Cars > Guns

In that case why are you campaigning for lower wages for others while you watch from the beach, spending your benefits of socialism?
Are you referring to Social Security here? In theory, it's an insurance program, but its coffers get raided to fund socialist programs like welfare, HUD, obamacare, etc. for sure!

Also since it is based on the value of the currency plus GDP, lowering wages for low-value labor tends to kick those upward, so...
Are you referring to Social Security here? In theory, it's an insurance program, but its coffers get raided to fund socialist programs like welfare, HUD, obamacare, etc. for sure!

Also since it is based on the value of the currency plus GDP, lowering wages for low-value labor tends to kick those upward, so...
Every pension, every benefit was fought for by unions & socialists and denied by capitalists. The fact that you have a pension at all (except for annuities) means that you are lapping up the product of union & socialist activity.
Pensions are paid by the consumer and are given in lieu of actual wages to the worker to the benefit of the employer. It is a device to ensure cheaper labor. If you really hate "Capitalists" that bad (and remember, 90% or better of American business is defined by the mom and pop) then you should hate pensions too...
Pensions are paid by the consumer and are given in lieu of actual wages to the worker to the benefit of the employer.
In my mind, the Roth IRA and 401k sort of obviated the pension. The big problem was always taxes; give people tax-free accounts with automatic monthly deductions, and everything turns out fine, better than Social Security even.
The same government that gave you those retirement investment vehicles is also the government that can take them from you at the point of their metaphorical gun to support Social Security in the name of "fairness and equality."

All it takes is a few keystrokes now that most money is electronic.
They are nice cars, much better than guns. Trouble is they are in the garage being fixed.
Enjoy your life of less. Trouble is, this is all you will ever be. Watching me living life!

Hey, you bought into the communist ideology. Enjoy it!
Are you referring to Social Security here? In theory, it's an insurance program, but its coffers get raided to fund socialist programs like welfare, HUD, obamacare, etc. for sure!

Also since it is based on the value of the currency plus GDP, lowering wages for low-value labor tends to kick those upward, so...

Despite those who decry social security as a ponzi scheme, it's actually a very good example of what the Gov is supposed to be doing.

In feudal times, the gov bought grain to store for use in times of famine. That way, when famine came to visit and no one had enough wheat, the gov doled out the stored grain to the people so the people had enough food. Barely, but there was enough to survive until things got better.

There is no difference between the dollars paid into Social Security and the gov storing grain so the populace has food in hard times. That people don't understand this is why the gov raids the trust fund and other short sighted and narrow minded selfish individuals want to abolish or privatize (same thing) it.
The government shouldn’t be building charging stations for electric cars.

Based on this type of thinking the government shouldn't have railroads, mass transit, airports, aquaducts, electrical grids, pipelines, or anything else.

Yet without those things you would starve.

Better, without those things not only wouldn't you have an internet to play on, you wouldn't have computers/smart phones to do it with.

And you know all those people who work at the Port Of LA hustling and shuttling all those goods from the container ships? They wouldn't have jobs. Neither would anyone at WalMart.

And THAT means that your local walkable cities wouldn't be getting tax money to support anything like police and fire and hospitals.

Basically, you've signed on to a fantasy that only ends one way... with your own extermination.
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Based on this type of thinking the government shouldn't have railroads, mass transit, airports, aquaducts, electrical grids, pipelines, or anything else.

Yet without those things you would starve.
The government doesn’t build gas stations. Let the free market take care of building charging stations for electric cars.
The government doesn’t build gas stations. Let the free market take care of building charging stations for electric cars.

If the government is going to mandate a specific thing, then it has the responsibility to provide the infrastructure for it.

Otherwise the free market is going to go its own way and government mandates be damned.
In feudal times, the gov bought grain to store for use in times of famine. That way, when famine came to visit and no one had enough wheat, the gov doled out the stored grain to the people so the people had enough food. Barely, but there was enough to survive until things got better.
That was your local lords, and theya lso encouraged each freeholder to do the same.
That was your local lords, and theya lso encouraged each freeholder to do the same.

As I said, the gov bought grain for use when there was famine. That they encouraged the people to do the same is nothing more than the 401K of their times.
Big point is that this is the opposite of socialism. Instead of subsidizing people, government handed out grain only in a crisis.

Social Security is the same. As you get older or become disabled you cannot work. Which becomes a crisis when you consider that the entire aging population falls into that inevitability.
Based on this type of thinking the government shouldn't have railroads, mass transit, airports, aquaducts, electrical grids, pipelines, or anything else.

Yet without those things you would starve.

Better, without those things not only wouldn't you have an internet to play on, you wouldn't have computers/smart phones to do it with.

And you know all those people who work at the Port Of LA hustling and shuttling all those goods from the container ships? They wouldn't have jobs. Neither would anyone at WalMart.

And THAT means that your local walkable cities wouldn't be getting tax money to support anything like police and fire and hospitals.

Basically, you've signed on to a fantasy that only ends one way... with your own extermination.
Our government doesn't have any of those things. Regulations=/= ownership

Your entire post reeks of communist fantasies
If the government is going to mandate a specific thing, then it has the responsibility to provide the infrastructure for it.

Otherwise the free market is going to go its own way and government mandates be damned.
The government shouldn’t be encouraging people to own cars.
Social Security? Ahahahahahaha I opted out of that theft scheme in 1984 when you could do that if you ha a government pension plan. My uncle set us up as firefighters in a small town, we each put in 5 bucks toward the town employee pension plan

In 4 years it starts paying me money.........................

No, I can't get anything fro the SS, nor do I want anything from them. I have this aversion to mediocrity