Cars > Guns

Public support for cars is on the wane. The concept of walkable cities is appealing to more and more voters. Parking lanes are being turned into bus and bike lanes.
Actually public support for ELECTRIC cars is on the wane. Where is the proof that your fantasy is appealing to more and more other than current city dwellers? Please list these massive number of cities that are eliminating parking lanes.
Actually public support for ELECTRIC cars is on the wane. Where is the proof that your fantasy is appealing to more and more other than current city dwellers? Please list these massive number of cities that are eliminating parking lanes.
Don't worry, there are no parking lanes in your trailer park.
Actually public support for ELECTRIC cars is on the wane. Where is the proof that your fantasy is appealing to more and more other than current city dwellers? Please list these massive number of cities that are eliminating parking lanes.
I haven't heard of a single parking meter being removed from anywhere................then and again you wouldn't have people paying to park somewhere that they have already paid for
Actually public support for ELECTRIC cars is on the wane.
The technology is not ready, which is why it lost out in the late nineteenth century too. When it is ready, it will be market-competitive and not necessitate the massive government subsidies which are responsible for worldwide stagflation.
The technology is not ready, which is why it lost out in the late nineteenth century too. When it is ready, it will be market-competitive and not necessitate the massive government subsidies which are responsible for worldwide stagflation.
I beg to differ.....hear me out

Electricity is nothing new. Bee fooling around with it for a while now. The rub is that we have gone as far as we ca go with the elements and earthy physics being what they are.

Oil is the top of the mound. Electricity wants to knock it off the top. Advancement is good. At the same time....................

My phantom 4 gets 15 mins of flight time per battery, doing stuff.........ascend, descend, video objects, chase cats ad birds

My RC gas copter has a duration of 2 hours for a tank of fuel apprx the same size as the drone battery

Is that apples to apples? oh yeah it is.

That said, diesel electric locomotives are the real king......................weight is actually a good thing plus a 10k gallon tank slung way down low.

What we are being sold, however, is a unicorn fart fantasy married to epic fail

New Coke married to Crystal Pepsi
If people want to own cars, they should bear the costs themselves. Right now the government heavily subsidizes driving. For example, in many places it’s completely legal to park right in the street, blocking a lane of traffic. Cities shouldn’t be providing free parking. Let private parking lots charge the market rate.
Then we should also ban bicyclists because they don't pay any gas taxes, which are through the roof.
Honestly the government should stay out of encouraging or discouraging anyone from purchasing anything legal to own. Too much government meddling has fucked up our economic system too many times to count.

City life will never be enticing enough to move some people to live there, me included. Even if you take away the crime, crowding, pollution, and traffic...I still wouldn't live there. I don't like crowds and I do like miles of green space all around me where I live now.
I used to love living in the city. Always something to do and to see. Then I started working in crowd control and I started to really disliking people in the aggregate, so once I had the means, I got the hell away from the city. As Sir Elton croons, back to my plow...
Actually public support for ELECTRIC cars is on the wane. Where is the proof that your fantasy is appealing to more and more other than current city dwellers? Please list these massive number of cities that are eliminating parking lanes.
Walkable cities would by necessity require moving walkways because not everybody can walk, or walk for distance. I wonder if our bright, shining advocate has ever been to Hong Kong for example...

There she could live her dream as long as four-person elevators don't make her claustrophobic. Or an office that will fit a desk, but not people, or a bedroom that will not accept a King-sized bed, which for a guy my size, is a must.
The technology is not ready, which is why it lost out in the late nineteenth century too. When it is ready, it will be market-competitive and not necessitate the massive government subsidies which are responsible for worldwide stagflation.
I submit that the technology will never be there. That problem as been worked to death for years as you indirectly point out. The search for an alternative power source has never relented; even the oil companies know that discovering/inventing it will leads to permanent riches for the entity (entities) that own the rights. They throw more money into research that our government or rich (and middle class) self-proclaimed progressives and conservationists ever will.
Yeah? Well, my Glock 19C prevented my house from getting broken into this morning. And the two POS mother fuckers are now in police custody, which is to say PROTECTIVE custody, as I had the male half on his FUCKING KNEES with the little blue laser dot on his chest, said laser dot wavering not a FUCKING INCH while his crack whore bitch cunt was sobbing uncontrollably and rightly so because the amount of hesitation I would have shown in emptying all 16 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense 9mm into both their sorry, Biden-worshipping leftist criminal asses can be expressed in a very simple number, that number being 0.00 nanoseconds of hesitation. The smartest fucking thing either of them did on their almost last day of existence was listen to my commands because I DO NOT FUCK AROUND. Keyboard warrior? Yeah? Maybe try and convince either of those two I'm a keyboard warrior but if you require personal convincing I am, you can DM me and I will supply you with my address and you can come and we can have a frank and honest conversation about why you are a fucking little "minor attracted person" cunt and coward and I hope to fucking hell your bitch knows what a fucking POS pussy she had the misfortune of partnering with and maybe she wants to piss on your fucking soy-boi ass and I can whip her into shape and give her a real cock for perhaps the first time in her life...but I think you won't be taking me up on my offer. That would show you have at least one functional neuron in your goddamn communist kid-fucker skull. Or? Try your luck! You can test your keyboard warrior hypothesis...I'm very very ok with that decision as well...and I would say...on your way here? Decide on a religion and a god...get your will in order...say your goodbyes and...I look forward to our meeting. There are probably less painful modes of self-elimination's a free country and I'm more than happy to turn you into an object lesson.
BTW, any of you...ANY of you...that has an issue with my actions this morning, or my sentiments? Behold, look upon my barren field, and you will see I have not a single fuck to give. If you want that message delivered personally? DM me, I can provide you with my address and we can have that conversation. But I don't you will. Strike that...I very much will not take me up on that offer. Does that make you a coward? Well...duh, yes. But makes you not wholly fucking retarded. A coward...but not the retarded coward you are constantly mistaken for. Now go change your diaper, you smell.
Wait, are these the same people who would would see riding down the interstate alone in their cars with all of the windows closed and wearing a mask???
i thought those were the same guys that went to bed at night...alone...with a condom on.
Yeah? Well, my Glock 19C prevented my house from getting broken into this morning. And the two POS mother fuckers are now in police custody, which is to say PROTECTIVE custody, as I had the male half on his FUCKING KNEES with the little blue laser dot on his chest, said laser dot wavering not a FUCKING INCH while his crack whore bitch cunt was sobbing uncontrollably and rightly so because the amount of hesitation I would have shown in emptying all 16 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense 9mm into both their sorry, Biden-worshipping leftist criminal asses can be expressed in a very simple number, that number being 0.00 nanoseconds of hesitation. The smartest fucking thing either of them did on their almost last day of existence was listen to my commands because I DO NOT FUCK AROUND. Keyboard warrior? Yeah? Maybe try and convince either of those two I'm a keyboard warrior but if you require personal convincing I am, you can DM me and I will supply you with my address and you can come and we can have a frank and honest conversation about why you are a fucking little "minor attracted person" cunt and coward and I hope to fucking hell your bitch knows what a fucking POS pussy she had the misfortune of partnering with and maybe she wants to piss on your fucking soy-boi ass and I can whip her into shape and give her a real cock for perhaps the first time in her life...but I think you won't be taking me up on my offer. That would show you have at least one functional neuron in your goddamn communist kid-fucker skull. Or? Try your luck! You can test your keyboard warrior hypothesis...I'm very very ok with that decision as well...and I would say...on your way here? Decide on a religion and a god...get your will in order...say your goodbyes and...I look forward to our meeting. There are probably less painful modes of self-elimination's a free country and I'm more than happy to turn you into an object lesson.
You're full of shit, loser.
BTW, any of you...ANY of you...that has an issue with my actions this morning, or my sentiments? Behold, look upon my barren field, and you will see I have not a single fuck to give. If you want that message delivered personally? DM me, I can provide you with my address and we can have that conversation. But I don't you will. Strike that...I very much will not take me up on that offer. Does that make you a coward? Well...duh, yes. But makes you not wholly fucking retarded. A coward...but not the retarded coward you are constantly mistaken for. Now go change your diaper, you smell.
Tell us you're an incel without saying you're an incel....lmao

Give me your address.
Yeah? Well, my Glock 19C prevented my house from getting broken into this morning. And the two POS mother fuckers are now in police custody, which is to say PROTECTIVE custody, as I had the male half on his FUCKING KNEES with the little blue laser dot on his chest, said laser dot wavering not a FUCKING INCH while his crack whore bitch cunt was sobbing uncontrollably and rightly so because the amount of hesitation I would have shown in emptying all 16 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense 9mm into both their sorry, Biden-worshipping leftist criminal asses can be expressed in a very simple number, that number being 0.00 nanoseconds of hesitation. The smartest fucking thing either of them did on their almost last day of existence was listen to my commands because I DO NOT FUCK AROUND. Keyboard warrior? Yeah? Maybe try and convince either of those two I'm a keyboard warrior but if you require personal convincing I am, you can DM me and I will supply you with my address and you can come and we can have a frank and honest conversation about why you are a fucking little "minor attracted person" cunt and coward and I hope to fucking hell your bitch knows what a fucking POS pussy she had the misfortune of partnering with and maybe she wants to piss on your fucking soy-boi ass and I can whip her into shape and give her a real cock for perhaps the first time in her life...but I think you won't be taking me up on my offer. That would show you have at least one functional neuron in your goddamn communist kid-fucker skull. Or? Try your luck! You can test your keyboard warrior hypothesis...I'm very very ok with that decision as well...and I would say...on your way here? Decide on a religion and a god...get your will in order...say your goodbyes and...I look forward to our meeting. There are probably less painful modes of self-elimination's a free country and I'm more than happy to turn you into an object lesson.
Gun porn fanfic. :nana:
BTW, any of you...ANY of you...that has an issue with my actions this morning, or my sentiments? Behold, look upon my barren field, and you will see I have not a single fuck to give. If you want that message delivered personally? DM me, I can provide you with my address and we can have that conversation. But I don't you will. Strike that...I very much will not take me up on that offer. Does that make you a coward? Well...duh, yes. But makes you not wholly fucking retarded. A coward...but not the retarded coward you are constantly mistaken for. Now go change your diaper, you smell.
Lighten up, Francis.

Your "SissyCumSlut" signature does not strike terror in our hearts. You may fare better on Wat's thread, however.
Yeah? Well, my Glock 19C prevented my house from getting broken into this morning. And the two POS mother fuckers are now in police custody, which is to say PROTECTIVE custody, as I had the male half on his FUCKING KNEES with the little blue laser dot on his chest, said laser dot wavering not a FUCKING INCH while his crack whore bitch cunt was sobbing uncontrollably and rightly so because the amount of hesitation I would have shown in emptying all 16 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense 9mm into both their sorry, Biden-worshipping leftist criminal asses can be expressed in a very simple number, that number being 0.00 nanoseconds of hesitation. The smartest fucking thing either of them did on their almost last day of existence was listen to my commands because I DO NOT FUCK AROUND. Keyboard warrior? Yeah? Maybe try and convince either of those two I'm a keyboard warrior but if you require personal convincing I am, you can DM me and I will supply you with my address and you can come and we can have a frank and honest conversation about why you are a fucking little "minor attracted person" cunt and coward and I hope to fucking hell your bitch knows what a fucking POS pussy she had the misfortune of partnering with and maybe she wants to piss on your fucking soy-boi ass and I can whip her into shape and give her a real cock for perhaps the first time in her life...but I think you won't be taking me up on my offer. That would show you have at least one functional neuron in your goddamn communist kid-fucker skull. Or? Try your luck! You can test your keyboard warrior hypothesis...I'm very very ok with that decision as well...and I would say...on your way here? Decide on a religion and a god...get your will in order...say your goodbyes and...I look forward to our meeting. There are probably less painful modes of self-elimination's a free country and I'm more than happy to turn you into an object lesson.
Try living somewhere safe, where you don't need to go to bed with a gun.