25 reasons to vote Democrat


Texas Perv
Sep 23, 2002
1. You are fed up with the record Dow Jones Average!

2. You are fed up with the low unemployment rate and lowering gas prices!

3. You believe government isn't big enough!

4. You want Wal-Mart destroyed!

5. You believe public schools should have an endless supply of money!

6. You hate Bush!

7. You hate Christians!

8. You hate Capitalism, love socialism!

9. You hate the death penalty!

10. You hate!

11. You believe it's wrong to listen in on terrorists!

12. You are a card-carrying ACLU member!

13. You believe Bush planted a bomb on the New Orleans dike!

14. You believe it was really Bush that destroyed the World Trade Center!

15. You believe the virtual infatuations of Mark Foley was worse than Bill Clinton’s last minute pardon of former Rep. Mel Reynolds, D-IL, who had been imprisoned for having sex with a 16-year-old staffer. (Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition later hired him; both Clinton and Jackson had also had sex with subordinates.) Or the case of Rep. Barney Frank, D-MA, whose office housed a prostitution ring (could quote many more Democrat real sex scandals)!

16. You are against Voter ID and favor anyone voting - felons (like Hillary does), illegal aliens, dead people, people voting more than once, etc.!

17. You promote teaching little children the joys of homosexuality in public schools!

18. You favor same sex marriage, marriage with animals, marriage with whoever or whatever!

19. You believe it is Bush beheading innocent people and not Muslims!

20. You believe people should be paying much more in taxes than they are now!

21. You feel that pulling out of Iraq is a good idea for the security of the USA.

22. You feel that the declining deficit needs to get bigger with social handouts.

23. You think that having the Chinese Central Bank buying up all of our debt is ok because Chinese love Clinton.

24. You pay lip service to family values while you support pedophilia.

25. You believe only dumb people join the military (John Kerry), Al Gore invented the Internet, and stay at home moms are leaching off of their husbands/boyfriends (Kristin Sinema, Arizona Democratic State Legislator).
FinePhilly said:
Election time brings out all the cut and pasters (on both sides of the political fence).

So far the c/p'ers seem to be of the right wing loonie sort.
damnewc said:
1. You are fed up with the record Dow Jones Average!

2. You are fed up with the low unemployment rate and lowering gas prices!

3. You believe government isn't big enough!

4. You want Wal-Mart destroyed!

5. You believe public schools should have an endless supply of money!

6. You hate Bush!

7. You hate Christians!

8. You hate Capitalism, love socialism!

9. You hate the death penalty!

10. You hate!

11. You believe it's wrong to listen in on terrorists!

12. You are a card-carrying ACLU member!

13. You believe Bush planted a bomb on the New Orleans dike!

14. You believe it was really Bush that destroyed the World Trade Center!

15. You believe the virtual infatuations of Mark Foley was worse than Bill Clinton’s last minute pardon of former Rep. Mel Reynolds, D-IL, who had been imprisoned for having sex with a 16-year-old staffer. (Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition later hired him; both Clinton and Jackson had also had sex with subordinates.) Or the case of Rep. Barney Frank, D-MA, whose office housed a prostitution ring (could quote many more Democrat real sex scandals)!

16. You are against Voter ID and favor anyone voting - felons (like Hillary does), illegal aliens, dead people, people voting more than once, etc.!

17. You promote teaching little children the joys of homosexuality in public schools!

18. You favor same sex marriage, marriage with animals, marriage with whoever or whatever!

19. You believe it is Bush beheading innocent people and not Muslims!

20. You believe people should be paying much more in taxes than they are now!

21. You feel that pulling out of Iraq is a good idea for the security of the USA.

22. You feel that the declining deficit needs to get bigger with social handouts.

23. You think that having the Chinese Central Bank buying up all of our debt is ok because Chinese love Clinton.

24. You pay lip service to family values while you support pedophilia.

25. You believe only dumb people join the military (John Kerry), Al Gore invented the Internet, and stay at home moms are leaching off of their husbands/boyfriends (Kristin Sinema, Arizona Democratic State Legislator).

LMAO I think you have something there
FinePhilly said:
Election time brings out all the cut and pasters (on both sides of the political fence).


I am guilty of a cut and paste here. I apologize for the lack of original thought. But I found it just fine without my input.
damnewc said:

I am guilty of a cut and paste here. I apologize for the lack of original thought. But I found it just fine without my input.
So you're just an idiot then. Ok.
KRCummings said:
So you're just an idiot then. Ok.

I am so crushed. My self-esteem rests solely on your opinion of me. Whatever will I do??!!!
damnewc said:
Oh yeah, I am a right-wing looney. :rolleyes:

I would think so, based on your post. Anyone who catogorizes anyone who might vote democratic as hateful, uses demonizing satire by painting a whole class of people as haters is probably on the fringes of political thought.
TWB said:
I would think so, based on your post. Anyone who catogorizes anyone who might vote democratic as hateful, uses demonizing satire by painting a whole class of people as haters is probably on the fringes of political thought.
you fucking pussy, every day on this board republicans/conservatives are portrayed as subhuman.

now, go suck your own dick, loser boy. you know that you wish you could.
TWB said:
I would think so, based on your post. Anyone who catogorizes anyone who might vote democratic as hateful, uses demonizing satire by painting a whole class of people as haters is probably on the fringes of political thought.

Oh yes, evil demon democrats! Muhahahaha! We must defeat you all or the country will plunge into a hellish oblivion! We will all roast in hell at the hands of an angry God!!!!!

Take what you wish from it.
damnewc said:

I am guilty of a cut and paste here. I apologize for the lack of original thought. But I found it just fine without my input.

Morondo the Magnificent and his magical cut and paste stupidity.
Vikingstone said:
Morondo the Magnificent and his magical cut and paste stupidity.

Reading through your posts, I expected more from you.
Vikingstone said:
Eh...not when you post the drivel that started this thread.

Drivel inspired drivel? Just because you don't like what it says makes it drivel? Come on. You know better than that.
So, out of curiousity...why is it wrong for public schools to have endless money? I'd think even republicans would want everyone to have a good education. Seems that's what the NCLB is all about. Or was Bush full of shit on that? Oh wait, he was full of shit on that.
Im voting straight Democrat, The local canidates have promised me a "plan" that will save SS, Lower Health Care costs, end our dependency on foreign energy and give us a new direction in Irag!

Wow! Ive never heard those promises before. :rolleyes:
KRCummings said:
So, out of curiousity...why is it wrong for public schools to have endless money? I'd think even republicans would want everyone to have a good education. Seems that's what the NCLB is all about. Or was Bush full of shit on that? Oh wait, he was full of shit on that.
show me where endless money comes from and where THTA has ever equated to BETTER EDUCATION?
KRCummings said:
So, out of curiousity...why is it wrong for public schools to have endless money? I'd think even republicans would want everyone to have a good education. Seems that's what the NCLB is all about. Or was Bush full of shit on that? Oh wait, he was full of shit on that.

Two things.

1. I do not claim to think or believe all that is in the post to be true. I posted it because I found it amusing and I knew it would be a great thread starter. I would be thrashed for posting things that 1st ammendment loving lefties hate. And in my experience, when lefties hate something being said or written, they forget all about their beloved ammendment and want some good old-fashioned censorship.

2. Being devils-advocate, how does copius amounts of money help kids get educated? Field houses costing millions, superintendants country-club memberships, poor management and outright corruption, not to mention foolish educational theories from both sides of the isle have led to a total collapse of public education. More money will not help.

My solution, be it a bit radical and unorthodox is to abandon the current system of education, let the private sector take over. They couldn't fuck it up any worse than the public system did.
damnewc said:
Two things.

My solution, be it a bit radical and unorthodox is to abandon the current system of education, let the private sector take over. They couldn't fuck it up any worse than the public system did.

I agree

in fact the BEST educted kids come from PRIVATE EDUCTION!
damnewc said:
2. Being devils-advocate, how does copius amounts of money help kids get educated? Field houses costing millions, superintendants country-club memberships, poor management and outright corruption, not to mention foolish educational theories from both sides of the isle have led to a total collapse of public education. More money will not help.
Show me some schools that fit those descriptions.