So much damn incest

What's the deal with so much focus on incest? Don't people get turned on by people other than their sister and mother??? Geeze.

I would argue that can be the case for anything. I asked myself why there are so many interracial/BBC or gangbang stories, it seems, but in reality that is because some like it and some do not. It is all a matter of personal taste.

I personally like harem stories, one guy, and many women but they always seem to devolve into something else.

These stories are works of fiction and can cover various things. So, yeah some people get turned on by incest. Just like some people get turned on by big tits, etc.
I would argue that can be the case for anything. I asked myself why there are so many interracial/BBC or gangbang stories, it seems, but in reality that is because some like it and some do not. It is all a matter of personal taste.

I personally like harem stories, one guy, and many women but they always seem to devolve into something else.

These stories are works of fiction and can cover various things. So, yeah some people get turned on by incest. Just like some people get turned on by big tits, etc.
Women had harems too
Won't you like to be one of those guys there?
Women had harems too
Won't you like to be one of those guys there?

That is a reverse harem. Just like a reverse gangbang is one man with many women, instead of a woman with many men.

No, I would not like to be one of those guys. Sharing a single woman with multiple men? No thank you, but that is just my personal taste.

But you do bring up a point that I think many writers and readers do not understand: the meaning/definition of an actual harem.
Your view about a harem is based on what you believe or have heard being practiced in male dominated societies.
In nature and women dominated societies one female has many males to service her.
Infact amongst the bees and ants the males have only one function,to impregnate the queen.

If what you think about is a fantasy or just fiction,I don't understand why you want to restrict your flights of fantasy!!
Your view about a harem is based on what you believe or have heard being practiced in male dominated societies.
In nature and women dominated societies one female has many males to service her.
Infact amongst the bees and ants the males have only one function,to impregnate the queen.

If what you think about is a fantasy or just fiction,I don't understand why you want to restrict your flights of fantasy!!

Everyone's views are based on what they believe or have been taught.

Nothing about civilization is natural. Women-dominated societies vary, depending on how you want to define that term. You are right, one female has many males to service her, and that is a reserve harem.

Bees and ants are not humans. I am not trying to restrict, but to make sure that everything is clear in what I am reading. So, for example, I do not like gang bang so I do not want to read a story tag with gangbang.

But your entire argument does not make much sense to me. Do you know where the term harem comes from?
THIS username does not

Under another I have 34 submissions to Literotica
Under another that you don't post here under. Meaning you want to come here and take shots at people's work, call them lazy, but protect your own so people can't go see you show us how you think its done.

That's if there is even another name. I could tell you I have ten pen names and never have to prove it.

I know this is a waste of time because you obviously know everything, and here I am just a nobody here. First off, unless you're using AI, there is no such thing as lazy writing. Even a stroke story, even a one page shoddily written story takes some work. Writing takes an effort, and many people here, whether you or I like their work, are proud of their stories and don't need to be denigrated by being called lazy.

Second, as for the genre of incest, other than its being popular there is no difference than any other category here. Good stories, bad stories, short long, silly, serious etc. I have a feeling most people who are "sick" of it are saying so because they don't like to read or write it, and are angry so many others do. Meanwhile this site is littered with hardcore rape stories and rarely a complaint about those from the peanut gallery.

As for "lazy" again, there are strokers in every category, and as far as this argument "well, they know each other and live together, so its an easy set up."

Is it, oh, guru of writing? Let's take a minute to think on this.

If you're writing "I saw my sister's tits and we had sex" Is that easy as easy gets? Yes. But how is it easier than "I saw this girl with nice tits and I said let's fuck and she said, yeah, baby!" An easy stroke piece is easy in any scenario.

But let's stick with incest and how "easy" it is. Reality is, the category is totally far fetched, this stuff does not happen often in real life, and when it does, its usually not a good fun sexy thing. This is implausible fantasy. But say you want to take the "This wouldn't happen" and create a scenario in which you add reality, emotions, the this is wrong, but yet, conflict, slow burn and character development. A story that makes a reader say "You know, I could see it happening."

That is not easy, and not lazy. I've written what I call pandering stories here, where its kind of just fun suspend belief all the way material. They have their charm, but I-and many others-have also penned stories that are far more serious and deal with the real life emotions and bullshit of what would happen if family got together. I'd be remiss if I didn't add that unlike you, people are free to look me up and check out my stories. I have nothing to hide or protect here. Want to go and bomb me or leave shitty comments? Feel free, I have the stones to make myself public.

I'd offer up a couple of links to my stories, or recommend others, but your mind is made up, and you feel free to keep your biased opinion.

I posted this for anyone with an open mind on the topic.

I abhor rape stories, so I don't read them. But I don't denigrate the people who write them. I don't question their effort, talent, call them names or wonder about their personal morality. These are stories and when something is popular, then it is for a reason. Whether you like it or not.
The incest stories are sexy until another family member joins in and starts fucking an ass or some other violence.
Two people who are already incredibly close and loving to each other, know each other as well as anyone could know anyone - like siblings- - deciding to ADD physicality and sexuality to their existing deep relationship.

I would be curious what you both think of my Blind Faith submission. I tried to write something like what you describe in this particular story, and I am not sure if I hit the mark or not. If you have the time and the interest, I'd be super happy if you could read it and tell me what it is missing to really hit all the notes, because I am working on another story where I really want to get the dynamic perfect. Or as close to perfect as I am capable of.

If you're not interested, that's obviously okay too - just thought this could be an excellent opportunity for me to speak directly to the target audience, if you will! 😁
Under another that you don't post here under. Meaning you want to come here and take shots at people's work, call them lazy, but protect your own so people can't go see you show us how you think its done.

That's if there is even another name. I could tell you I have ten pen names and never have to prove it.

I know this is a waste of time because you obviously know everything, and here I am just a nobody here. First off, unless you're using AI, there is no such thing as lazy writing. Even a stroke story, even a one page shoddily written story takes some work. Writing takes an effort, and many people here, whether you or I like their work, are proud of their stories and don't need to be denigrated by being called lazy.

Second, as for the genre of incest, other than its being popular there is no difference than any other category here. Good stories, bad stories, short long, silly, serious etc. I have a feeling most people who are "sick" of it are saying so because they don't like to read or write it, and are angry so many others do. Meanwhile this site is littered with hardcore rape stories and rarely a complaint about those from the peanut gallery.

As for "lazy" again, there are strokers in every category, and as far as this argument "well, they know each other and live together, so its an easy set up."

Is it, oh, guru of writing? Let's take a minute to think on this.

If you're writing "I saw my sister's tits and we had sex" Is that easy as easy gets? Yes. But how is it easier than "I saw this girl with nice tits and I said let's fuck and she said, yeah, baby!" An easy stroke piece is easy in any scenario.

But let's stick with incest and how "easy" it is. Reality is, the category is totally far fetched, this stuff does not happen often in real life, and when it does, its usually not a good fun sexy thing. This is implausible fantasy. But say you want to take the "This wouldn't happen" and create a scenario in which you add reality, emotions, the this is wrong, but yet, conflict, slow burn and character development. A story that makes a reader say "You know, I could see it happening."

That is not easy, and not lazy. I've written what I call pandering stories here, where its kind of just fun suspend belief all the way material. They have their charm, but I-and many others-have also penned stories that are far more serious and deal with the real life emotions and bullshit of what would happen if family got together. I'd be remiss if I didn't add that unlike you, people are free to look me up and check out my stories. I have nothing to hide or protect here. Want to go and bomb me or leave shitty comments? Feel free, I have the stones to make myself public.

I'd offer up a couple of links to my stories, or recommend others, but your mind is made up, and you feel free to keep your biased opinion.

I posted this for anyone with an open mind on the topic.

I abhor rape stories, so I don't read them. But I don't denigrate the people who write them. I don't question their effort, talent, call them names or wonder about their personal morality. These are stories and when something is popular, then it is for a reason. Whether you like it or not.
I've only written one or two, and it was brother/sister in-laws, and cousins. And it was more difficult, especially with the cousins to make it believable. When I came here, over two decades ago, I also thought, wth is it, with all the incest stories. Then I read a few, and thought, okay I get it. I never understood all the complainers, just ignore that category and move onto stories that you like.
The incest stories are sexy until another family member joins in and starts fucking an ass or some other violence.
There are different factions in the category. For every one who says "and then mom needs to join in, and he needs fuck his aunt too and..." there is a person who will insist "Don't bring others in, just let them be together"

As for violence, taboo readers-most anyway-have serious issues with any type of non consent mixed in. I think its because it reminds people of what the reality is versus the fun fantasy you see here and in porn.
I don't, and it's spills over into other categories.
My point is that I've never seen such a concentration of incest obsession as I've seen on Lit.
The largest category is logically the broadest: Erotic Couplings. But a surprisingly close second is Incest & Taboo, far ahead of Mature, Gay, BDSM etc.
Incest is overrepresented here, and I think it's kind of odd, and statistically odd.
It's a genre that has become popular. Japanese erotica is a prime example of it, though much gentler than US or - say - German depictions
It's a genre that has become popular. Japanese erotica is a prime example of it, though much gentler than US or - say - German depictions
Where is your avenue for Japanese erotica. Free and ad free like this one? I find it so hard to read with the page flashing at me.
Where is your avenue for Japanese erotica. Free and ad free like this one? I find it so hard to read with the page flashing at me.
Just go to any of the usual subjects, such as x--- dot, p-----b dot, or xvi-- dot and type Japanese erotica or Japanese moms or mature or milf or - have you not familiarized yourself with what's out there?
Just go to any of the usual subjects, such as x--- dot, p-----b dot, or xvi-- dot and type Japanese erotica or Japanese moms or mature or milf or - have you not familiarized yourself with what's out there?
I've noticed a tendency for a fair amount of Japanese taboo to be be portrayed as non consensual for some reason.
I've noticed a tendency for a fair amount of Japanese taboo to be be portrayed as non consensual for some reason.
BDSM is big in Japan and sometimes it is difficult to know how much consensuality exists in any of the simulated? assault videos. Conversely, a lot of Japanese erotica lacks the raw violence and limited vocabulary of American versions - by raw violence I merely mean the macho dominating quality of many male American porn actors, who couldn't actually make it in a boardroom or as a military officer - i.e. guys lacking in nuance. There's a big market for quiet makeouts with the lady next door, rather than fucking that is more like cage fighting
BDSM is big in Japan and sometimes it is difficult to know how much consensuality exists in any of the simulated? assault videos. Conversely, a lot of Japanese erotica lacks the raw violence and limited vocabulary of American versions - by raw violence I merely mean the macho dominating quality of many male American porn actors, who couldn't actually make it in a boardroom or as a military officer - i.e. guys lacking in nuance. There's a big market for quiet makeouts with the lady next door, rather than fucking that is more like cage fighting
Just go to any of the usual subjects, such as x--- dot, p-----b dot, or xvi-- dot and type Japanese erotica or Japanese moms or mature or milf or - have you not familiarized yourself with what's out there?
I joined p....b once. When you looked for jap asian... It just offered for you to pay more. What it did have was blurred out or ended before it finished. Quality of anything is really lacking anywhere I have been. I don't care what is on the net unless it is like this. Otherwise I am going to watch on TV. Roku channel or 4k downloadable and usb it into the TV or distribute in my home. Hard to find. Real soft but incredibly high quality is Hegre-Art. Endless still photos too if you like that.
I've written a few incest stories, but it's not out of any interest in living out fantasies vicariously through text. Basically, where my first incest story came from was my early days reading here on-site, particularly incest and BDSM and thinking both: "I can do this" as well as "I can do better than this."

Let's face it, you can turn practically any story into incest. All you have to do is change the relationships of the characters.

As to why it's so popular: it's probably because it IS so taboo. Whether you have designs on any members of your own family or not, the notion that you're somehow bucking society's norms can be a thrill. The fact that there are people out there who are so stunned and, in some cases, appalled by it (in story form, I'm talking), is enough to make people flock to it, particularly if there's a chance of getting a reaction out of somebody. Think how popular "The Satanic Verses" became, back in the day, after Ayatollah Khomeini had his little tirade over it.

The idea of "if you're interested in it here, you must be interested in real life" is kind of a silly assertion. That's like saying if you like slasher films, you either want to cut somebody up or get chopped in to little pieces, yourself.

We're human (well, most of us, anyway). We do weird shit for no comprehensible reason sometimes. It's just the way it is.
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What's the deal with so much focus on incest? Don't people get turned on by people other than their sister and mother??? Geeze.
it's not the only thing that's. over represented on here,there's way to many cuckolding stores.
wouldn.t be to bad if it wasn't the same old,same old.story line.guy has a very small dick
wives come home and tells him about the big cock her lover has nice to see someone who
think's outside the box for once.
it's not the only thing that's. over represented on here,there's way to many cuckolding stores.
wouldn.t be to bad if it wasn't the same old,same old.story line.guy has a very small dick
wives come home and tells him about the big cock her lover has nice to see someone who
think's outside the box for once.

I could not agree with you more. Just like interracial it is always about a BBC, who is better in every way and shape than the white boyfriend/husband, etc. Just once I would like to read an interracial story where that was not the case.
it's not the only thing that's. over represented on here,there's way to many cuckolding stores.
wouldn.t be to bad if it wasn't the same old,same old.story line.guy has a very small dick
wives come home and tells him about the big cock her lover has nice to see someone who
think's outside the box for once.
You're a very angry and insecure person. No surprise you read in LW.

FWIW, one would think any category would want to see something new, or at least a spin on existing tropes, but guess what? You try to do something differently and the readers seem confused or upset.

They'll eat the same lunch every day and be happy to do so.

That is not exactly what I meant, but thank you.

However, it is still based on the race of the characters, for example, "The dark skin contrasted with the light-colored material. She imagined his hands flowing over her white skin." So it is the fact that Bill is black. If her friend was white, then there would be no hooking up.

Now, I will give you credit that it does not use the BBC. But it still includes, "he was the first black man she'd ever been with."

I just want a story where the race of the characters (even if they are interracial) does not matter. Where it is not part of the narrative. Does that make more sense?

I would also point out that the story is lacking in a reason why she was sleeping with her son's friend. Is she unhappy with her marriage? It is a very short story, only two pages.