47, M4F. Writer by trade seeks sweet little for cuddles, tingles and more.


Oct 31, 2014
Well hello there. It’s a pleasure to meet you.I am 47, a writer by trade. A journalist, more specifically. I drink more coffee than I should. Soccer is my sport of choice, with baseball close behind. I just finished the third season of Succession and am very much enjoying Station Eleven and I absolutley loved Joel Coen's recet adaptation of The Tragedy of Macbeth. I almost always have a podcast in my ear, except when I’m writing. Love heist movies and crime documentaries and dark comedies. I always leave my press badge on when picking kids up from school just to impress the cute moms, and I definitely play air drums on the steering wheel.

I'm looking for a sweet, intelligent, pretty young lady who craves the wit, wisdom and touch of an experienced older man – an older man dedicated to earning her complete devotion. I prefer younger than 30 … a college student who needs a little help keeping focused on homework, or an early-career professional who needs a bit of advice and guidance. I'm not really looking for a sugar baby (nothing against that lifestyle, I am just not rich enough … did I mention I’m a journalist) but I will definitely spoil you with gifts now and then, or send you enough to get that cute outfit you showed me or your favorite fancy coffee.

My recent experience has led me to lay out as specifically as possible what it is I want in this kind of relationship. If you don’t align with this 100%, that’s ok – this isn’t necessarily a checklist of requirements. It’s more … some ideas to give you the sense of what this will feel like.

At the most fundamental level, I want to break you just so I can fix you.

We will take all that sexual energy you have bubbling up inside you, and we will give it direction. Purpose.I will put a lot of time and energy into planning our time together, and how we interact and how you serve me. I will have high expectations – maybe even unreasonable expectations – and you will be rewarded with effusive praise when you meet them. When you disappoint, you’ll be put in timeout, your forehead against the wall, and reminded of your place.

I will approve your outfits. I will give you rules and routines. I will help you succeed in school or work. I will give you direction and structure and will reward you for completing relatively mundane, non-sexual tasks. I’ll buy you stuffies and coloring books and we’ll daydream about me bathing you and brushing your hair.I’ll ask you to write my name on your body (discreetly if necessary). I’ll approve your outfits. You’ll ask permission to go to the bathroom. Sometimes you’ll go to school or work with a toy in your bottom. Other times I’ll control a toy between your legs from afar. (I’ll buy you that toy if you don’t have one.) I’ll buy you a diary and give you assignments to write in it, usually about us or me or “I need my Daddy because …” or “Sometimes I’m scared when my Daddy ….” or “I wish my Daddy would …” or “I’m happiest when my Daddy …” When you’re good I’ll send you sexy pictures and gifs that remind me of you. Sometimes at night I’ll be working late and I’ll tell you to go to a chat room and tease the dirty old men or go on Omegle and show your pretty boobies to strangers until I come fetch you. I will put you in various poses and positions and ask you which one is your favorite.

You’ll send me sweet voice messages and kissy-face pictures just to let me know you’re thinking about me. You’ll chase that tingly, giddy feeling hearing me say “good girl” by dreaming up fun little ways to please me.We will chat by text (preferably somewhere other than Reddit) and tell each other stories and create imagined memories and talk about what we’d do if we were together. We will talk by voice and maybe even video calls sometimes. We will talk about school and work and I’ll teach you about history and politics and arts and music. We will tease and flirt and play all day and when we’re both alone we will talk in naughty, secret ways and make each other feel very, very good.

I am married and my marriage is happy but non-sexual. There is no emotional void to be filled. No wife replacement necessary. No drama. I just need a little more intimacy, *this* kind of intimacy, that special intimacy that comes with a young lady who looks at me in a ... fatherly way.I am dark and handsome but not tall. About 5’6, shaved hair, salt & pepper beard, dad bod (with about 20 extra pounds of pandemic weight that I’m trying to lose). Bright blue eyes and soft, full lips. I am a creative and attentive friend and lover. I’m well-endowed, if that matters. Happy to share photos once we're a little bit acquainted. Basically a very sweet dad bod guy who's secretly a dirty old man.

Physically, my “type” tends to be either petite or sporty, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out if you think we’d get along.I don’t mind if you’re attached or if you also date other boys your age. Being jealous can be a little bit fun, as is proving again why an experienced man is preferable to a college boy.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: I’ve encountered a couple different girls lately who either weren’t serious about what they wanted, or were just completely catfishing. If you reach out, I’ll take you at your word that you are who you are, but before long I will want to verify. This will most likely take the form of a nice simple SFW selfie, with something special just for me. Maybe I'll ask you to send a selfie sucking your thumb or blowing me a kiss or even saying something sweet to me -- something that won't be at all difficult if you are genuine and genuinely interested in me. I will gladly reciprocate. If you don’t think you’ll be able to do that, please don’t message.THIS IS

ALSO IMPORTANT. If you’ve read this far, you know that what I’m looking for requires a great deal of trust, and trust takes TIME to build. I will need time with you, and I need you to have time for me. I need to be able to fit into your life, to talk, to learn, to grow together. Not all day every day, but you know what I mean. I am in the central time zone, and most available during the day (I work from home most of the time) and I’m usually up working alone later in the evening as well.

It’s ok if you’re inexperienced, or even a little shy and nervous. I am patient and I will teach you. It’s also ok if you’ve done this before and just need to recapture that feeling. If you are a genuine young lady who wants a daddy to trust and to feel safe with and to please, I definitely want to know you. To demonstrate that you’ve read this entire post, please tell me your favorite book, or a good book you’ve read recently, in your first message or two. (Also, messaging here isn't that great so I'll probably want to move to Skype or Discord or Telegram or Whatsapp pretty quickly.)

I can’t wait to hear from you.