"AI" Rejection


Most of them use a combination of checking for "perplexity" and "burstiness."

The bottom line, from the article, is this:

I wrote a bunch on this (and why they mostly suck), my own process, the witch hunt issue, and more over at https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ai-allegations-thread.1599778/page-26#post-97985369 and in later parts of that thread, mostly in the process of disassembling a witchhunter's arguments.

Some other key posts:

My process, which utilizes tools in a way that Laurel has no problems with, and which has never gotten dinged as AI: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ai-allegations-thread.1599778/page-19#post-97969898

Non-writing places where AI detection/assessment has failed horribly: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ai-allegations-thread.1599778/page-24#post-97976494

A primer on how ChatGPT works in the first place: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ai-allegations-thread.1599778/page-24#post-97979855

A quick assessment of the tool the witchhunter was trying to say "proved" that I and others used AI text generators, flagging all but one of the top 10 most read stories on the site (the newest of which was posted in 2009): https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ai-allegations-thread.1599778/page-28#post-97991991

My thoughts on the hypocrisy of "purists" saying we had to conform to their preferred tools: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ai-allegations-thread.1599778/page-28#post-97992782

And, over in another thread, the way that I did use AI in artwork, how I did, and the things I'm still wrestling with: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/about-that-ai-assist-in-writing.1600310/post-97980469

I'm probably going to turn all of this into an essay at some point. :D Loving AI, here I come!
Thanks so much!!
I too am a victim. My Valentine Day stories were reject do to AI concerns. These stories were produced no differently than my other stories. I use Google Docs and run the finished tale through Grammarly (the free version) for a spell and grammar check. The version I use does not rewrite the story or suggest alternate wording. It catches the stupid mistakes I'm prone to make as I am thinking about the story and not 'i after e, except after c'.

I re-summitted them and said this is my work. It'd be a shame if I had to include my spellllllling errors just to prove a human wrote the story. I'll let you know if offering to show the rough drafts and my pledge that it's my work gets the stories posted. r
Reflecting on my recent return to this site after a month-long hiatus, it's evident that the frustrating situation I hoped would be resolved still persists. At least based on the sheer volume of threads mirroring this one. I am fairly sure that it is the perceived arbitrary nature of the all-powerful Gatekeeper and their continued silence that makes it a far more detestable situation. I have witnessed countless claims from a plethora of members stating that they have attempted to contact this Laurel person with no response. So, quite honestly, fuck them.

However, this period has not been without its silver linings. My writings, initially rejected by the Gatekeeper, found a new path to readership through self-publication. The reception has been encouraging, more than just satisfactory.

I initially sought to contribute my tales to this community, inspired by the countless stories I enjoyed here over the years. My aspiration was simple: to connect with others through the myriad of narratives I have to offer – a tapestry of real experiences, semi-fictional accounts, and outright fabrications. While I don't claim to be an exceptional writer, I am someone brimming with stories eager to be shared.

Yet, what deeply troubles me is the fallout of my inactivity. Several members confided in me via DM or email, alleging serious repercussions for voicing their grievances on this platform. While I cannot confirm these claims, I choose to trust their claims as I have no reason to suspect a handful of people all claiming the same thing are in a conspiracy... especially directing their warnings to me, a complete unknown on this site. This concern partly fueled my decision to stay away for the past month. I returned to read over the forums and see what was going on. From the looks of it, the situation is normal - all fucked up.

The situation is indeed disheartening. I've been an active participant in this community, not just as a reader but also by supporting authors through purchasing their books linked in signatures. But the time has come to seek new avenues for sharing and engaging, just as many others here are endeavoring to do.

Perhaps when the all-mighty Gatekeeper sees their ad revenue drop sharply because everyone is leaving, they will have the common fucking decency to address the issue with the people that actually matter on here and pay their bills - the creators that they ignore and devalue.

Anyhoo, that's all for me folks. Off to much bigger and far better pastures. I'll miss the forums and stories here, but such is the way of things.
Reflecting on my recent return to this site after a month-long hiatus, it's evident that the frustrating situation I hoped would be resolved still persists. At least based on the sheer volume of threads mirroring this one. I am fairly sure that it is the perceived arbitrary nature of the all-powerful Gatekeeper and their continued silence that makes it a far more detestable situation. I have witnessed countless claims from a plethora of members stating that they have attempted to contact this Laurel person with no response. So, quite honestly, fuck them.

However, this period has not been without its silver linings. My writings, initially rejected by the Gatekeeper, found a new path to readership through self-publication. The reception has been encouraging, more than just satisfactory.

I initially sought to contribute my tales to this community, inspired by the countless stories I enjoyed here over the years. My aspiration was simple: to connect with others through the myriad of narratives I have to offer – a tapestry of real experiences, semi-fictional accounts, and outright fabrications. While I don't claim to be an exceptional writer, I am someone brimming with stories eager to be shared.

Yet, what deeply troubles me is the fallout of my inactivity. Several members confided in me via DM or email, alleging serious repercussions for voicing their grievances on this platform. While I cannot confirm these claims, I choose to trust their claims as I have no reason to suspect a handful of people all claiming the same thing are in a conspiracy... especially directing their warnings to me, a complete unknown on this site. This concern partly fueled my decision to stay away for the past month. I returned to read over the forums and see what was going on. From the looks of it, the situation is normal - all fucked up.

The situation is indeed disheartening. I've been an active participant in this community, not just as a reader but also by supporting authors through purchasing their books linked in signatures. But the time has come to seek new avenues for sharing and engaging, just as many others here are endeavoring to do.

Perhaps when the all-mighty Gatekeeper sees their ad revenue drop sharply because everyone is leaving, they will have the common fucking decency to address the issue with the people that actually matter on here and pay their bills - the creators that they ignore and devalue.

Anyhoo, that's all for me folks. Off to much bigger and far better pastures. I'll miss the forums and stories here, but such is the way of things.
Thanks for the advert. Take this kindly, your blurb is as good as others achieve with a well-engineered GPT prompt.
I just had two stories rejected. One was a resubmit, that I made minor changes to after being accused of AI usage and the other was the sequel to that story.

I did use Grammarly to check for grammar but I didn’t change wordings or anything. I don’t know what to do. When I resubmitted the story I attested that I didn’t use Ai but it still got rejected.

The rejection mentioned possibly using an editor to fix the issue. Has anyone ever gone this route?
How is an editor going to help when no one knows what gets you flagged for AI content? Let us know how it works out.
How is an editor going to help when no one knows what gets you flagged for AI content? Let us know how it works out.
I have used a proofreader and an editor. My proofreader uses the F7 button, and my editor, highlights, pints, and red markers stuff, and still it gets flagged for AI. The best I can suggest is using multiple AI detectors and sharing the results in the notes when you submit it, and cross your fingers.
Otherwise, I don't know what else to do.
For AI Detectors:
I too am a victim. My Valentine Day stories were reject do to AI concerns. These stories were produced no differently than my other stories. I use Google Docs and run the finished tale through Grammarly (the free version) for a spell and grammar check. The version I use does not rewrite the story or suggest alternate wording. It catches the stupid mistakes I'm prone to make as I am thinking about the story and not 'i after e, except after c'.

I re-summitted them and said this is my work. It'd be a shame if I had to include my spellllllling errors just to prove a human wrote the story. I'll let you know if offering to show the rough drafts and my pledge that it's my work gets the stories posted.

Additionally, I recently stumbled upon AI Essay Writer by https://customwriting.com/ai-essay-writer while searching for writing tools online. It's impressive how technology has evolved to assist writers. I haven't used it extensively yet, but it seems promising for generating well-structured essays efficiently. It's a fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and creative expression.
I've had a similar experience with my submissions being flagged for AI concerns. It's really frustrating, especially since like you, I use basic tools like Google Docs and Grammarly just to catch those little errors. I don't rely on anything that rewrites my work or alters my voice. It's like they don't trust us to write well without assuming it's AI-generated. I wonder if this is becoming a common issue for many of us who write and self-edit. It'd be interesting to see if showing rough drafts and pledging originality helps.
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I've had a similar experience with my submissions being flagged for AI concerns. It's really frustrating, especially since like you, I use basic tools like Google Docs and Grammarly just to catch those little errors. I don't rely on anything that rewrites my work or alters my voice. It's like they don't trust us to write well without assuming it's AI-generated. I wonder if this is becoming a common issue for many of us who write and self-edit. It'd be interesting to see if showing rough drafts and pledging originality helps.
So...With AI getting worse, this is only going to get harder. I have had some stories flagged when I wrote them and pressed the F7 button, so I have been pushing some unedited versions and they fly right on through. For my longer stories, I just run them through MULTIPLE AI detectors and just put the scores in my moderator notes. I think under 15% is the bar, but I can't be sure.
For my longer stories, I have to write them, check them, and usually we are at the 2% mark, but once you have good grammar and spelling, you're at 5-9% usually. It is a matter of how much you want to check. With the new GPT 4(?), I think...It will get harder. My suggestion is to create a style, let them see the unedited version and hope there is enough trust to see you through to continued publishing. I don't know the answer beyond that.