Americans spend $104 billion on tax preparation services

There is a class where you go to learn how to help people follow the Byzantine rules of the IRS.
There should be a class...

For douchebags who dropped out of middle school for not paying attention???

Well, they did pay attention, to tits and drugs.

There is a class where you go to learn how to help people follow the Byzantine rules of the IRS.

Now, what did the Byzantines do to you for you to hurt their widdle feelers like that???
Justinian and Google spell check buddy are the bestest of friends.
Justinian has that famous mosaic...

I do not quite trust Google. I'm an đť•Ź sort of guy.
You do not know that. It's pure ascription.
lol, sure it's ascription.....
I don't live in Canada,
Thanks for that!!
so my income was never limited to what my system "governed."

How to say in 11 words or less you don't understand anything about Canada.

How much did that illness set you back again. The one that you didn't have health insurance for.

Yes, I mentioned FairTax earlier in the thread. I think it’s a good idea, although I’d prefer if it included a tax on the sale of stock and other financial instruments (to lower the tax rate needed on other things).