“Most Corrupt Presidency in the History of the Republic”

The media protected & shielded President Obama as much as they possibly could, but it's been the exact OPPOSITE with Trump! CNN & MSNBC both treated the Mueller Investigation like it was money-in-the-bank until the whole thing came up empty, at which point they asked the Democratic Party's national committee: "What are we supposed to do now?" So this is ONLY to be expected:

Chants of ‘CNN sucks’ cause network to cut away from Trump rally

Some four years after Donald Trump took that famous trip down the escalator and announced his run for the presidency, he held a rally in Orlando to announce his bid for re-election. Unsurprisingly, Trump took a shot at his favorite target, the media, and the crowd happily joined in, singling out CNN.

2016 was not merely a four-year election, this was a defining moment in American history,” Trump said. Then, pointing to the press pit, he added, “Ask them right there.”

The crowd booed loudly, then began chanting “CNN sucks” for nearly 20 seconds, to Trump’s obvious delight. Trump went on to point out the “fake news” one more time and referenced the Academy Awards before CNN had heard enough and cut away to John Berman, who was filling in for Anderson Cooper.

Alright, we’ve been watching the president kick off his re-election bid,” Berman said. “He’s been on stage for about six minutes. Within two minutes he did talk about the economy, but within four minutes it was attacks on the media.”

While CNN showed just a few minutes of Trump’s speech, Fox News aired it in its entirety, and MSNBC all but ignored it.

I really don't think the media WANTS to spend the next year-&-a-half supporting Joe Biden, but what else can they do? CNN had better get used to President Trump's ongoing ridicule until he leaves office on January 20, 2025.
dan_c00000 writes: "And you've been busted dozens of times pretending to be a women on the internet, been busted for racism, and Antisemitism."

Was it right, Dan, for our U.S. embassy in Israel to be moved to Jerusalem? Was it right for the U.S. to recognize the Golan Heights as belonging to Israel (after being in the possession of the Israelis now for 52-years?) Do YOU support Israel, Dan? - or is that a question that you'd rather not answer?

To other news... earlier this week, NINE Democratic Party presidential candidates attended something called the "Poor People's Moral Action Congress" in Washington, D.C. - including front-runners Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren, with each trying to outpander their rivals in promising the most government handouts.

It was an alarming spectacle for anyone who works for a living. These Democratic candidates don't believe that JOBS are the way to end poverty. For them, "work" is a four-letter word. Their approach is to take money from those working and give it to those who don't.

One in every 5 American households already lives entirely or mostly off of government benefits. A shocking three-quarters of able-bodied food stamp recipients have no children to care for and still don't work, not even part time. President Donald Trump has been trying to change that with new requirements saying that healthy adults who don't have to care for a family either look for a job or go to school. In short, get off the couch. Democrats call that "cruel."

Monday's poverty extravaganza was led by agitators claiming to be disciples of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. - they're distorting King's message - the organizers demand that Uncle Sam guarantee everyone an annual income, free college, free health care for all and a "decent house to live in." They claim these are "rights." But people who work for a living know better. These aren't rights government owes you. These are things you earn yourself.

Forum organizer Rev. William Barber howled in outrage that nearly half the nation - 140 million people - are mired in poverty and suffering. That's a blatant LIE, though none of the candidates present set the record straight.

Our booming economy has been a chance to turn that around and help the poor escape dependence. Employers are dropping requirements like college and prior experience to hire more people. Jobs aren't scarce. Workers are.

Stunningly, NOBODY at the poverty event talked about jobs!

When a homeless woman from Washington state asked Kamala Harris for help, Harris proposed expanding subsidies for renters. ALL of the candidates came with a long list of freebies. Biden promised "total health care" for everyone. Warren upped the ante, pledging free child care for all, free preschool, free college and student debt forgiveness.

When Martin Luther King declared, "free at last," that's not what he had in mind.
To other news... earlier this week, NINE Democratic Party presidential candidates attended something called the "Poor People's Moral Action Congress" in Washington, D.C. - including front-runners Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren, with each trying to outpander their rivals in promising the most government handouts.

<snip~snip to remove another eight paragraphs of blatant plagiarism>

When Martin Luther King declared, "free at last," that's not what he had in mind.

Nice post, Dump. I'm sure Betsy McCaughey thought so too when she wrote it for Real Clear Politics.

Just in case you missed it, at the end of her article are the following words in all caps:


If you are going to C&P other people's work, at least give them credit for it and, you know, maybe provide a link instead of trying to make people think you are actually capable of such writing.

Either that or get a job "writing" Melania's speeches. ;)

I hate Arabs too.

There shortened your post for you. Also, off topic.

Anyway, here's Trump committing treason on TV. And then admitting he'd commit treason again.

That was easy: dump and his alt racist dawn support traitor who would commit treason again.

Also, dump any time you want to answer my question about how much you love the murder of children feel free. Oh, we're also waiting on your bank account statements. Remember we want your full name, address, and social security number.

By dodging the question in any way you're admitting to: dawn being your alt, being a racist, being an anti-Semite, being pro-child murder, hating women, hating minorities, and just generally being a piece of shit.

We look forward to you backing up your claims!
JKendallDane writes: "Nice post, Dump. I'm sure Betsy McCaughey thought so too when she wrote it for Real Clear Politics."

I'm glad you got to read the whole thing, Jay - it was just WAY TOO LONG for me to post!

RubenR writes: "Don't expect any decency from dump; it sure fits the label deplorable."

That was a TURNING-POINT in the 2016 presidential campaign, Ruben - the day when Mrs. Clinton called Trump-supporters "DEPLORABLES" - it immediately fired-up his base like nothing else could possibly have done!

dan_c00000 writes: "Also, dump any time you want to answer my question about how much you love the murder of children feel free."

I an NOT pro-abortion, Dan - I am NOT pro-choice - where do you even get this stuff?

"We look forward to you backing up your claims!"

WHY you seem to think I'm a Democrat is beyond me! Did I once post something nice about Liz Warren?
And you've been busted dozens of times pretending to be a women on the internet, been busted for racism, and Antisemitism.

Please show me anywhere I have been 'busted' for any of these, given that...

1. I am a woman. You have simply never been able to accept the fact that a woman is smarter and better informed than you.

2. I have never written or done anything racist, here or elsewhere. You simply label any opinion that differs with yours on socio-economic policy as 'racist.'

3. I have no idea where your claim of Antisemitism comes from. If I have ever expressed any opinion here on such a topic, and I cannot recall if I have here, it would certainly have supported the Jews and Israel.​

The fact that you have to resort to such libel simply demonstrates your complete lack of substantive argument on these issues.
Every post I've ever made about black people has been racist because I'm racist. For example, I never made a comment about how well the economy was doing under Obama because I hate black people. And when Trump uses coded anti-Jewish language I don't create a thread about it because I also hate Jews.

There I fixed your racist, anti-Semitic post. Also, your picture is fake. I found it via Google Image search in 20 seconds. Nice try though. Why don't you get your racist, anti-Semitic alt joe to come back you up. And then your other racists alts bot and dump can pile on.

Sorry dawn you just got found out, again.
JKendallDane writes: "Nice post, Dump. I'm sure Betsy McCaughey thought so too when she wrote it for Real Clear Politics."

I'm glad you got to read the whole thing, Jay - it was just WAY TOO LONG for me to post!

Sorry, dump, but the fact you only stole and re-posted as your own words 85% of a copyrighted article still means you committed plagiarism. (That's the polite way of calling you a thief, but you're still a thief nonetheless.)

Maybe now you can try another one of 45's patented techniques and simply claim you never posted it. That always works so well for him. :rolleyes:

There I fixed your racist, anti-Semitic post. Also, your picture is fake. I found it via Google Image search in 20 seconds. Nice try though. Why don't you get your racist, anti-Semitic alt joe to come back you up. And then your other racists alts bot and dump can pile on.

Sorry dawn you just got found out, again.

Funny how the only way you think you can win in argument is by changing what the other person said.

I never praised the economy under Obama because it was so weak. Obama never saw a year break even a meager 2% GDP growth. It was a period of economic malaise the likes of which had not been seen since the Carter Administration.

As for Trump being Anti-Semitic... I thought the complaint on the left was that he gave too much support to Israel, moved our embassy to Jerusalem, etc....

Lastly, you claim found my image with a Google search? Where?
Because I just ran a Google search and it came up null, other than Google guessing I am someone named Natalie Goldberg (odd name for someone you claim is Anti-Semitic). A quick review of Ms. Goldberg's pictures, however, shows that I'm not her.


Your claim that you found my image elsewhere with a Google search is typical of your credibility.

You need to start trying harder, dan_c00000. Proving you wrong has simply gotten too easy, and I'm getting bored with it.



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DawnODay writes (about dan_c00000): "Funny how the only way you think you can win in argument is by changing what the other person said."

Yeah, Dan is a little out of his depth here. The guy argues politics by throwing personal insults at those who disagree with him. It's basically your everyday fascist political tactics as used by politically-progressive groups like Antifa to silence the opposition.

"I never praised the economy under Obama because it was so weak."

No, not even liberal Democrats point to the Obama economy with pride. Barack Obama himself points to the Trump-economy and then tries to take credit for IT - yes, it's comical, but nobody takes him all that seriously anymore. The former president is simply trying to salvage his historical legacy.

"As for Trump being Anti-Semitic..."

Yeah, Dan doesn't really understand the meaning of "anti-Semitic" - he believes that because Israel loves President Trump the Israeli people must be pro-Nazi. Even the other liberals on this forum basically ignore Dan when he gets like this.

The Senate seat for sale scandal.

The New Black Panther Party Voter-Intimidation Scandal

Obama’s Illegal Firing of an Inspector General

The Secret Service Prostitution scandal

The Green Energy loans scandal

The Fast & Furious scandal

Obstruction of justice, lots of it

The VA Backlog scandal

The Sestak job offer scandal

The Benghazi attack cover-up

Media spying scandals

The Iran Ransom scandal

The IRS scandal

The Trump spying /FISA abuse scandal​

M. Margolis, 14 Real Obama Scandals That Have Nothing to do with His Wearing a Tan Suit, PJM (Sep 2, 2019).
Seems to be the way with republics. They all go bananas eventually.
The number of republics with absolute nut jobs in charge is steadily increasing and really no surprise that the USA is following the same pathway.
They've had a good run but I guess all good things come to an end.
It's just so easy to own "her". I seriously don't why "she" even bothered posting this bullshit. The amount of goalpost moving has been absolutely fantastic from "her" original post.

How many black people do you think racist dawn has met in "her" life? One? Two? I'm going to bet zero.

How many lovers do you think desperate dan_c00000 has had in "his" life? One? Two? I'm going to bet zero.

(I love these, dan_c00000. Anytime I get you beaten to the point where you start suggesting I'm a man, because you misogynistically cannot accept that a woman is smarter than you, I know I've won.)
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President Obama was, in my opinion, the best president we've had, in my life time (I was born in 1951) and I would vote for him again. Trump is owned and answers to Putin by his own admission.
Trumps not owned by anybody yourvRussia lies were proved wrong,plus Odummy was who started all this racist devide he was terrible
Trumps not owned by anybody yourvRussia lies were proved wrong,plus Odummy was who started all this racist devide he was terrible
Bullshit. Ignore for you.

Why do you bother to change your account more often than you change your underwear? You're not getting any smarter or more palatable.
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Calling him the most corrupt ever may be stretching it. We've had a lot of presidents and some of them were up to their eyeballs in graft and corruption.