Americans spend $104 billion on tax preparation services

Should have a national sales tax. Get taxed as you spend your money.
Catch all the underground economy people too.
No IRS needed…

So that guy on the street corner with those smuggled luxury watches under his coat charges sales tax?
Said every prole everywhere.
I would hope so. The working class is the backbone of America. Historically America has prospered because it affords everyone the chance to get ahead with grit and determination, not just lucky ducks born into wealth like Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
I would hope so. The working class is the backbone of America. Historically America has prospered because it affords everyone the chance to get ahead with grit and determination, not just lucky ducks born into wealth like Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Said every prole everywhere.
No I don’t think “prole” is an insult. I’m proud to be a member of the working class. It’s a more honorable way to live your life than living off investments.

Honor doesn't buy groceries or a roof over your head. Nor is there a lack of honor or integrity in being smart enough to figure out how not to slave your life away for someone elses profit margin while you struggle.
Honor doesn't buy groceries or a roof over your head. Nor is there a lack of honor or integrity in being smart enough to figure out how not to slave your life away for someone elses profit margin while you struggle.
Why do you think everyone is struggling?
Honor doesn't buy groceries or a roof over your head. Nor is there a lack of honor or integrity in being smart enough to figure out how not to slave your life away for someone elses profit margin while you struggle.
Yes that’s why we should tax the rich hard and plow that money back into public services that make it easier for workers to survive and get ahead.

You still haven’t said if you consider “prole” to be an insult.
The first year that I filed when I was an independent business person was a clusterfuck. I think that I spent most of a weekend figuring out what to do to make it work. Home office, sieving through old bills to calculate costs of operation of that percentage of the house, some general cussing, and the double-checking of figures and math. Then it was all fill-in-the-blanks. For that year in particular, it survived audit with no changes to anything.

I went back to work for The Man and it simplified. Then the new system came out and it simplified again, almost to the point of being as easy as what I filled out when I was a student with a part-time job and no assets.

When you get done being scared of the IRS, you can figure this out once and then do the human version of copy-and-paste next year.
Being a middle aged incel with no dependants must make it easy to file as well.
Yes that’s why we should tax the rich hard and plow that money back into public services that make it easier for workers to survive and get ahead.

You still haven’t said if you consider “prole” to be an insult.

You cannot tax the rich because the rich don't have income which can be taxed. We've discussed that already in other threads/posts.

Taxes only apply to those who have income subject to taxation. What you are really talking about is confiscation and wealth redistribution. Or to put another way, socialism.

Which is funny because under socialism there are no "rich" people except those in the government who exempt themselves. Thus you cannot "tax" anyone.

Prole is a descriptor. Nothing more nothing less. If you feel the descriptor is an insult, talk to Merriam Webster.
You cannot tax the rich because the rich don't have income which can be taxed. We've discussed that already in other threads/posts.
Huh? If they don't have income, how did they get rich??? Inherited it? Won a lottery? Obviously they don't use banks and keep it in their mattresses.
Taxes only apply to those who have income subject to taxation. What you are really talking about is confiscation and wealth redistribution. Or to put another way, socialism.
Taxes apply to income, in all forms. Most people of wealth have companies, and those companies offer a person the ability to shield income from being taxed, through the Tax codes. When I was in business I took a salary that meet the highest amount I could earn without being subject to Federal income tax. The rest came from dividends. Which are taxed at a flat rate.
Which is funny because under socialism there are no "rich" people except those in the government who exempt themselves. Thus you cannot "tax" anyone
Well most here aren't under socialism...
Honor doesn't buy groceries or a roof over your head. Nor is there a lack of honor or integrity in being smart enough to figure out how not to slave your life away for someone elses profit margin while you struggle.

Said every sociopath everywhere.



Derpy whistled right past the Elon Musk - Donald Trump example of sociopaths who profit with minimal effort from the status quo capitalist system that was established by other sociopaths.


👉 Derpy 🤣

Huh? If they don't have income, how did they get rich??? Inherited it? Won a lottery? Obviously they don't use banks and keep it in their mattresses.

Taxes apply to income, in all forms. Most people of wealth have companies, and those companies offer a person the ability to shield income from being taxed, through the Tax codes. When I was in business I took a salary that meet the highest amount I could earn without being subject to Federal income tax. The rest came from dividends. Which are taxed at a flat rate.

Well most here aren't under socialism...

Rich people have wealth which they use in place of income. Certain types of wealth accumulation aren't taxable as income.

For instance: Let's say you buy a house. You put 20% down and finance the rest with a mortgage. On your taxes you get a credit for the mortgage interest. That reduces your earned income so you're not taxed on that money.

Now, what if, instead of 1 house you bought 100 houses with 20% down and mortgaged the balance to rent them out? You still get the mortgage interest deduction for all of those houses. That offsets the rental income you get. You also get deductions for managing those properties which lowers your profit. On top of that you get to depreciate the cost (the FULL cost not just the 20% you paid out of pocket) of the properties over 27.5 years. All of that reduces your taxable income to zero or nearly zero while you get to keep all the actual cash that came in.

Using the above example, someone with 100 houses would have no taxable income and yet could enjoy a wealthy lifestyle. Robert Kyosaki is very open about how rich he is. You can watch him on youboob where he often says that he owns 12 THOUSAND rental properties and pays almost no income tax. Meanwhile you pay out the nose for your income earned as a wage slave.

Why? Because he understands the difference between income and wealth and you don't.

Now I'm waiting on the screams that it's not fair and he shouldn't be allowed to do that and the government should seize his stuff and give it to you even though you never earned any of it.
Rich people have wealth which they use in place of income.
Yes, but that wealth came from somewhere, as income or inheritance/gift, or is there another way to get money legally?
Certain types of wealth accumulation aren't taxable as income.
True and I said that.

There are also incomes that are taxed differently, but unless you earn enough in the first place, the average Joe/Jane doesn't qualify to use the deduction.

You seem, and I use the word seem, because you often fuck up basic facts and fail to follow a chain of posts, to be telling me there is this legal invisible way to earn wealth, without it being taxable.
BTW, there are ways to set up a corp so the corp pays no taxes. So not all corporations or companies pay taxes on the money they make. Google "sub chapter S corporations" for more info.

This is ALL in the tax code and if you understand that and get your ass off the couch you too can take advantage of it and accumulate wealth.
BTW, there are ways to set up a corp so the corp pays no taxes. So not all corporations or companies pay taxes on the money they make. Google "sub chapter S corporations" for more info.
UP here they are called non profit, I don't need to google business shit in the US Arpy. But those companies need to follow certain financial rules. Yes you can scam a NP and make yourself rich, there are lots that do that. Churches lead the way I suspect...

Any money you earn is considered income, no matter where it came from, legal or otherwise. If not Capone really needed you on his defence team....
This is ALL in the tax code and if you understand that and get your ass off the couch you too can take advantage of it and accumulate wealth.
I don't need to accumulate wealth, I was just looking for that secret way to avoid the tax implications, so far you've given me none.
BTW, there are ways to set up a corp so the corp pays no taxes. So not all corporations or companies pay taxes on the money they make. Google "sub chapter S corporations" for more info.

This is ALL in the tax code and if you understand that and get your ass off the couch you too can take advantage of it and accumulate wealth.

Subchapter S corporations don’t pay income tax, but when the income is distributed to the owners it’s taxed at the individual level. So tax isn’t really avoided if profits are taken out, which is the point of any business.
Does anybody genuinely believe that anybody over a certain paygrade is grinding anything? I mean Christ the manager at McDonalds comes and goes as he pleases as long as nothing is burning. I don't think anybody doubts Musk goes to meetings. All the day to day stuff though. He has people for that. Hell his people have people for that.
No I don’t think “prole” is an insult. I’m proud to be a member of the working class. It’s a more honorable way to live your life than living off investments.
Okay, fella, be careful of those overly broad labels. I got to live off investments because I did blood, sweat, and tears work for sixty years. These last twenty-six are from living off investments.

Maybe his Arphy also, though I'm not sure of that. I do know he likes to inflame issues by choosing vocabulary words such as 'prole.' That's just fuel for his type of ridicule. He seems 'educated' though not 'cultured.'

If he is/was a lawyer, maybe he saved and invested. Once, in a rant with me, he posted that he never lost a case. That's got to be an outright lie; even Ben Mattlock lost a couple of cases and was just a fictional television home-spun lawyer. @HisArpy loses cases here regularly. Some of them are with you.;)

Carbon water still hangs around him like an albatross.

As you noted, there is nothing wrong with working and pulling oneself up by the old bootstraps. The working class built this country. If not for them [us], do you ever suspect a billionaire would shovel coal out of the ground to fuel his factories?

Armpit can gloat all he wants, but I've noticed he doesn't offer solutions to any of his cavilings.