Any Therapists out there???


Jan 4, 2022
I have an idea for a story that reads as a transcript from a therapy session. It would read as a question and answer dialogue. But it needs to be appropriate to the nature of the therapy and believable. I’d like to collaborate with someone familiar with this.
Bump Bump…. I really want to write this but need a little help getting started. I’ve been making notes about the structure and how it will go. I’m thinking it will be multiple chapters… but I’m struggling for content. Sooner or later, something will come to me.

What I need is two fold: 1 - the issue, why the person is in therapy. 2 - Any help on what a therapy session is like. I can imagine it, but want it to be believable.
Do therapy sessions have "transcripts"? I can imagine brief notes but, honestly, word for word accounts strike me as totally implausible.
My therapist does not take a word for word recording but that doesn’t mean the story can’t have that- when people speak normally they don’t transcribe their conversation and dialog is in stories

If you wanted a reason for an accurate record you could have the therapist be new enough to have a mentor who wants to hear their work. I don’t believe that is actually how that would work but - you know- that’s far from the oddest thing in a story here

As far as what a therapy session is like it’s mainly a therapist sighing and going “soma come on you know you shouldn’t do that/ react like that/ assume that” then I say “ya I know but……..” and then she looks like she wants to kill me.

I assume that’s all therapy
Watch some movies or TV shows with therapists. That will give you an idea what they look/sound like, or at least what popular entertainment thinks they do. "Analyze This" was a movie about a therapist. I'm sure there were many others. You can also watch episodes of Frasier; they usually started with him on the radio doing telephone therapy with callers.

As for the "issue" your character needs help with: maybe she is a sex addict? Or has feelings for her father/brother/nephew/boss and feels guilty about it?