A quite literally illiterate beginning.


Jun 7, 2006
Good day, fellow comrades.

Now, I'm aware this may not be the place for a tepid hello, but shucks, I live to irritate! Yes yes, now I've got my attractive traits out the way we shall begin our wicked ways....

(Woah, I don't want to alarm anyone but I just made a 'Ooo, it's time for a spooky and mysterious beginning!' type noise for no apparent reason other than I'm clearly a ghoulish freak... only for the bulb up above me to quite suddenly blow! Eek... is that what the power of Lit can really do?! Am I really in the safe confines of my own room.. or have I been transported to a World of deliciously devious darkness and intrigue already? Oooh I think I might like it here... perhaps we'll forget the tepid hello and make it a prolonged agony if you dastardly people have your way with me...)

Oh God, don't you just hate people who use brackets as a pathetic excuse to write an endlessly pointless and rant-y paragraph? Yeah, me too... grr...

Talking of punctuation and literacy, I've neglected reading Lit for a while, but as you do with the mundanity of forced seasonal cheer, occasionly you need a break to rest your tired teeth, and though this used to involve me sipping copious amounts of happy holiday juice and waking up having collapsed under the Christmas tree - now that I have recently invested in adulthood and am no longer a teenage tearaway, it seems to involve me waking up in some kind of nightmare where I finally admit my penchant for all things roleplay, however NOT SO FAST I hear you say. Well no, that was me actually.

Because dear God, dear cruel, unfaithful and unforgiving God, would you look at my name?! Now sure, one might argue that I was merely a stupid kid when I signed up here, but plenty have argued their case here and disappointed if my casual readings are anything to go by. I just... well I've been wanting to post on here for more then a few months, but never quite had the courage. I may not come across as shy, but trust me the thought of indulging my strangely fantastical subconscious with you quite superior people... Ooo, butterflies. And I'm not even gay. Well, in saying that maybe I could be convinced on here.. ;)

So, basically, this was intended as a plea for someone to give me a metaphorical slap round my largely metaphor-free face and solicit some elightening imaginings from my incessant desires for creative freedom. (Jesus.. that was a bit of a mouthful... and I'll tell you what else is a mouthf....no wait, first post. Keep it clean, keep it clean.)

However, it seems I have gone and completely wrecked my obsessive needs for something refreshing and intoxicating by not being able to spell a simple 5 letter word. It's FEISTY, you dumbass. And that's a rather lame name to boot. Couldn't you have been a little more.. adventurous?

So, I beg of you. Please do not reply. Please do not try and convince my that I am not an illiterate baby, unprepared for the big, bad universe that awaits...

Please do not use this thread to corrupt this poor young thing and challenge him to a sensual swordfight of unfortunate erotic mumblings. Although, who said it had to be sensual...hmm....
(Woah, I don't want to alarm anyone but I just made a 'Ooo, it's time for a spooky and mysterious beginning!' type noise for no apparent reason other than I'm clearly a ghoulish freak... only for the bulb up above me to quite suddenly blow! Eek... is that what the power of Lit can really do?! Am I really in the safe confines of my own room.. or have I been transported to a World of deliciously devious darkness and intrigue already? Oooh I think I might like it here... perhaps we'll forget the tepid hello and make it a prolonged agony if you dastardly people have your way with me...)
You cracked me up. Great first post.
Brilliant first post truly amusing.......

Why thankyou, thankyou my darlings. To be honest, I'm quite starstruck that anyone would post on this slightly pathetic thread, let alone a whole TWO of you. All this attention might just go to my head though y'know! Not to mention, I had my first very own private message. Now, I like to keep my private message life private, so I wouldn't wish to give away the prime suspect, but let me just say that Maids are rather marvelous! -shifty look- No-one could possibly work that one out... don't worry you're safe dear.

Anyway, please don't use this place as a suck-up sanctuary. Much as I appreciate the compliments, the seasonal spirit clearly went to your heads! So more insultive behaviour please next time. See, I'm not all wonderful.. gosh no. I have a terrible, terrible side to me. Such a bad boy infact. Oh wait, that's what all the guys say. Well.. I'm different. What, I'm not a guy? Don't confuse yourself. Fuck. I always do this, start off focused and finish my post unsure of my own fucking sexuality. Oh I don't know... maybe that could be an interesting roleplay! He's a guy.. he's a girl.. he's a hedgehog. Mm, prickles. There's a good title right?

No really, I am 101% genuinely a person. (Does anyone else hate it when people abuse percentages? What the hell... this is Literotica. Percentages just aren't erotic Freddy boy. Let it go son.. let it go..)

Anyway, back to the point even though I'm not quite sure what that was. Apart from it's a rather large point!! (Ooo look at me with me blatant sexual imagery.. what a real turn-on.) Aha, I know. I can set the scene or whatever the frick people do in these little clique-cities.

It was a cold night. A cold and frosty night. And dark and shit.

Nah, I'm bored now. I don't really want this thread to become a cyber-paradise. Although, if anyone offers I won't say no. Next time someone posts (We'll be waiting a while then..) I politely request/vehemently order (Depending on your sexual preference) you to tell me a little bit about yourself. We'll start off slow, and then get kinky. Or start off kinky, and then get more kinky. Whichever you like really. (The second one or else..)

I'll go second. FUCK YOU, IT"S MY THREAD. I'll do what I like. I'm no gentleman.. I'm a certified bastard. Bahaha.

So who's first to take the plunge... ?
*slinks in

Percentages not important? Pish tosh.

They say 3% of the people use 5 to 6% of their brain
97% use 3% and the rest goes down the drain
I’ll never know which one I am but I’ll bet you my last dime
99% think with 3% 100% of the time
64% of all the world’s statistics are made up right there on the spot
82.4% of people believe ‘em whether they’re accurate statistics or not
I don’t know what you believe but I do know there’s no doubt
I need another double shot of something 90 proof
I got too much to think about.

Okay, maybe they're not so important after all.

As for hedgehogs... is there a wind in the willows?

*slopes back off
smiles warmly as she enters the thread once more "intellectual wit and amusing chatter is probably not my forte, so I will not even try to match you on those accounts. I just wanted to say hello to you Fred and the dear lady who posted before me as its great to see her about " ( I really should send you a pm MM sorry I haven't, hope you had great holidays) smiles again trying not ramble to much "anyway I enjoy your posts Fred your different take is refreshing and quite amusing at times."

"oh well must be off just wanted to say hello and welcome " waves and leaves the room with a smile.
Do you ramble this pointlessly offline as well?
And is online the only place you are allowed to be rude?

I agree Maid, it seems some people seem to think so, they love to hide behind computer screens and keyboards as an excuse........other times people are just rude because they are that way. *smiles* maybe some day they will learn that its not an excuse....or maybe I hold to much faith in humanity and common courtesy and being civil.