Navalny - Death by Putin

The question was asked about where you are. I responded to look at your Avatar. It says China. I took that at face value - in American that means I believe you wrote that honestly. It has nothing to do with being naive to some point. What ever that means to your hard to understand missive that followed. The he/she reference is from another thread that alluded to your male/female sexual assignment at birth. I don't care about that. You are a person regardless and deserve respect as such.

Vietnam is a sensitive word for me, not because we lost a war there. I nearly died there. I went there out of a sense of patriotic duty not because I believed in the cause for being present there. Today, America has trade relations and American television game shows have prizes with trips to visit beautiful Vietnam and stay in a five star hotel. Not a place I'd return to even as a prize on a game show. Old memories never die - except at one's death.

Every country's populous is very proud and prejudiced to have lived in their country. Even some Chinese like China with its repressed form of government, I suppose.

One does and can live their entire lives with just one language - I get by with translations of books and have no need to read, write, or converse with a Russian. Its not a blind dependence to read an English translation. You tone implys one is diminished or lacking for not mastering another language. It is not. It is just a norm in our country. People here still get offended at hearing Spanish spoken even though there are millions of Spanish speakers here. Not so with learning to speak Russian - they have a hard time getting out of their country - seems to be something to do with having basic freedoms - like China.
Sorry sir, if I did make you unhappy. I didn't mean to hurt or harm anybody. I am a Chinese, English is a foreign language to me and foreign culture is a subject that I like but still needs time and efforts to understand.

I am very lucky to be here to talk to friends of other countries. Most of them are Americans, I beleive. But today Americans are people from all over the world too. Yesterday I saw Fox News, it said that every day America received thousands of illegal immigrants through the sountern border, many of whom are Chinese. In this forum, some people are very nice, they point out the grammatical errors for me as well as other cultural problems, but others are very rude, when they begin to say something, they say without any real evidence and without any hesitation that I am a propogandist and a spy or other bad names they can think of. That is why I have to fight back, however small, lonely and weak I am. After all, I am not the New York police officer who was kicked and beaten by a young boy illegally entering the city.

You have taught me a lesson, thank you. Again I apologize for any rude words said to you. You have fought for your country, from the point of view of Chinese, it is still a good behavior, because nobody can choose his own parents. A man serving his own motherland is a hero. Respect!!!
Sorry sir, if I did make you unhappy. I didn't mean to hurt or harm anybody. I am a Chinese, English is a foreign language to me and foreign culture is a subject that I like but still needs time and efforts to understand.

I am very lucky to be here to talk to friends of other countries. Most of them are Americans, I beleive. But today Americans are people from all over the world too. Yesterday I saw Fox News, it said that every day America received thousands of illegal immigrants through the sountern border, many of whom are Chinese. In this forum, some people are very nice, they point out the grammatical errors for me as well as other cultural problems, but others are very rude, when they begin to say something, they say without any real evidence and without any hesitation that I am a propogandist and a spy or other bad names they can think of. That is why I have to fight back, however small, lonely and weak I am. After all, I am not the New York police officer who was kicked and beaten by a young boy illegally entering the city.

You have taught me a lesson, thank you. Again I apologize for any rude words said to you. You have fought for your country, from the point of view of Chinese, it is still a good behavior, because nobody can choose his own parents. A man serving his own motherland is a hero. Respect!!!
Apology accepted.

I recommend you switch your news source from Fox News. It is a very biased source of information.

More than 24,000 Chinese came to the United States illegally during the 2023 fiscal year, according to government data. Over the previous 10 years, fewer than 15,000 Chinese migrants were caught crossing the southern border illegally.

Russia has always been a dictatorship because it is so frequently attacked and invaded by neighbors who want Russia's resources. Western ideals like democracy are fine for the west. They don't work in Russia. Uniting under a leader to defend and kick ass is what works there. We had only one 9/11 and that was enough to shut down some of our democracy for a while and reelect a POS. Multiply that by a hundred or a thousand over the long history of Russia.
Russia has always been a dictatorship because it is so frequently attacked and invaded by neighbors who want Russia's resources. Western ideals like democracy are fine for the west. They don't work in Russia. Uniting under a leader to defend and kick ass is what works there. We had only one 9/11 and that was enough to shut down some of our democracy for a while and reelect a POS. Multiply that by a hundred or a thousand over the long history of Russia.
So you favor dictatorships.

Sorry sir, if I did make you unhappy. I didn't mean to hurt or harm anybody. I am a Chinese, English is a foreign language to me and foreign culture is a subject that I like but still needs time and efforts to understand.

I am very lucky to be here to talk to friends of other countries. Most of them are Americans, I beleive. But today Americans are people from all over the world too. Yesterday I saw Fox News, it said that every day America received thousands of illegal immigrants through the sountern border, many of whom are Chinese. In this forum, some people are very nice, they point out the grammatical errors for me as well as other cultural problems, but others are very rude, when they begin to say something, they say without any real evidence and without any hesitation that I am a propogandist and a spy or other bad names they can think of. That is why I have to fight back, however small, lonely and weak I am. After all, I am not the New York police officer who was kicked and beaten by a young boy illegally entering the city.

You have taught me a lesson, thank you. Again I apologize for any rude words said to you. You have fought for your country, from the point of view of Chinese, it is still a good behavior, because nobody can choose his own parents. A man serving his own motherland is a hero. Respect!!!
I think I try to be nice. I would be encouraging if you made a grammatical error that needed correcting in your attempts at speaking English. Learning another language is hard and I believe flattering to the tongue you are attempting to learn. I called you a propagandist from the tone of your past posts which often condescendingly told of how this country's general thinking is. I stand by what I said. If I had an open conversation with a person of foreign origin here in America, I can't imagine entering a foreign based forum with the confidence and certainty of yours. Now, I grant you that I may have a cultural misunderstanding in the confidence of Chinese citizens, but I would like to think that deference, humbleness, and the asking of many, many, many questions for proper clarification to be the approach most people would take, regardless of where they are from. That is... unless they had an agenda. Now, I am open to you proving me wrong and your last post is a good start in doing so.
Sorry sir, if I did make you unhappy. I didn't mean to hurt or harm anybody. I am a Chinese, English is a foreign language to me and foreign culture is a subject that I like but still needs time and efforts to understand.

I am very lucky to be here to talk to friends of other countries. Most of them are Americans, I beleive. But today Americans are people from all over the world too. Yesterday I saw Fox News, it said that every day America received thousands of illegal immigrants through the sountern border, many of whom are Chinese. In this forum, some people are very nice, they point out the grammatical errors for me as well as other cultural problems, but others are very rude, when they begin to say something, they say without any real evidence and without any hesitation that I am a propogandist and a spy or other bad names they can think of. That is why I have to fight back, however small, lonely and weak I am. After all, I am not the New York police officer who was kicked and beaten by a young boy illegally entering the city.

You have taught me a lesson, thank you. Again I apologize for any rude words said to you. You have fought for your country, from the point of view of Chinese, it is still a good behavior, because nobody can choose his own parents. A man serving his own motherland is a hero. Respect!!!
Most Americans love immigrants. However there is a small minority of white supremacists on the right who are trying to drum up anti-immigrant feeling as a way to attack President Biden. That’s what you’re seeing when you watch reports about illegal immigrants on Fox News.
Putin locks up anyone who speaks out against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Russian human rights campaigner sentenced to jail for denouncing war

One of Russia’s longest-serving and most respected human rights campaigners, Oleg Orlov, has been sentenced to two and a half years in jail for denouncing the war in Ukraine.

Orlov, who is 70, has served for more than two decades as one of the leaders of the Memorial human rights organisation, which won a share of the Nobel peace prize in 2022 a year after being banned in Russia.

He was accused by the Russian prosecutors of “discrediting” the Russian army in an opinion piece in French media in which he wrote that Russian troops were committing “mass murder” in Ukraine and that his country had “slipped back into totalitarianism”.

Breaking: Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Admits Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Died from a Blood Clot – He Wasn’t Murdered​

By Jim Hoft Feb. 26, 2024 9:00 am

Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov disappointed Western journalists on Monday who asked him about Russian dissident Alexei Navalny’s death in prison in Siberia. Budanov confirmed the Kremlin’s claims that Navalny died of a blood clot. Navalny was not murdered.

Krylo Budanov: I may disappoint you, but what we know is that he actually died from a blood clot.

Breaking: Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Admits Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Died from a Blood Clot – He Wasn’t Murdered​

By Jim Hoft Feb. 26, 2024 9:00 am

Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov disappointed Western journalists on Monday who asked him about Russian dissident Alexei Navalny’s death in prison in Siberia. Budanov confirmed the Kremlin’s claims that Navalny died of a blood clot. Navalny was not murdered.
Of course he did 👍😜

Breaking: Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Admits Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Died from a Blood Clot – He Wasn’t Murdered​

By Jim Hoft Feb. 26, 2024 9:00 am

Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov disappointed Western journalists on Monday who asked him about Russian dissident Alexei Navalny’s death in prison in Siberia. Budanov confirmed the Kremlin’s claims that Navalny died of a blood clot. Navalny was not murdered.
Suuuure and Epstien killed himself.

I don't like to get involved on this board because it's so obviously toxic and idiotic(on BOTH sides) but I do wish there was a face palm react for this kind of propaganda slurping.

Edit: God I must be very bored today, I just replied on the politics board! Ewwwww:sick::poop:🤮