April Poetry Challenge 1

Silly muchachos!
All that sex talk and bragging,
then they're one-and-done.

Downed foe. Blood, snot, tears,
life's juice dripping from my blade.
And then I wake up . . . .
Back and forth with you.
Lust, hurt, late nights and harsh words.
Torn souls, but great sex . . . .
Youth. First lust. Hot mouthes.
Fumbling, halting, shared passions.
I was not your One . . . .
Ancient equine stares
southwest, like planning a trip.
You let me stare, too.
Thinking things make sense
in and among this madness.
Chaos hurts me less.

Thought it was a lunch date;
but she was waiting in the bedroom,
"Undress me."
