Someone stop me!!

Emerald Eyed

Say "HI" to my torso
Nov 30, 2003
This gorgeous girl is on the humane society website... Shes a cutie!
I'd love to stop you by adopting her first, but i'm moving into an apartment and refuse to do that to a dog :( (plus, I'm in the wrong region i think)
ecclectic said:
I'd love to stop you by adopting her first, but i'm moving into an apartment and refuse to do that to a dog :( (plus, I'm in the wrong region i think)
I did that too. i refused to get a dog until I owned a home. Now I know I will always have her and not have to worry about her not getting enough excversize
TearsoftheWorld said:
That would be a bad thing?

Hey, you've got my Christmas Pussy avatar (of two seasons) in your sigline on the far left! Freaked me out at first but I'm over it now.

What an adorable dog, EE.
TearsoftheWorld said:
*distracts you with a cuter puppy*

Oh I dont know, she is pretty cute.

I have a crate in the garage rafters .........

Oh man.
Here, look at this:

Just to distract you.. a picture of a very content black pussy...

TearsoftheWorld said:
Nope ^_^


This guy is though ^_^


You know, I have always wanted adult dogs, like the one I have now, but this one is so well mannered, I think a puppy would learn from her.

Oh I dunno,
Oh No...It's a sure sign that the apocalypse is upon us...Emerald changed her av!!! :eek:
Emerald Eyed said:
This gorgeous girl is on the humane society website... Shes a cutie!
nods.. she's a cutie! I wanted one soon because our dog just passed away from old age.