25 reasons to vote Democrat

bg23 said:
wow, i didn't know they made morons -this- moronic anymore. live and learn, i guess.

Yeah! Can you believe people actually disagree with me?
damnewc said:
Yeah! Can you believe people actually disagree with me?

actually, what i find REALLY hard to believe is that you can actually feed and dress yourself. i'd think with the amount of intelligence you've exhibited in this thread you'd be sitting in a corner drooling on yourself.
bg23 said:
actually, what i find REALLY hard to believe is that you can actually feed and dress yourself. i'd think with the amount of intelligence you've exhibited in this thread you'd be sitting in a corner drooling on yourself.

I do have to wipe some drool occasionally. But the real nutjobs in the world just wish people like me would stay out of life, we are the only real balance and sanity in the world.
garbage can said:
This brings up a multitude of problems.... what do we do if our oil supplies are cut off? This certainly is in our national interest.

The conservatives believe we should be self sufficient in our energy needs.... yet, we are not allowed to drill for oil and natural gas, or build nuke plants, coal plants, refineries etc etc.
Yes, it is in our national interest to have an assured supply of oil as without it our economy would suffer in direct inverse proportion to our supply. Were all of our foreign sources to cut us off all at once and leave us cut off I believe we might see a weather change in the oil company haters who suddenly realize that the nearest bus stop is still 1/2 a mile from their grocery store.

I'm not certain what rhetoric Washington would use to try to justify going in the "liberate" the oil fields if the foreign suppliers kept their oil from our markets long term but I do believe they would come up with something.

It would be wrong though, dead wrong. You have, I have not so I will take yours by force. What do we call that?

Insofar as the restrictions on sources you mentioned above is concerned, I agree that we should strive for self-sufficiency. It's tough with the not-in-my-backyard attitude of my fellow citizens (and I have to admit to sharing this) and the intense regulations foisted by the desire for safe and non-polluting energy sources. Damn our not being able to have our cake and eat it too! At some point I think the regulations will be lifted, or at least lightened but this won't occur until the situation is perceived as an emergency. (Note use of the word perceived. I lived through the 70s and remember the gas lines and sudden plethora of solar panels and plastic sheeting on windows.)

Long term I would like to see a cheap, clean, renewable energy source for the peoples of the World. And pantyhose that look good but don't run. :rolleyes:
I am leaving to vote in about an hour. Based on everything I know, I am voting for the incumbents, better to live with the devil I know than vote in another one that I don't.
InsaitableKim said:
I am leaving to vote in about an hour. Based on everything I know, I am voting for the incumbents, better to live with the devil I know than vote in another one that I don't.

At least you made an informed decision.