The future is dense, walkable cities.

The future is restoring historic suburban houses. Terrific TV series about people who turn dilapidated old houses into beautiful homes. Neighborhoods in decaying burbs surrounding places like Detroit, New Jersey, New York and other cities are becoming gentrified by creative designers and builders. They basically restore the American Dream.
The future is restoring historic suburban houses. Terrific TV series about people who turn dilapidated old houses into beautiful homes. Neighborhoods in decaying burbs surrounding places like Detroit, New Jersey, New York and other cities are becoming gentrified by creative designers and builders. They basically restore the American Dream.
Which is now called "gentrification." An attempt to expel the lower income folks from the cities. In their minds "rack and ruin" is preferable to building up better.
Which is now called "gentrification." An attempt to expel the lower income folks from the cities. In their minds "rack and ruin" is preferable to building up better.
It’s true that restoration of decaying and often empty houses in historic neighborhoods that have become blighted can raise property values.
With shorter commute distances and lower speeds in urban areas, there could be more vehicles with standing positions instead of seats. There are ebikes and small utility vehicles like that now. That would save some vehicle length but increase height and drag.
Explain the need for expanding urbanization without an increasing population.
People tend to move out of city's when young, and move back when old. If they lived in their parents home,when they moved and the parents still live there when they move back, I suspect the children would need a new home. Most parents don't want there adult children living with them. Your parents being an exception of course.
I thought it was relatively common knowledge that urbanization is correlated with falling fertility rates, but apparently not.
Urbanization is treated in the literature as a process that occurs along with economic development. We consider an overlapping generations model with two regions, designated as ‘urban’ and ‘rural’. Concentration of population to urban areas involves population inflows from rural areas, thereby exacerbating urban congestion. Inverse agglomeration economies in rural areas exert negative effects on rural income, consequently increasing the attractiveness of urban areas. Because of lower urban fertility rates, urbanization involves population decreases. Therefore, population dynamics might be explained as simultaneous urbanization and population contraction. However, depopulation mitigates congestion, which increases the fertility rate and the worker’s lifetime utility level. Eventually, it can lead to a stationary population size.
Explain the need for expanding urbanization without an increasing population.

People move to cities for the wide variety of economic opportunities (jobs and entrepreneurship), for more entertainment options, and for more options to find a mate.

It’s not a “need”, it’s a preference.

And cities that prioritize pedestrians and bicyclists over motor vehicles have a quality of life difference that lots of people enjoy.

People who prefer the suburbs or rural areas can stay there. No problem. Nobody is making anyone do anything.
I sometimes hear rants about being herded into 250 square foot apartments. Umm, probably less, and mostly by choice. Where people don't have the cheap energy for manufacturing and suburbia, homes are much smaller. 250 square feet could hold a family of four. A 10x10 cabin is a reasonable size for rural low energy living for one person building his own home.
I sometimes hear rants about being herded into 250 square foot apartments. Umm, probably less, and mostly by choice. Where people don't have the cheap energy for manufacturing and suburbia, homes are much smaller. 250 square feet could hold a family of four. A 10x10 cabin is a reasonable size for rural low energy living for one person building his own home.
Dude if you want to live in a closet with no personal space, other than the bathroom then have at it. That would be worse than Hell to me.
Which is now called "gentrification." An attempt to expel the lower income folks from the cities. In their minds "rack and ruin" is preferable to building up better.

Our cities need to be reordered to be more like our European cousins long past where the poor had to go live outside of the castle walls...

... they can come in from time to time for labor or to spend the money of that labor at our fairs.

Bread and circuses, they things empires are built upon.

Empires are forever.


Our cities need to be reordered to be more like our European cousins long past where the poor had to go live outside of the castle walls...

... they can come in from time to time for labor or to spend the money of that labor at our fairs.

Bread and circuses, they things empires are built upon.

Empires are forever.


Forgot your tinfoil cap this morning?

Our cities need to be reordered to be more like our European cousins long past where the poor had to go live outside of the castle walls...

... they can come in from time to time for labor or to spend the money of that labor at our fairs.

Bread and circuses, they things empires are built upon.

Empires are forever.

Pretty much.

The OP has put forth this Utopian ideal that, with rare exception, runs counter to observed reality.
Krazy Kristi likes to shoot goats.
Uh, sure. Okay. Yeah, she's hot and in the news cycle, but seriously, thanks to human encroachment, herds have to be culled since we've culled out the predators which used to keep their populations in check and thus healthy and sustainable...

Everything on the menu stays on the menu thanks to conservative conservation efforts. The liberals would let them wallow, suffer and starve (in the name of compassion for all of Gaia's living creatures) just like they do in the inner cities.
About the only way the proposed Utopian ideal will come about is under the auspices of, "You will live where you are assigned to live." Where have we seen that before?

Nobody is making anyone do anything. That’s just your delusional paranoia.
Uh, sure. Okay. Yeah, she's hot and in the news cycle, but seriously, thanks to human encroachment, herds have to be culled since we've culled out the predators which used to keep their populations in check and thus healthy and sustainable...

Everything on the menu stays on the menu thanks to conservative conservation efforts. The liberals would let them wallow, suffer and starve (in the name of compassion for all of Gaia's living creatures) just like they do in the inner cities.

Herds of wild GOATS? There are no herds of wild goats.

Is this a new Qanon thing I haven’t heard of? Are illegal herds of wild goats crossing the border?
I already said this once, but if the Liberals who run the major cities knew how to make them livable and a desired local which to inhabit, people would flock to them. That's just basic human nature. But just like their ideas on law and liability, they favor and coddle the lawbreaker and criminally (in a moral sense, I know, an outdated concept based on evil religion. Who the fuck is anyone to say that another should possess a work ethic? Maybe they're just "artistic!" We need artists, they improve our basic human condition by producing crap that looks nothing like art) lazy over the citizen because the lawbreakers are the products of the citizens' "greed" and "Capitalism."