3 out of 4 trials are in the toilet.

MSNBC nailed it tonight....they remarked that Trump has gone from using the National Enquirer to "catch and kill" his indiscretions to using Aileen Cannon and the federal judiciary to "catch and kill" his indiscretions.
Spaghetti logic. Try again.
No. It's sound logic that any four year old should be able to grasp. It's called "Hypocrisy." I know that "Hypocrisy" it's a big word, so let me explain in simpler terms.

Hypocrisy, basically, means there are different rules for different people. And accusing someone of breaking rules that you yourself are breaking. Imagine, if I started passing laws forbidding gay sex, while secretly meeting up with men for sex in airport restrooms.

A double standard.

You condemn Hillary Clinton, Ted Kaczinski, Angela Davis, Tim McVeigh and other domestic extremists for breaking the law. And rightfully so. They should be condemned.

But when you likewise fail to condemn Trump, and even believe he should not face justice for his crimes, that is a double standard. It is, in other words, hypocrisy.

I know this is a difficult concept for some people but hopefully this explanation makes sense.
Let's start with this, 100 years ago you'd be in the mob in front of the jail yelling, "Give us that n*(%^&r!! String that n*)%^r up!" Not a twixt of difference between you and the racists of yore, only your targets. But you'll never see that in yourself, will you?

I reiterate, it is the prosecution that has blown this up, not Trumps ability to defend himself.
Let's start with this, 100 years ago you'd be in the mob in front of the jail yelling, "Give us that n*(%^&r!! String that n*)%^r up!" Not a twixt of difference between you and the racists of yore, only your targets. But you'll never see that in yourself, will you?

I reiterate, it is the prosecution that has blown this up, not Trumps ability to defend himself.


What’s funny (pathetic), is that Chobby actually believes what they posted.


👉 Chobby 🤣

Listening and reading the NY case

Its obvious the "judge" is one sided

The case should be tossed based on the testimony
Trump is going out of his way to anger the judge. Because Trump has the mentality of a spoiled child he has not learned that it is not a good idea to anger someone who has power over him. I wish this trial was on live television. It wold be fun to watch Trump broken down and humiliated. :cool:
Let's start with this, 100 years ago you'd be in the mob in front of the jail yelling, "Give us that n*(%^&r!! String that n*)%^r up!" Not a twixt of difference between you and the racists of yore, only your targets. But you'll never see that in yourself, will you?

I reiterate, it is the prosecution that has blown this up, not Trumps ability to defend himself.

The racists today feign outrage when confronted so clutch your snowflake pearls, chobs, cos I’m calling, about to show you to be a racist.

A person working for racial acceptance would never try and illicit sympathy for the known racist that is donald trump by recalling America’s history of randomly hanging minorities. You did that purposefully. And, if by some chance ya didn’t, then not owning up to it means that you’re actually more naive and dumber than I ever actually imagined.

No. Your intention was clear. You’ve not pulled a fast one on the good and righteous folks here. We see you defending the man who called for the execution of 5 niggas (that’s what they all were to him) by now claiming a wrongful lynching is now happening to trump. None of what happened to those 5 children has happened to trump. No violation of his civil rights under harsh interrogation. No release on bail. Neither trump or anyone of his Deplorable sycophants can claim that he’s innocent as those kids maintained from Day One. You’re a racist who supports a racist. Own it. So do us a favor and stop pussyfooting around with the cutesy n*)%^r and say what you really mean.
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Reading comprehension isn't one of your fortes. Try again.
No. You posted your question right after my post. If you’re referring to someone else specifically then you, as a person who is familiar with bird law, should have named whoever that person was. Your query was vague enough for me to reply to.
No. You posted your question right after my post. If you’re referring to someone else specifically then you, as a person who is familiar with bird law, should have named whoever that person was. Your query was vague enough for me to reply to.

dudly, GO BACK and re read what was posted. Pay attention to each word used and where.

Then read what you posted.

I hope you spot the difference this time.
dudly, GO BACK and re read what was posted. Pay attention to each word used and where.

Then read what you posted.

I hope you spot the difference this time.
I honestly really DGAF. I’m feeling itchy against just YOU today. Chobs bailed because he’s a racist and it’s been too long that I declared a HisArpy Free day. Let’s you and I correct that, shall we?
Let's start with this, 100 years ago you'd be in the mob in front of the jail yelling, "Give us that n*(%^&r!! String that n*)%^r up!" Not a twixt of difference between you and the racists of yore, only your targets. But you'll never see that in yourself, will you?

I reiterate, it is the prosecution that has blown this up, not Trumps ability to defend himself.
A crime was committed.
The evidence of the crime was there, it is irrefutable and incontroversial.
The prosecution's job is to make sure justice is served and the criminal gets punished and society is better for it.
However, you either stubbornly insist that no crime was committed (head in the sand stubborn idiocy if you do believe that) and the criminal should get off scott free. (Shows a complete disregard for law, order and consequences.) Either way, you are fucked up.

I am not a racist and I don't really want to take that bait, but if you really wanna go there...
...take O.J. Simpson. I was probably just as outraged by that verdict as I have no doubt, you were as well. Because he was clearly guilty and clearly got away with murder.

O.J. Simpson shouldn't have gotten away with murder. That was injustice.
Trump shouldn't get away with: Stealing classified documents, paying hush money to a mistress, inciting an insurrection to overturn an election that he lost, and et cetera...
And the remaining trial, a trail in search of a crime, is on life support just waiting for the plug to be pulled.
Now we know why there won't be any debates...

If they cannot beat him in the courts, they're most certainly not going to beat him on stage.

*calliope music*
Aside: The people who say they represent the working man are flabbergasted by the working man’s reaction to Trump outside of the courtroom; in the bodega, at the construction site…,

Some people are prompted to think, "The people who hate Trump, hate me too. He's just their surrogate, their Gollum, the proverbial windmill..."
Aside: The people who say they represent the working man are flabbergasted by the working man’s reaction to Trump outside of the courtroom; in the bodega, at the construction site…,

Some people are prompted to think, "The people who hate Trump, hate me too. He's just their surrogate, their Gollum, the proverbial windmill..."
My oh my, how quickly that all turned around. The Dems switched to catering to the 'elites' under Obama.
You can directly link to me if you care to throw shade. Or you can do this and be the punk ass punk I know you to be.

^ poor lil' soy boy is all upset and everything.