🎧 Parlay with PG-an audio thread for the aural

Answering the sexual fantasy question:

I so love listening to you. The life you have lead and your perspective on things almost always opens my mind up to new ways of thinking about or approaching things. The idea of having fulfilled all of my sexual fantasies is overwhelming. I don't think I've even discovered what all of mine are.
Thank you @Paul_Chance for sharing here. 🥰
Question: What is your sexual fantasy?


Because I couldn't help it. 😂

My actual answer. 🤭🙈
Okay, I lied. I saw a mention of Wicked Games on the home page and HAD to give you a cover of that song! It's one of my favorite ones to jam out to.

Side note on that song. Chris Isaacs is only the pretty face on the cover. He is not the genius of that song. If you watch the live video of it, there is another guy who will rarely get the spotlight. He is off to the side, the lead guitarist. He's scruffy, not a pretty face, and will never be the album lead. But watch him play! He is clearly the genius behind the song. This song is a hit BECAUSE of him. Mad props to the guys who never get the spotlight!

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