, and that inventory -- less the food, water, etc., that we all need -- will be for sale."

"And if we don't want to go out there to get our heads blown off," someone chimed in, "like Louisa and Owen and Kenneth ... how do we earn money?"

"Duh," Charlie said, laughing, "work harder here. At this point in time, you are only mandated to work 4 hours a day. That might change to 6 if we aren't getting the basics done. After that, though, you'll be paid Chips for your labor. Think of it as overtime pay."

One of the women who wouldn't be earning her living on her back pointed to Huong, Marla, and Rosita, all three of whom had already begun their new careers as Brothel "Ladies". She said with a critical tone, "And what about them? Are they gonna work, too."

A nasty exchange began between the whores and the non-whores, as well as others. Charlie silenced it eventually, explaining, "The Ladies will all be working day time jobs, too. What they do out in the cabins is beyond their minimum hours in the kitchen, on the farm, cleaning the buildings."

The conversation went on for almost two hours before Charlie finally looked to Lou with her Pay'em now gesture. "Our banker is going to disburse $50 in chips to each of you right now. Another $50 will be disbursed to you every week for the next 4 weeks. After that, after Lou has had a chance to analyze how chips are being spent and all that other economic shit that I don't fully understand, we will decide whether to increase the weekly disbursement, decrease it, or discontinue it all together."

"Why would you discontinue it?" someone asked with an angry tone.

"If the work that needs to be done to make this place succeed isn't being done 'cause ya'll are just sitting around waiting for chips to buy booze and pussy..."

Charlie didn't need to finish: they knew what she meant.

Lou disbursed the chips as Charlie watched over the scene. She noticed the excitement in the faces of the whores, some of whom had already made plans to entertain. When they were finished, Charlie announced over the low rumble filling the Dining Hall, "The bar is open!"

Over the last couple of days, one of the unused rooms that had an outside door to a concrete slab had been redecorated into a bar with a seating patio. The remainder of the salvaged booze had been taken there, as well as many of the snack foods, and with another door leading to a hall that led to the kitchen, additional food items were being cooked, in particular some of the more tastier meat items that Charlie had been holding back from the regular meals.

Charlie had two distinct goals for the bar: to give the Residents a slice of beyond-the-bars life they'd been missing for years; and to recoup some of the chips that would be paid out each week, thus replenishing the bank.
Lou heard the rumors that Walter Johnson had been captured alive by the search party and brought back to the facility as a prisoner. Of course he was mid-Chloe when they returned and so he didn’t know, as yet, that the man was going to be held for trial.

Lou thought about going to visit Walter if Charlie would allow it. Being one of only a handful of the inmates that did not despise the ground that Walter Johnson walked on. In fact, he would even go so far as to call the man a pesudo friend.

He had purchased things in the outside world for Watler. Things he could not get on his own. Including illegal automatic fire arms. Some of the kind that could brake through a 6” cement wall. Lou had, and kept, his connections in all walks of life.

In exchange, Walter provided Lou with a little extra security, access to a computer and the internet, and other niceities from time to time. They grew to have a mutual respect for each other.

Walter’s wife had cheated on him as well, so he didn’t think Lou Edwards crime of passion deserved to get him in this maximum security prison. As far as it was known, Walter had not murdered his wife. She did suspicially disappear less than 6 months after their divorce had become final. But with no body and no one to look deeper into the matter it faded fast.

Lou, of course was not aware of the liberties that the former corrections officer had taken with the prisoners he didn’t like or the ones that had pussies for his own fun and games.

He did know the man was not widely appreciated by the prison populace. He had heard some rumors and grummblings but he just wrote that off to ‘the man in charge’ bullshit.

Lou did wonder if Walter would have half a chance at a fair trial given those circumstances and he would talk to Charlie about just that. He thought about volunteering to defend the man, but what he knew of criminal law couldn’t fill a thimbol.


Lou sat at his ready made tellers desk in the mess hall as Charlie explained this and that of how things were going to move forward in the future, how the weekly stipends would be given to get the economy online and what could be expected in the future.

Every once and a while she would divert a question to him when she was unsure of how a particular would be happening. Q: “How will work be tracked?” A: “Supervisors will be assigned to each general area and will sign off on each residents 4 hour shift and then keep track of any extra hours which would earn income.”(chips)

Q: “Will there be any type of tax on the income and what about a retirement plan?” A: “There is no planned tax at this time or any time in the near future. As for retirement I don’t think any of us are that close to 65 that we need worry about that any time soon.”

Q: Who will set the prices for the goods from A-Wing?” A: Ms. Higgins… (this drew a round of chuckles and cat calls, his formal use of Charlie’s name. He was probably the only one that refered to her in this manner.) “….Ms. Higgins” he reiterated. “Has asked my team to set reseanable and afordable prices to each item. Of course the harder an item proves to get in the future would dictate it’s rising or lowering in the price.to get it.”

At this time his ‘team’ consisted of just himself and Molly. He thought they would eventually need to bring in a third party to help run the A-Wing store.

Two hours later when all that was thought of had been asked and answered Charlie announced that the bank was in business and the full crowd scurried to get in line for their $50.00 beginning stipend.

Lou at one chair and Molly next to him in another proceeded to hand a stack of chips to each person, making sure to have them sign their personal ledger.

Everyone ,Charlie included more as a good will sign than anything else, received 1 $20. chip 1 $10. chip 2 $5. chips and 10 $1. chips.

At least half of them headed directly to the bar where drinks were two for a dollar. Or one double. Lou shook his head at the instabilty of this new world ecomomy.
Ms. Higgins, as Lou liked to call Charlie, couldn't help but smile as so many of the Residents headed straight for the bar. It's wasn't even 3pm; it wasn't yet even Happy Hour, at least by pre-Red Flu, outside world traditions.

And yet, long before the sun set over the Western forest, nearly half of what had been paid out was already back in the Bank's hands, via the cash box of D-Block, the name that had been given to the bar by the former inmate Charlie had charged with running it.

Another big chunk of change made it into the hands of Maria's girls, while Molly filled yet another cash box at Frills, the A-Wing inventory of scavenged goods that Charlie had had locked up for sale, as opposed to being up for grabs.

"I think this is going to work out just fine," she told Lou near dark. She knew he had fears about the New Society economy, as it looked less like the pre-Red Flu, American marketplace than a 1980s Russian grocery store, which often had far more empty shelves than full ones. "Relax. After we make some more scavenging runs, this place'll look and run as efficient as a suburban mall."
(Warning -- read the link description before you open it, duh. :D)

Paula Wilson lifted her body up and down on athletic legs to pull her lover's cock from her pussy, then drive it deep within her again, repeated the move over and over and over until finally she cried out at the explosion of ecstasy through her body.

The 24 year old collapsed back onto the man's torso, unable to hold herself aloft any longer. Her chest heaved, and her heart pounded. She loved sex; she loved big cocks; she loved the climaxes they caused her. She didn't often care much about whose cock was inside her, so long as they knew how to use it.

Her lover wasn't through with her, though, and rolling her to her front, he pounded her from behind until he, too, had achieved satisfaction. Paula, for her part, pretty much just laid there as he finished himself off, putting no further energy into the effort; she was entirely apathetic to whether or not he got to empty his balls.

Once the euphoria had faded and both of their bodies had returned to somewhat of a normal state regarding breathing, heart beat, and joy, Paula went to the home's bathroom to douch the man's jizz out from inside of her with a spermicidal solution. She loved sex, but she had no interest whatsoever in dealing the after effects of it, namely a child.

Still naked, she strode back out into the bedroom to inspect the offering that had been made by the man for a roll in the sack: 8 cans of food, 4 variously sized bottles of water, a one-use plastic grocery bag of assorted feminine hygiene products and body cleansers, and a small bottle of Rum, half of which the two of them had already consumed prior to their tryst.

"This was all very generous of you," she told him as she wandered toward the bed.

"Fuck, you were worth it," he told her, a big smile on his face. Just looking at her standing there naked before him made his cock twitch and threaten to harden again. "It's been a long time since someone got me off three times in one outing."

"Well, you did the same for me, cowboy," she said, smiling back to him, "thank you back."

Paula leaned down to share an erotic kiss with him before pulling back, looking him in the eye for a moment, then saying, "It ... well, it almost makes me feel sorry for this."

Confused, he asked, "Sorry for what?"

In an instant, Paula pulled a hunting knife from under the pillow and sunk it to its hilt in the man's chest, just south of his left clavicle. She jerked it out just as quickly, then sunk it again, same side, between his fourth and fifth ribs. The first injury had severed his aorta nearly in two, while the second one caught him in the left ventricle.

She stepped back, taking the blade with her. Blood spurted all about the bed and even beyond it onto the floor, with one squirt splashing the wall. She looked down to her naked body, finding blood slowly dripping down her front side: a thick drop of red clung to her right nipple, and a spray of the warm liquid on her belly was running downward into her well cared for patch of kinky pubic curls.

Paula looked back to the man, finding him silent and still after having been crying out and thrashing while the life literally drained out of him. Then, after returning to the bathroom to clean up in a shower that was still functional thanks to the solar panels that powered the well's pump and hot water heater, she cleaned the man from her outside this time, dressed, packed up her offering, and headed out of the suburban home that was one of many that The New American Brotherhood had moved into while they built their militia and their movement.

She hesitated at the backyard's gate, looking for signs of anyone who might see her escaping. The NAB was little more than an White American version of the Taliban, in Paula's opinion, and while she'd been more than happy to fake joining them as a mere, pussy-equipped servant to the master gender, she'd never intended to remain with them past her first opportunity to split.

She slipped out into the alley and hurried away, disappearing into the night...


Four days later, she was standing in the middle of the now debris-littered main entry road to her former place of residence. Paula had hoped never to return here again, but it hadn't taken long for her to realize that the world beyond the fence was more dangerous and less tolerable than the one inside of it.

(OOC: I have no specific direction for her. If you have ideas, shoot them to me in PM.)
Day 10 (Late April):

Four days had passed since the Casino Field Trip.

Louisa and Kenneth had been laid to rest in a little plot Leigh had suggested at the edge of the farm near a small grove of Oaks. A bench had been placed to honor Owen, whose body hadn't been recovered.

The amount of work being put in had jumped as well once many of the Residents realized what an excess of expendable income would get them, namely but not only booze, pussy, and comforts for their cells and cabins. Lou had reported that the median workday had jumped from the minimum of 4 to 6.5 hours.

Charlie suspected that once D-Wing and Frills had more to offer, even more work would be done. Of course, supplying the tavern and the A-Wing marketplace meant more trips out into the world.

And that was where they were today. Breakfast for those going on the second scavenger hunt had been served at 4am, enabling the team to be packed and ready to go by sunup. Charlie wanted to get to and pillage Harrisville and then get back before sundown. The town with a pre-Red Flu population of just over 3,000 wasn't going to offer much, but Charlie wanted to start out with something close to home in case they ran into trouble, as they had at the casino.

A recent arrival to the New Society, Paula Wilson (P), had provided some intelligence on the town. Paula had been a lifer at Clark County Correctional, sentenced to live out her remaining days in solitary for two murders and a new fatal beat down. She'd left Three-C when Charlie took over, only to then learn that she was far safer behind bars.

She had told Charlie that the militia that had taken her hostage as, essentially, a sex slave, the New American Brotherhood, had passed through the town a week back. They had taken fuel from the stations and vehicles and had pretty much cleaned out the grocery stores, but they hadn't hit the homes themselves and had been interrupted from pillaging the pharmacy after another armed group attacked them, ironically the militia run by Walter Johnson.

"Head it out!" Charlie called on the radio as she headed for the lead vehicle. A hand caught her arm, and she turned to find Yolanda Vance (P) pulling her close for a quiet word. "What's up, Lanny? You decided to come with us?"

The former CNN reported her decided she wanted to write a memoir of her post-Red Flu days, including her time here at the prison. "Yeah, I think I need to go."

"Well, find a seat," Charlie told her, glancing around. "Doc's got an extra in the ONe-Ton, and Jules and Atlas--"

"Can I ride with Jamie?" Lanny cut in, her tone a bit too eager to avoid a questioning glance from Charlie. She blushed, explaining, "I just want to ask him more questions about his crimes, sentence, incarceration, etcetera."

"Sure, you do that," Charlie said, smiling knowingly. "Besides, I just remembered Betty's riding with Doc, so there might not be any room."
Lou couldn't believe just how well the new monetary system was working out. The residents were now averaging 2 1/2 hours a day of paid work. This allowed the farming, cooking and cleaning operations to run at an acceptable pace to keep up with the present population.

Sure there were a couple of the populace that choose to work the minimum, or even less when they could get away with it. There were also those that were putting in 10 hour days and saving up for..... Lou didn't know exactly what.

The slackers were going to be a problem and he would tell Charlie that needed to be addressed soon to avoid a 'class' system occurring. The two problem inmates were spending most of their time and money at the bar. Being drunk and somewhat obnoxious to the others that were working harder.

Lou of course gave his daily reports to Charlie on what was selling best, which items were not as successful, what they were in deep need of, and what items that they did not have but had been requested for purchase.

Lou had heard that Paula Wilson had returned to the prison. He did not know her personally. She had been in solitary and off limits to even him and his procurement business. What he did know about her was that she was very 'NO NONSENSE' in her dealings with others and Lou thought she would be perfect to work at frills. He also thought seeing and interacting with the well toned and good looking girl would help to stimulate his days.

Lou didn't realize that if he were to get involved there would be dire consequences not only with his two existing relationships. If they could indeed be called that. But with the rest of the men that still did not hold Lou Edwards in very high esteem.

Lou caught up to Charlie just as she was talking with Lanny and finding her a seat in the convoy. "Ms. Higgens, Here is an update to the...umm shopping list." Lou had added a couple of items. Jules Barker, the community pill poppers source of supply had asked for Adderall, or similar prescription drugs to be searched for in the houses.

Of course Maria Roberts had added an array of toys, outfits and other implement's of kinky type sex apparatus to give her girls more of a Varity. Steven the cook and Doc McFarlane were pretty good at getting their lists in and time and complete so their were no add on's there.

"Ms Higgens if possible and you find time....I was wondering if you could?" Lou stumbled a bit then handed her a separate list. "If you might find me some gifts for my two.... For Chloe and for Molly?"

Time was running fast and Charlie called for the caravan to pull out. Taking the folded paper from Lou with just a glint of annoyance on her face. She would look at it during the drive to Harrisville.

Chloe: 1. Crotchless panties. 2. Spy cam video recording device. 3. Dominatrix attire and toys.

Molly: 1. A nice low cut dress or blouse. 2. Chocolates and flowers. 3. Necklace or other forms of jewelry.
Doc MacFarlane cranked the One-Ton to life and let the engine tick over. It was the second time he'd driven the pickup truck and he was getting quite attached to it. Perhaps it was the novelty of driving again, coupled with the complete absence of traffic and speed limits. And police. On their first outing to the casino, they'd driven hard and fast.

Michael had driven pick-ups and lorries when working in Eritrea. That had not been a pleasant experience. While he was working as a doctor, before his conviction, he'd been driving a smoke black Mercedes AMG GT Roadster, a ridiculous car that had been Mindy's first anniversary present to him. He'd hated it at first sight.

"I love it, babe," he'd said to Mindy. It didn't pay to not like anything Mindy gave you. "It's just great." Never mind that I look like a fucking drug dealer, he didn't say. Though, as things turned out, a drug dealer was what he had ended up as. The irony of it was not lost on him.

By comparison, the One-Ton had a certain "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" attitude to it that he liked. The Ford Ranger Wildtrak was quick and powerful. It had been built to a ridiculously high spec, no doubt too much money left sitting in the budget at the end of the financial year. Money that would get taken away if not used. The Ranger had four wheel drive, a 3.2L engine, alloys, tinted glass and a tow hook. Inside, it was all leather and touchscreen. With Bluetooth. He laughed at that. Bluetooth. As if he'd be playing Miley Cyrus on the run.

He scrolled throough the wavebands as he waited for Betty. Nothing but static. Clearly the world had changed. He saw the guy called Lou hand something to Charlie. Then Charlie got into her vehicle.

"Head it out!" came Charlie's voice over the radio.

Shit. Where was Betty?

He'd just raised his handset to let Charlie know when the passenger door opened and Betty leapt in.

"So glad to see you," Michael said, giving her a grin. "Thought you'd changed your mind."
The train of 6 vehicles rolled down the hill away from the prison, heading out on the Ass, Gas, or Grass, No One Rides For Free mission.

Charlie hadn't been familiar with the 1960s bumper sticker about hitchhikers and the car owners picking them up, but the reason for the name selection made sense. Three of the things they were going out to find were: sexually related objects for the Brothel Girls and other sexually active Residents, including prophylactics and other birth control (aka Ass); propane gas for the kitchen and emergency generators as it wouldn't degrade over time like gasoline or diesel (aka Gas); and prescription drugs to restock the Infirmary, as well illicit ones to feed the recreational needs of some of the inmates (aka Grass).

The lineup of Residents this time around included Archie and Doris, something questioned by the people Charlie now referred to as her Senior Staff.

Archie was important as the New Society's resident expert in the solar power system. But he'd been drinking heavily, brawling, and skipping out on the required 4 hours of labor.

Doris's issues were the same in some ways, different in others. She was skipping out on the required hours of labor; she'd chosen to cook, clean, and sometimes work on the farm. Worse than that, though, Jules -- the resident drug dealer -- had quietly reported to Charlie that Doris was his biggest patron as of late, becoming what he'd called a true addict.

Charlie had invited them individually to participate in the Ass, Gas, or Grass mission if they wanted to remain at Three-C. They'd reluctantly agreed and only because Charlie had suggested that if they didn't go, their futures here were questionable.

In truth, their futures at Three-C had likely come to an end: Charlie was contemplating ways to simply abandon them out in the world on this mission. She hadn't discussed it with her Staff, though, and she feared that some of them might privately or even publicly disagree.

With Caroline Callahan beside her at the wheel of the lead vehicle, Charlie opened the folded piece of paper Lou had given her, read, and laughed. The former US Army MP asked, "What's that? What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's Lou's Amazon shopping list for his girls," Charlie said, laughing as she corrected, "Or Victoria's Secret dot com maybe. That guy. I'm beginning to think I'm missing something."

They discussed the Bookkeeper's magical abilities when it came to women, then moved onto the topic of Jamie, Lanny, and Madge, who were the source of even more sexually charged rumors. Jamie was known to have originally hit on Madge, only to be shot down. Then he hit on Lanny, only to be shot down.

Then -- the most tantalizing of tales -- supposedly Madge and Lanny were caught found in a cell block shower naked, engaged, and pleasuring one another. Charlie doubted that last one, but still, most gossip began with a kernel of truth.

(OOC: For more on this, you can jump to Day 7 in the 1x1x1 for Jamie, Madge, and Lanny, found here.

Charlie looked back over her shoulder at the first of the two One-Tons. She could see Doc behind the wheel, and to her surprise, Betty was sitting in the driver's seat...


The nurse hoped up into the big, beautiful vehicle and pulled the heavy door behind her. She smiled to Michael as he -- also smiling -- said, "So glad to see you. Thought you'd changed your mind."

"Well, you might run into trouble like you did last time," she said, referring to the Casino Field Trip. She lifted the second of two Medics Bag they'd equipped days earlier for such missions, saying, "You could always use a nurse."

The convoy headed away, and after glancing over at Michael several times with a flirty smile, Betty unlatched the seat belt she'd only just put in place, lifted the center console up and away -- opening the third front seat passenger space between them -- and laid down across the seat with her back to the dash and her upper body in the man's lap.

"Watch the road," she told him when he showed shock at what he knew was coming. She unbuckled his seat beat and his clothing's belt, opened the front of his pants, and pulled his already hardening cock out through the fly of his boxer-briefs. Before she began casually licking and sucking at it, she reminded again, "Watch the road."


Behind Doc's vehicle, Lanny was sitting quietly in the passenger seat, looking straight ahead and not at all Jamie's direction. She'd gotten into the rig he was driving at the last minute, too, something most of the others had noted and about which they'd likely smirked, knowingly.

The two of them knew that today they would become lovers: Lanny had made that pretty clear to him during their conversation last night. She couldn't resist him any longer. She didn't want to resist him any longer. But Lanny didn't want the other Residents seeing him sneaking out of her cabin in the wees hours of the morning or her emerging from his cell in the Block.

If it was going to happen, it was going to happen out here, in the world.


Madge had intentionally maintained some distance between herself and the preparing mission convoy. She knew exactly what Lanny and Jamie knew, that the latter would finally get to wet his cock inside the hole of the woman he'd begun chasing after Madge herself had turned him down.

She chastised herself again for her mistake, and mistake it most certainly had been. Oh, sure, those first days she'd seen Jamie as nothing more than a wolf in prison-issue sheep's wool. She'd had no interest in getting naked with a man like that: a criminal.

But since then, she'd learned that he was very much a reformed man, a major player in the New Society's goals of surviving and thriving both. Oh, there were other cocks in Three-C that wanted to make visits to her warm, wet pussy. But it wasn't just about sex. It went beyond that.

Still, Madge was starting to feel the pressure building up inside of her from having gone so long without gettin' any. She'd lost Jamie to Lanny, and there was no one else here who she fancied. She had an idea, though, but it would take Madam Maria's assistance.

As the convoy headed out, she returned to her duties -- she was helping in the kitchen as she'd always enjoyed cooking -- and later she would go see the brothel's manager about sating her needs in a very interesting manner.


Leigh found Lou in his office and without knocking or asking for a sit down, she simply did, sit down. She told him bluntly, "I need more workers on the farm, so, you're gonna have to start shilling out ... or is it shelling out, I don't know ... anyway, you're gonna have to start paying more."

(OOC: This conversation continues here, in a 1x1 called "Green Acres: Lou and Leigh".
"Fuck me!" gasped Michael. It was a phrase he hadn't used in years, one embedded deep in his brain from his Scottish childhood, now summoned by what was happening to him in the cab of the Ford. Betty really couldn't fuck him but she was doing the next best thing.

He took his eyes away from the vehicle in front, glanced down for an instant, long enough to take in the sight of her parted lips sliding down the underside of his cock, one hand clamped around its root, the other sliding into his boxers and cupping his balls.

"Watch the road," she said, before angling his cock towards her mouth. She pouted, pressed his throbbing head to her lips and sucked him in.

He groaned and dragged his eyes back to the windscreen. He found the toggle on the steering wheel column stalk and slid it one stop.

Thank fuck for cruise control, he thought. And tinted glass.
Lou would indeed schedule and have a meeting with Charlie regarding her interaction with Leigh Evans as soon as possible when Search party #2 returned. The balance of the populace referred the trip as the Ass, Gas, or Grass Mission. Lou being as studious and rigid as he was in his ways wanted to keep them numbered and organized.

(OOC this meeting with Leigh can be found in the SRP room under Green Acres.)

Lou was afraid that if they were to give the farm workers a raise that it might cause decent and even a possible riot with those not part of that crew. "Ms. Higgins, I do agree with Leigh that they need to ramp up operations. I don't think we should offer them a higher pay rate. We could offer them extended hours."

Of course he did not, nor would he let on to Charlie the indecent proposals that Leigh had offered him to circumvent their leader. "Or we could raise their pay rate and offer farm hours to everyone else at the same scale. They would need to finish their assigned duties and then be eligible to work the farms."

Lou was hoping to find an amicable way to placate Leigh and the farmers without going behind Charlie's back. He was also aware, and a bit terrified, that Leigh might just hold the power to make him do otherwise if she did discern his interest when she had mentioned ropes and spankings.

"They are looking for more farm supplies and livestock as well. I thing we might need to make those a priority of Mission #3." Lou awaited her answer tossing in what he hoped would be considered funny. "I think we could all do with a nice steak dinner."
On the outskirts of Harrisville:

The road from Three-C to the nearest town Charlie thought would be a good target for scavenging had been pretty much clear of abandoned vehicles and such. It hadn't been like the scenes from so many post-apocalyptic movies, where vehicles littered the sides of the road and massive traffic jams filled one side of a freeway, always away from a metropolis, of course.

No, the Red Flu had been a slow killer of society, not a nuke or hurricane or terrorist attack. Charlie signaled Caroline to slow and then stop the vehicle and, thus, the convoy as they emerged from forested curve and saw the small town ahead.

"We're gonna go ahead," she said into the radio. "Wait here."

"One of the others can go first?" the other woman asked, a smirk on her lips. Seeing Charlie's even wider smirk, Caroline accelerated forward, murmuring, "And I had to ask to drive you, didn't I?"

They covered the half mile to the first buildings without trouble from IEDs, spike strips, blockades, or snipers. It seemed as though Jenny Ralston had been correct: she and Walter Johnson's group had passed through her to fill their vehicles with goods, finding no one left alive.

The hope now was that what Walter's group had left behind was still here. Caroline cruised the SUV into town, never coming to a full stop but slowly before intersections opened them to the view of new buildings where snipers might be hiding.

They passed bodies on the ground that had obviously died from gunshots, not the Red Flu, but they all had signs of having been there for quite a while. At one point, near a green space named Central Park, they slowed to a stop after passing between parked vehicles and finding a body on the road in front of them.

Then, from between the cars with lightning speed, a half dozen armed men and women were all about the SUV, guns leveled at both female occupants. The body on the street -- which had seemed to be weeks old, rolled and produced a large assault rifle that had previously been hidden.

"Turn it off! Now!" the woman behind the sights screamed, pointing the big gun right at Caroline. She repeated menacingly, "Now!"

On both sides of them, the doors were being pulled at, though -- because they'd locked immediately upon starting the SUV forward -- they didn't open. Charlie looked at the many firearms aimed at her and her driver and knew there was no hope for escape.

"Turn it off," she told Caroline quietly, barely audible over the continuing shouts from all around them. "Turn it off, hands up slow."

Seconds later, after unlocking the vehicle, the two of them were face down on a nearby sidewalk. Someone found the radio on Charlie's hip, held it up for the dead body to see, and said knowingly, "They aren't alone."

"Alpha, Alpha, whaddaya see?" she said into her own radio.

A moment later, the watch station reported, "Nothing, Boss. There's no one else out here."

Charlie realized that she'd stopped the convoy far enough back that the prison vehicles were in the forest shade falling on the road. She said, "We're alone. There's no one else--"

"Shut up!" one of the gunmen said, kicking her.

Charlie's side exploded in pain, and after she worked through it, she lied, "I carry that in hopes of finding people like you--"

"I said shut it!" that same individual said again, kicking her in the side once again.

Caroline, ever protective of Charlie, looked up and said, "Bring that over to me, and you'll lose that fucking foot."

The man started her way, but the dead body with the radio told him to settle down. She asked Charlie what they were doing here, to which Charlie explained that they were looking for resources: food, water, medicines.

"Where'd you come from?" the leader asked.

Charlie wasn't prepared to answer that question and instead lied, "We were hiding in a farm house, out by the casino."

"You're driving a prison vehicle," the very astute woman pointed out.

"We found it," Charlie lied. "Our truck died. Someone shot a hole through the radiator."

"At the casino?"

When Charlie said yes, the woman asked about the people there, people Charlie knew to be Walter Johnson's group. Charlie asked, "Did you have troubles with them?"

"One of them killed my sister," the woman said. "Big guy. Wore a prison guard uniform. That's why I'm thinking that maybe you're lying and that you're with him--"

The man who'd been kicking them said sharply, "And that we should just kill you now. Rubyanne was her sister, but she was my wife!"

Charlie was quick, fearing that this might be the end. She told the woman standing over her, "His name is Walter Johnson. He was a CO -- a Corrections Officer -- at Clark County Correctional..."

She smiled, knowing that this would interest the woman and man both. "And I have him locked up in a cell at the prison ... which I now control."

There was obvious doubt through the crowd of gun toting people, which had expanded to more than a dozen by now. Charlie said, "Let me have my radio. I can prove it."

The woman was hesitant, but she let Charlie sit up and handed her the radio. She said into it, "Harvey, Harvey, come in. Are you in range. Harvey, come in."

She didn't know if they were in range of the prison, as some of the repeater towers had lost power of late. But a moment, a female voice sounded: "This is Madge, what's up? Have you reached Harrisville?"

"How's your prosecution of Walter Johnson going?" Charlie asked.

The former ADA came back with confusion in her voice. "I thought you said you were going to make me defend that bastard. Did you change your mind? I mean, seriously, I don't want to be sitting next to that prick at the defense table, fuck me."

"The counts up to 300," Charlie said to the woman, not explaining before saying into the radio, "Madge, how many charges are we up to so far."

"300, but like I said, we don't have witnesses to the majority of them, so, I can maybe -- I mean, you can make maybe 20 or 30 of them stick."

"Thanks, Madge, over and out," Charlie said. She looked to the woman, saying, "We're putting him on trial, and he's likely going to be executed. And you can be there to see it."

The woman stared at Charlie for the longest time, then just nodded. Charlie waggled the radio again, getting another nod to use it, and said, "Ass, Gas, or Grass ... I'm assuming you heard all that. Come on in, slowly, with your guns down and your hands visible. Our new friends here are well armed and twitchy."

Charlie explained about the convoy she'd previously said didn't exist, and after she and Caroline -- both now disarmed -- were invited into a little cafe to sit and wait, the woman told them both, "My name is Nadine. Welcome to Harrisville."
Lou was actually talking with Harvey Lewis when Madge came running up to them to relay what was going on in Harrisville. They had been surveying the prisons perimeter and setting up a security detail schedule.

Both men looked very concerned and the first thought was to get a back-up team on the move to help them out. Of course, of those left at the prison, there were maybe four people that were checked out for weapons. Only Harvey and himself were proficient with them. Lou, only so with a rifle.

No, they would need to stay and protect the prison. This situation was causing them much concern for if they were to be attacked while the majority of 'soldiers' were in the field they would not be able to keep things secured for long.

Harvey told Lou he would need to get them some heavy artillery to keep the prison safe until the others could return for back up. If, indeed, they would be allowed to return at all. It seemed the Harrisville residents were currently holding all the cards.

They were hoping that maybe Steven and Jamie might have broken off and were setting up a contingency plan to get the team out of town intact. Wishing they could contact the group they knew the radio had been compromised and that they could not risk using the channel they were on.

Best case was they could monitor the other channels in case someone tried to get in touch. Harvey sent Madge back to the radio room for just that purpose. All they could do was to sit and wait until they heard otherwise.
(OOC: Remember that Paula's "image" is a very graphic NSFW gif of intercourse before you open it. I'm not going to give this warning again in the future: this is Literotica, so you should know that ANYTHING you open here is NSFW.)

Paula Wilson (P) was feeling a bit ignored by most of the others in Three-C since her return to the prison. Charlie hadn't said so out loud, but Paula knew that the new Warden didn't trust her.

Paula knew that Hairy Harvey didn't trust her because he had said so out loud. He reminded her that after her incarceration for murder, she'd again killed behind bars and nearly beat another person to death. Her response was to laugh, asking, "And any of these other fuckers, there better than me somehow?"

She was relieved, at least, that Charlie hadn't put her back into a cell. She was wandering out onto the grounds as Madge came running up to Lou and Harvey to report what was happening in Harrisville. It had been Paula's intelligence that had convinced Charlie that they'd be safe there, and now -- overhearing Madge and the continuing radio reports -- she feared that they were going to think that she'd lied to them.

"Let me have a try at that," she said to Lou, who looked so odd to Paula, a short, stubby bookworm carrying a .30-06 rifle with a 9x night vision snipers scope. She saw the look in his face, as well as the humorous one in Harvey's. She said with a bit of a chastising tone, "I can use it as well as any of you fuckers."

Harvey studied her a moment, then looking to Lou, said, "Give it to her."

Before he could even consider doing so, though, the CO pulled his 9mm from his holster and clicked off the safety, letting the weapon dangle by his side as he said, "Don't worry, Lou. She ain't in a hurry to get dead."

Paula laughed at the threat, stepped up to Lou, and basically took the weapon from him. She strode toward the gate, which had been opened for some of the farm staff to go forage for mushrooms in the nearby forest. Paula stopped and scanned the gently sloping land beyond the prison's perimeter, searching for a target. There wasn't much to shoot at that would prove -- or, hopefully not, disprove -- her value as a gun toting ex-con.

The foraging team emerged from the forest off to her left just then, their movement startling a rabbit that had been munching unseen in the short grasses. It bounded away a few dozen yards, stopping -- unfortunately for it's future -- right in the middle of the cracked concrete of the main entry road.

Paula lifted the weapon, stared through the scope, drew and released a deep breath, and gently pulled the trigger back. The round exploded, the rifle kicked back and up, and out on the road, the rabbit practically exploded as the too-big-for-hares bullet struck.

She handed the rifle back to Lou, looked to Harvey, and said, "You may not trust me, but you'd be a fucking fool not to use me."

Then, looking to Lou with an up and down critical examination, Paula said, "I have a hard time believing it, but they tell me you're one of the best long distance shooters we have, same maybe for that SEAL ... what's his name, Steven? One of the two of us -- you and me -- should be up in one of these towers 24/7, 'cause I gotta tell you, boys--"

She looked between the two as she continued, "--I've been out there since Charlie took this place, and I know how fucked up shit is out there."

She looked to Harvey for this comment: "You think this place was a hell hole before the plague. This was nothing. There're people out there murdering each other for a can of fucking dog food. This is real shit, Hollywood, I Am Legend kill-or-be-killed mayhem. Don't trust me, Hairy, I don't give a fuck. But when the Brotherhood comes knocking at the door and you're bent over a Dining Hall table getting your ass reamed out by a dozen big cocks, I'm gonna be in the Warden's private quarters eating well and sleeping in silk sheets--"

She reached up and cupped her tits as she finished, "--'cause I got the equipment these guys like."

With one final glance at each of the men, Paula strode off back to the prison's buildings. Behind her, Harvey stared at her delicious ass a moment, then looked to Lou, then to one of the foragers who was holding aloft the mutilated remains of the rabbit, hollering to them, "What the fuck are we supposed to do with this? Jesus Christ! You didn't have a fucking grenade handy?"

Harvey ignored the criticism -- he didn't shoot the thing -- and looked back to Lou again. Shrugging, he said, "Caroline supervises Security, and you make the schedule. I don't trust the bitch, but you have to admit, she knows how to shoot."

He turned and walked away, saying, "I leave that up to the two of you."