another 'social issue': i've never heard so much about 'what class are you in?' in the UK; America seems obsessed by it?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
middle class, working class, and let's not call the 'elites' upper class since they seem to prefer being an elite.

The UK largely outgrew talking about class 50 years ago or more, yet i've frequently heard Americans reference the class-system of the Uk as if it's still deemed so important as it is in the US. Sure, there's still those 'upper class' types but they're not regarded nearly the same deferential way as they used to be by the serfs :rolleyes: Their importance is mostly important to them, and i honestly haven't heard people speaking about 'the middle classes' since the 70's! The lines are not only blurred but largely erased back in good ol' Blighty.