SRP Writer's Profiles: An idea shamelessly purloined from another forum.

Gender: Male (females as NPCs)

Age: 21+

Orientation: Heteroflexible. While I prefer to play with female partners or opposite female characters, I would consider interaction with other males as secondary characteristics not the basis for a thread, (E.G. MFM scenes.)

Power Exchange: I am a switch but power play isn't really my thing, I'll do it if my partner is into it but it's not something I seek out in my SRP's.

Race: Human or fantasy races are possible but would require communication with my partner.

Body type: Depends on what my partner wants but I can vary between tall and muscular to nerdy to dad bod.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: humans, elves, half-elves, vampires, furries

Settings: modern, fantasy, dark fantasy, medieval fantasy, certain historical settings on occasion

Likes/kinks: So I went through the trouble of making a f-list and if you are interested please ask but to just name a few:
Orgasm denial/control(being the controller)
Women who know what they want
Inexperienced males
Oral sex
Anal play
Women with curve

Dislikes/hard limits:
role-playing in the first person(I've tried I just can't stay engaged)
God modding
Normal lit limits.
anything that belongs in a bathroom

Availability: I am currently on medical leave from work and available to start immediately. I can post daily now since I don't have many threads going in. I will notify you of absences whenever I can.

Writing style: 1-2 paragraphs and up. BUT MUST BE WRITTEN IN THIRD PERSON!!!
Gender: Female

Age: 18 and above, I prefer to be younger than my storytelling partner

Orientation: heterosexual

Power Exchange: Usually submissive. Being dominant in a sexual situation doesn't suit me at all

Race: Any, including fantasy races

Bodytype: Any, as long as I am smaller than my storytelling partner. I prefer playing petite women

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations
: I can play any humanoid female presenting species. I am open to any species for storytelling partner, but have a preference for humanoid and furry males, both in feral and anthro forms. I am comfortable with mutations in my storytelling partner.

Settings: Any setting is agreeable, but I do prefer fantastical and historical settings.

: breeding and pregnancy, lactation, size difference, humanoid males, furry males, male monsters, romance (Story and tension), excessive semen, cervix penetration, stomach expansion, BDSM (hard and soft), among others that can be discussed. I am open to mentioning everything my storytelling partner likes, then we can find common ground.

Hard limits: Scat, pee, enema, wounds, underage, smoking, cheating, harem, playing multiple female characters as sexual partners, being dominant, food play

Availability: varies, usually a post every day or two

If you can't find a kink of concern in my list, please mention it so we can discuss. Open to roleplay in the forum or through email or other means. Please send me a PM so we can start building and writing!
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Hi. I'm saltyselki, Selki if you prefer. New as a member, but been a reader for years. Didn't join until I realized the potential to marry my love of erotic fiction and my passion for play-by-post RP. Excited to meet and collaborate with you all.

Gender: Female, I can occasionally play additional male side characters as needed, but primarily prefer to write as a female main character.

Age: Somewhere between the ages of 18 and 35, I prefer to be either younger than my RP partner, or at least close in age. So two characters in their twenties but maybe I'm a year or two older is okay, but not looking to play 35 year old milf to 18

Orientation: Bisexual, happy to play with all genders.

Power Exchange: In my personal life I am a bratty submissive with masculine characters and can be slightly switchy with female ones, although perhaps I just haven't found the right story or setting to explore a dominant side with males. I am heavy into all parts of BDSM and have a nearly exclusive leaning towards CNC stories. I adore the struggle, the tension, I want to be thoroughly dominated but I need to make you earn it.

Race: As a mixed race person I find myself to be very fluid when it comes to playing different races. But I try my best to not focus on or propagate negative or harmful stereotypes. If you happen to read something I've written that you find problematic in any way, please PM me! I want to hear from you and will take care to fully understand and correct my actions.

Bodytype: I gravitate towards portraying pretty faces with normal to small breasts and curvaceous bottoms, but am quite flexible and like to make each of my characters distinct from one another.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I'm definitely a fantasy nerd, I will generally play any race, but haven't really delved much into furries/kitsune-types. Half-elf is a pretty common pick for me, truthfully. Cliche, but I try to make it interesting in other ways. I do however enjoy RPing with people who like to play alternate races/mutations/monsters/creatures.

Settings: Any setting that I can escape to. Sci-fi, high-fantasy, low-fantasy, historical time periods, but if the story is right 2021 on Earth is fine too.

Likes/kinks: Well. Yes so I probably have way too many to list here. I have a fetlife profile with probably 100 listed there. But safe to say I'm open to almost everything. But if it's helpful to know some of my favorites I'd say: CNC, bondage, intelligence, public sex, humiliation, degradation, strong impact play (not light spanking), group sex, gangbangs, choking, brutality, violence, abductions, struggle play, maledom, femdom, slavery, auctions, anal, double-penetration, piss play, orgasm control, rimming (receiving and giving), deep mind games... Oh I could go on.. if you are curious about anything else (other than what's listed next) just ask.

Hard limits: Scat, skin hooks, vomit, diaper play, extreme mutilation (breaking bones, cutting of body parts), bestiality

Soft limits: I think it's also worth mentioning some soft limits that I am generally not that into, but would potentially explore with the right partner/co-author. Including: fire play, piercing, branding, fisting

Availability: I'm a mom with a full-time job and a dozen hobbies. This means that I try hard to get back to everyone in a timely manner, but sometimes that is difficult. I'm aware that can be frustrating but it is was it is. What I will do is communicate if I will be unable to respond within 24 hours. Or if I will need longer than that as well. I do a fair amount of traveling and my time zone can and will change periodically, so be patient with me, or don't play with me.

Other: I'm here for detailed, witty, grammatically correct (for the most part, typos are expected), dramatic explorations of characters, sexual scenes, and deliciously dangerous writing. I'm happy to discuss and decide plot points beforehand, but prefer to let a story unfold organically. Give me chaos and see where our characters go with it.
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SRP Preferences: Heavily Updated Edition

Gender: I can play male or female characters.

Age: I can do a range of 18-25, maybe a bit older too.

Orientation: Varies. Depends on the scenario, but I do not have much interest in sexual scenarios between two males. Non sexual is fine, however.

Power Exchange: This also varies.

Race and body type: This varies too.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: While I'm fine with playing alternate species on occasion, furries and others aren't my cup of tea. I don't mind if other people play them, but don't try to force it down my throat.

Settings: Fantasy settings are my preferred setting, whether modern or high fantasy. I've never done sci-fi before, so that's a bit iffy. Settings that are all "real life with no magic or action" aren't interesting to me in the slightest. Let's be real here, real life isn't very interesting, and RPs are supposed to be fun.

Likes (separating this from kinks): I like a good story, I won't attack people for things like grammer or line count because I have a varied line count depending on what's going on, worldbuilding is fun.

Kinks: Stockings, glasses, uniforms, love/hate relationships, hatesex, romance, oral (giving and receiving), forbidden relationships, likely some others. Mainly the vanilla stuff.

Hard limits: The usual scat, vore, watersports, and TOS stuff. Blood and violence in a sexual way (non sexual, I'm fine with it), bestiality, necrophilia, underage characters. The elephant in the room, and my biggest hard limit would easily be "plots with all sex and no story." Sex is fine and all, but when there's no actual reason why it's going on, it's just...not my thing. Other than that, godmodding and totally overpowered, unbeatable characters are a major turn off. Imagine Superman with no kryptonite. It wouldn't be fun.

Availability: I check for posts at least once a day.

Please note that I only write in third person. Also please note that my experience with SRP is...rather limited. I'm trying to improve on that, however. Trying being the key word.
Oh, hi there! I’m Thomas, long time Lit ghost, experienced erotica writer and role-player.

Gender: Male. I can write female characters at need, but generally write male.

Age: Early fifties. It sounds old, but it doesn’t really feel that way. Which is kind of a cool discovery, to be honest. I can play any age 18+.

Orientation: Not a Kinsey 0, but primarily heterosexual. For stories, though, few orientation-related limits.

Power Exchange: In my personal life I am a dominant who enjoys playing with body and mind equally. I am a service-sadist when paired with a masochist – it’s not a need, but a delightful spice. I could conceivably play the role of a switch or submissive, with the right person, but that’s not my fundamental nature.

Race: Caucasian, Irish ancestry.

Body type: Totally dependent on the story.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: In service of story? Anything and everything is fine! Fantasy / Urban Fantasy / Science Fiction character tropes all have potential value for roleplay.

Settings: Anything works.

Likes/kinks: Tons and tons. Some examples that could find their way into roleplay: CNC, bondage, humiliation, degradation, choking and other rough play, hypnosis, bisexuality and multiple partners, abductions, orgasm control, mind games. That scratches the surface. If you’re wondering about something specific, PM me and ask!

Hard limits: Ages under 18, scat, gore, vore, bestiality, non-consensual non-consent.

Soft limits: None that I’m aware of. Not promising there aren’t any, though.

Availability: I’ve got a lot of irons in my personal fire, and sometimes I have days where I just can’t do anything useful at all. Generally replying multiple times a day won’t be a problem. When it will be, I’ll do my best to communicate that and manage my writing partner’s expectations appropriate.

Other: I relish intelligence, creativity, and humour. I want to push boundaries, and have mine pushed. I’m open to plotting ahead of time or just setting the stage and seeing where the muse takes us.
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Hello all. Long time ("story side") reader of Lit, bit of a Forum lurker, new to this corner of the bulletin board. No quite new to "role play stories" with others, though. Can do PMs, emails if one is looking for long, drawn out writings at a slower pace, or here in SRP.

Gender: Real: cis female; can play any

Age: Real: 43; can play teen on up

Orientation: Real: pansexual; can play whatever

Power Exchange: Real: bit of a switch, passive/subservient, bratty little with a small Domme side; can play whatever

Race: Real: caucasian; can play whatever

Bodytype: Real: average height, curvy/"smaller BBW", not large breasts; can play whatever

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: Sure? Not as much experience here, but game!

Settings: Any!

Likes/kinks: Usually "too many to list"! lol Extreme turn-ons are: humiliation, degradation, Sadomasochism, CNC, bimbofication, misogony, dystopian worlds... And so much more.

Hard limits: In writing: scat, vomit (In real life, there's more)

Availability: Easily once a day for sure. M - W I do work 13 hours though. Th & F usually only 10. Off on weekends.
Hello, longtime writer into getting published a bit more. Love this site...

Gender: I am male: I can play a male or a lesbian female.

Age: 18+. . . I can play any age. I'm in my 30s.

Orientation: Heterosexual. Maybe a 1 on a Kinsey scale.

Power Exchange: Dominant one, unless playing female characters. Although
once in a while I might flip for the right situation in a story, of course.

Race: People are like cats we have different colors and looks: all are pretty sexy.

Bodytype: Not a strong preference here, in shape or better, enjoy high physique individual appearances.

Alternate species:
I am a geek for gods, dragons, elves (particularly dark elves), androids, vampires, and almost anything is okay, other than a morlock.

Settings: Fantasy settings, alternate universes, future, sci-fi. Mostly anything.

Likes/kinks: Love & relationships, taboo, fetish that is interesting/new, multiple sexual partners, particularly more women than men in the mix. Witches, exhibitionism, nipple play, watersports, bestiality. airtight, dildos, double penetration, Fantasy stories or tight Sci Fi. Amazonian fantasy up to and including: hate sex, power roles, slavery over the female, blender-fucking.

Hard limits: No snuff. No cannibalism. No funerals.

Availability: anytime really

Android Lust

Sorro's Yacht
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Hi all! I’m new to Lit but have been writing for a few years now, just for personal enjoyment. I really like challenging myself to write across different themes and scenes, and would love to meet fellow authors keen to throw around ideas and/or collaborate.

Gender: Female, and only write as female.

Age: I’m 28, but my characters vary in age from early 20s to, say, early 40s.

Orientation: I’m bi and love writing scenes with both women and men.

Race: Caucasian, and generally write as such.

Body Type: I suppose I’m pretty average really! I’ll write most body types as the story demands but mine are real women, not stupid pneumatic supermodels.

Alternate Species/Mutations: I've never written this before. I wouldn’t rule it out, but might need a bit of guidance.

Settings: Extremely open here. My favourites are contemporary and historical, but always eager to try out new settings.

Power Exchange: I’m always in the bottom/‘sub’ role with men, but you won’t find me subservient! I prefer bratty bottoms, and/or reverse power exchanges. With women I’ll happily switch.

Kinks: None are essential, but I suppose my fiction contains more than it’s fair share of: nudity/public/exhibitionism, spanking, lesbian/straight woman, heavy cum, embarrassment.

Limits: All Lit rules, of course, plus I also don’t like anything family related.

Availability: Variable of course, though usually 4/5 days a week
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Gender: Male

I'm really only interested in RP from my perspective as a guy.

Age: 26

I'm willing and also interested in anything 18+, however

Power Exchange: I find that I have different desires based on my partner. If they are older, I like to be a bit more submissive. If they are younger, I like to be more dominant.

Race: I am white. Not opposed to playing as a different race, but would like to be conscious of how this is done.

Bodytype: Tall, lean, slightly above average length but a whole lot of girth. Hairy, a nice full beard (but trimmed and short!)

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: this is never really my first interest, but I will play within reason.

Settings: I am pretty setting agnostic, but prefer realism or realism with some exaggeration.

Likes/kinks: Large breasts - I love bustier women, breast play, and boob jobs.

Cum - I'm not primarily into cum on or inside me, but more so on my female partner. Covering, coating, filling up, rubbing around... You name it. It turns me on.

Taboo/incest - mother/son, brother/sister especially. Not interested in real life, but as a fantasy, hell yes.

Reluctance - I like the idea of having a woman reluctantly give in to satisfying me, in whatever way that looks in the story.

Slut/Bimbo/Free Use - I like the idea of turning a woman into my personal sex slave, whether she's reluctant or willing. Being able to use her whenever I need some release.

Consensual non-consent

Hard limits: scat, urine, etc. Not really into other men sexually, unfortunately. Rape, abuse etc. Monsters, non humanoids. If there's a specific kink you're wondering if I vibe with, just ask in a pm.

Availability: I'm an adult with a 9-5. I am still new to lit so we will see. I will probably be available many times throughout a given week.
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Gender: Female, only plays cis females +18, but can play any side character

Age: 18+

Preferences: humanoid males, or anything with a phallus, particularly fond of humanoid males with knots and interesting genitals

Power Exchange: submissive

Species: Furry and human, analog or digital, all are included

Body Type: size kink is always in play, so the partner should always be much larger than the main character I write.

Settings: any, as long as the story is rich and tension is present. Partial to European historical, SFF.

Likes/Kinks: romance, banter, awkward situations, tension, eloquence, good dialogue and story-building, round characters, dramatic scenes, D/s, DDlg, furryies, knotting, SFF, taboo, breeding, large cocks, alien and inhuman cocks, stomach deformation (and all that implies), size difference, age gap, lactation

Hard limits: scat, gore, vore, pee, short replies, lack of affection/kindness (violence and cruelty for their own sake), traditional bad endings, sexism (for its own sake)

Send me a PM, please don't be shy. If we are not compatible writing stories, we'd still have made a new online friend <3

Availability: 1-2 posts a day. I live in Asia so please mind the time difference.

Hi everyone. I am super excited to have found this site and looking forward to doing some roleplaying. I've been writing for a few years now and have roleplayed on f-list and via email before, so I'm not completely new to the world :)

Gender: I'm female but willing to play any gender or non-binary depending on the character and story.

Age: 21 but willing to play younger or older depending on the story.

Orientation: Lesbian (IRL) but when it comes to roleplaying I would describe myself more as ominsexual.

Power Exchange: I'm all over the map on this one. I can play a dominant female/futa or I can play super submissive. Love jumping all over the spectrum.

Race: Any

Bodytype: Again, I'm all over the spectrum here, just depends on the part.

Alternate species: Humans, elves, orcs, tentacle monsters, you name it ;)

Settings: Pretty flexible here. Definitely okay with modern day real world setting, but enjoy fantasy and sci-fi settings too.

Likes/kinks: Without a doubt my main one is futa characters. Love playing them, love playing with them. I love everything about them. Beyond that, I'm pretty open. I enjoy incest roleplay and lots of other naughty stuff so don't be afraid to ask.

Hard limits: Not into scat. Not into being degraded OOC. Bad grammar is also a turn off for me.

Availability: It really varies week to week. I will respond to PMs or emails even if I don't necessarily have time to respond to our thread.
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So, the first half is about me, while the second half is about my characters:

About me:

Gender: I am female.

Age: You would like to know, I bet? I am legal, so there is that.

Orientation: I do not really label myself. As a teen, I had encounters with both females and males, just your typical girl coming of age stuff. Since then, mostly males but some females as well.

Power Exchange: I consider myself powerful, which sometimes extends to the bedroom, though, I do not know whether I would term that as dominant. I have been known to tie up my lovers, male and female. I have been known to let them tie me up as well. I have pushed myself on lovers and let them "force" me when I did not want it (or at least pretended to).

Race: Does it matter?

Body type: I am petite and have very often been described as cute as a button.

Likes/kinks: While I like both "boys" and "girls" and sometimes dabble in dominant/submissive situations, I consider myself rather "vanilla". I do not do anal, I do not enjoy facials, I absolutely do not tolerate any sort of humiliation or misogynistic treatment and other such things. I don't even like talk during sex. Fuck me, suck me, make me explode. Rinse and repeat.

Availability: I work from home without set hours, so I am available off and on throughout the day, every day. I do not have children and do not currently have a significant other, although my mother does live with me. So, getting to the computer to "write dirty" is not often an issue.​


About my characters:

Gender: I write primary characters who are female and secondary characters who are either gender. It the role play calls for me to write a male-female couple as primary couples, I can do that, too.

Age: Pretty much all. The role play dictates this.

Orientation: I very much enjoy writing lesbian and bisexual females but am totally happy in writing heterosexual characters, too.

Power Exchange: I rarely write submissive females but can. I like my characters to have a bit of dominance or at least control over the developing situation. I sometimes write sexual servants (prostitutes, slaves) but even then, they typically have some degree of power or control over some if not most of their lives.

Race: All of'em.

Bodytype: I like to write smallish, petite women like myself, but sometimes a nice rack or bountiful figure is nice, too.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I can do this. I haven't really thought about it yet, so I'm sure I will add more here later.

Settings: I enjoy ancient settings in both real and fantasy worlds. I enjoy contemporary times as well. I love science fiction, so space or other planet stories work for me, too. Oh, and alternate history. And alien arrival, usually with me being the alien but I would consider being the surprised Earthling, too!

Likes/kinks: I like writing sex scenes/relationships with both "boys" and "girls". I dabble in dominant/submissive situations. I do not write anal or facials and the like (unless the roleplay demands it). I dislike humiliation or misogynistic treatment and only allow them if my character is going to get the best of the asshole bringing it on me in the end. I dislike dirty talk during sex. As in real life, fuck me, suck me, make me explode. Rinse and repeat.​
Gender: I only play female characters.

Age: I prefer to play characters in the 18-35 age range, I'm open to playing other ages, but veer towards these ages if possible.

Orientation: I'm bi myself, and can comfortably play hetero, bi and lesbian characters..

Power Exchange: I'm a switch, though I tend to veer more towards the submissive, especially when playing with men. Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible.

Race: I'm white, but I have played girls of other races. I'm happy to, although I do worry about presenting a stereotypical or unfair representation.

Bodytype: I'm petite myself, so I prefer to play women that reflect my own body type, small breasts and all. I am open to playing other body types though if it's with the right writer.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I'm open to playing other species, vampires, elves, etc. I'm not all that bothered about tentacles or anything like that though, and certainly not interested in furries.

Settings: At the minute I'm feeling slice of life more than anything else. Something semi-realistic at least. In the past, and no doubt in the future I would be open to historical/sci-fi/near future/fantasy/steampunk etc. Pretty much anything you can come up with. I have always loved worldbuilding, and love doing it with an able partner.

Likes/kinks: I love slow burn stories, not just getting straight into the sex and staying there, but developing a relationship between characters. I love teasing and a build in tension as well.I'm a switch, so I have likes and kinks on both sides of the line.

My kinks include, but are not limited to: bondage, toys, domination/submission, exhibitionism/voyeurism, lingerie, setting rules, spanking public sex, group sex/orgies, oral, dirty talk, anal.

Hard limits: Minors, animals, furries, necrophilia, vomit, toilet play, gore.

Availability: This can vary dramatically depending on work, my weekly schedule and what's going on in my social life. Generally I should be able to post multiple times a week, but I am a perfectionist, so sometimes it takes me a while to knock out a post I'm happy with. I will stay in touch via PM as much as possible though.
Gender: I am female but will play female, male, nonbinary, genderfluid, and trans (male or female) characters.

Age: 18-60-ish (or up in the 1000s upon 1000s of years for supernatural/fantasy/alien characters)

Orientation: I am asexual, but I will roleplay heterosexual, homosexual (gay or lesbian), bisexual, pansexual, and demisexual characters. Obviously, I can also play asexual characters as well, but that's not what I'm here for.

Power Exchange: I can play dominant, submissive, or switch characters.

Race: Any

Bodytype: Any

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: All of the above! I greatly enjoy fantasy and sci-fi, and while I don't consider myself a furry, I have roleplayed furry characters in the past without issue. I like the idea and challenge of how characters that are biologically different than humans would have sex. Also, there's something about sentient characters with tentacles that's pretty cool.

Settings: I'm pretty much up for all sorts of settings, honestly, even just plain general, fairly realistic slice of life. Not really interested in historical realism, though, because that requires research, and I don't wanna at the moment.

Likes: Hmm. This can be a bit tricky to answer. I like the idea of dubcon and SOME noncon (but I draw the line at rough treatment and violence), light bondage, dominant/submissive, impreg risk and impregnation (but not actually roleplaying out pregnancy or pregnant sex), dad/daughter, uncle/niece, older brother/younger sister, accidental/unintentional sex, "just let me put the tip in" scenarios, sleep play, hypnosis/mind control, group sex/orgies, facials, blackmail/coercion, public sex, magical scenarios, playing naive and sheltered women who get tricked into sex, educated about it, or pushed into it because they have a hard time saying no, virgin characters (one-sided or not), affection, intimacy

Hard limits: Minors, scat, piss, non-sentient characters (animals, for instance), vomit, blood, gore, necrophilia (unless we're talking about ghosts/spirits who I guess technically are dead but ghost sex sounds interesting), one-liners, self-inserts or first person perspective, poor spelling and grammar, not abiding by standard roleplay etiquette (godmodding, metagaming, powerplaying, etc.), sexual violence

Other Details: I consider myself an experienced writer and roleplayer; however, I'm not confident I can say the same about writing and roleplaying smut/erotica. I HAVE written and roleplayed these things before but not extensively. I'd like to ask for some patience in this respect, and I'm open to advice for improvement.

Availability: It really varies due to my work schedule; I'm sorry.
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Jake here, new to the site but a very experienced writer of erotica, primarily focussed on power exchange and themes including spanking and humiliation.

Gender: Male, and only play male characters.

Age: Forty in real life, a decade or so either side of this would probably be the extent of my parameters.

Orientation: Straight and write as such.

Power Exchange: Dom in real life and typically this impacts on my writing. It isn’t always the case, but the vast majority of my writing centres around an M/f dynamic to some degree.

Race: I'm white, and would only be comfortable writing as such.

Bodytype: Tall, powerful physique, but happy to write, and write with, all body types.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: Never written in this area and unlikely to be something I’d be keen on doing.

Settings: These generally fall into two categories, contemporary and historical. From the latter perspective, I generally lean towards either Victorian or twentieth century history, but I’d be very eager to move beyond this in the right scene.

Likes/kinks: I think the first thing to say here is that whilst I typically write D/s to at least some degree, I hate scenes that are too serious. Love adding in plenty of humour and slapstick wherever possible, especially love lots of witty banter between the two leads.

Themes I enjoy include humiliation in its many and varied forms, domestic and/or other discipline, ENF, public play, spanking and corporal punishment.

Hard Limits: The usual Lit list, and don’t write any family or taboo stuff.

Availability: Generally able to post 4/5 times per week.
I don't like you have your private messages turned on because I can't send you any :( But I would be interested in writing with you. Send me a message and we can talk about ideas, chars, writing styles, etc.
I have returned

Hello all. Long time story reader, and I role played a while back, so I am by no means new here. I have found myself lurking around the forums again so I thought maybe I might put some feelers out, and see if anyone would like to play with me. Can communicate though PMs, or emails if something long, heavy and drawn out is more your flavour.

Feel free to drop me a line - I promise not to bite (Hard!)

Gender: Real: Male - Happy to retry writing a female if the situation arises

Age: Real: 40+

Orientation: Straight - Maybe open to explore

Power Exchange: Straight up I'm a switch - Depends on my mood

Race: Is it really important

Body type: I'm just your average guy. 5'9, olive skin, black hair.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: Again never tried, but game!

Settings: I'm open minded - Try me! The worst I could say is "No."

Likes/kinks: Insert usual likes and kinks here, and maybe add a few taboo ones too.

Hard limits: Scat, pain, blood, vomit (If anything else happens along the way - I'll let you know)

Availability: Tends to vary - Mainly during the week - Mostly off of weekends.
Gender: Female, as such thats what i write as

Age: Young at heart, old of soul but if you're asking for a number I'm going to say 25, even if I have been saying that for a few years now...

Orientation: Sexually fluid. There is beauty to be had in every relationship regardless of gender.

Power Exchange: Depends on the gender of my partner. I'm stubbornly submissive with males, I'll give in after awhile but it wont' come easy. The anticipation of pleasure, to be teased until you all but beg for release.
However with my female partners I like to be the one that plays with them. To watch them squirm and beg.

Body type: It's all in the imagination. My purpose is to please, so if that requires me to be whatever it is that you need, I see no problem with it.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: One of my favorites along side historical pieces.

Settings: Boundless and captured by letters and words, painted in the colors of your own creativity.

Likes/kinks: I like things that shouldn't be. Anything that adds to the tension of a story. I like depth and taboos had a way of adding complications and layers that other topics don't. That being said there is nothing wrong with a good old fashion vanilla cupcake.

Hard limits: I believe Lit covers most of the hard no do limits.

Availability: Each day is different for me. Most of the times I'll be on during the week, weekends being harder but not impossible. Timing is much the same, you'll see me here at 3:00 pm one day and 9:00 pm the next.
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Gender: I am male, prefer to play male characters.

Age: I prefer to play characters in the 18-60 age range.

Orientation: I am hetero, and prefer playing the same.

Power Exchange: I identify mostly as dominant and like to play neutral or dominant characters. I enjoy D/s scenarios with or without aspects of non-consent (which for the purposes of RP, will always have prior consent of my partner).

Race: I'm white, most comfortable playing white characters. Not comfortable playing other races, where my portrayal might make others uncomfortable or be offensive.

Bodytype: Pretty flexible in these areas, normally like playing characters who are average in terms of height, weight, looks, etc.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I’d be open to considering this, though I have no experience playing anything other than human. The closer the characters are to being human (e.g. vampires) the more likely I am to consider trying it.

Settings: I like primarily modern and historical settings with a sense of realism, though I would consider futuristic sci-fi settings on a case-by-case basis.

Likes/kinks: I like building a bit of a story and giving characters some life before getting into sexual situations. Like good descriptive writing and providing the same myself.

My kinks include, but are not limited to: toys, bondage, discipline, sadism, domination/submission, non-con, public sex, group sex, oral, anal, edging, forced orgasms.

Hard limits: Minors, animals, furries, necrophilia, vomit, toilet play, gore. There may be more I haven’t discovered yet!

Availability: This can vary at times, but at a minimum I am available several times per week to write posts. Often I can post practically every day. I like partners who can do the same and maintain the momentum of the story.

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Okay, let's see ....

Gender: Female

Age: I'm 42, married and have two kids (they are off-limits) but I remember my younger daze (lol) quite well and would be willing to play 20's or even 18+teen in the right story.

Orientation: I'm bi, but can "play" straight or lesbian characters.

Power Exchange: I've never been very submissive my entire life. Even when I had like zero friends I was always pretty sure of myself. I was a super-competitive jock-ette I guess some would say, at least until I blew out both my knees and had to give up any hopes for a professional tennis career. So I'm tall, competitive, and possibly somewhat over-confident with I guess maybe what you might call a bone to pick with the world. But I do have a soft side. A tender and compassionate side that is dying to be nurtured and spoiled. It just needs to be coaxed out of hiding. :) I love macho guys, submissive, adoring, do-whatver-I-say guys, hardcore lesbians and soft, tender, easily intimidated women pushing the edges of their curiosity. I also have a problem with shoes. I love them and I spend way too much money on them and mani/pedis. If others love my my shoes and wish to pamper my feet too that would be wonderful but it's not absolutely necessary.

Race: I'm 50% Mexican and Portuguese and 50% Nordic European.

Bodytype: I am over 5'11" and although there was a time in my life when I hated being tall, it is a big part of my identity now. That said, if the opportunity to play some tiny little 5'1" or 5'2" nice girl in over her head in the right story I might jump at the chance. Aside from being tall I am what I guess most people would consider slender. I have never had boobs though. Even after having two kids I wouldn't know how to play a woman blessed with boobs so if that's important to you, I'm not your girl.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I don't have much experience with this but it's not out of the question. A post-apocalyptic or alien world could be interesting but I'm not into decapitating zombies or any ultra violent crap like that. However, a magical world at war where maybe I'm an elf princess or queen or sorceress or vampire or something like that could be fun.

Settings: Historical settings, especially with a little magic or mysticism mixed in. Future, maybe if it's not too out there. Contemporary is probably my favorite though. Anything with a little haute courture, slinky dresses, catsuits or even just jeans and stilettos. International intrigue (spies) or high finance, high stakes. But, a more down to earth setting could work too. I'd be especially interested in maybe some sort of artists retreat, or RV lifestyle story, or maybe even a low-security work farm or mental hospital.

Likes/kinks: My sexual nature is submissive and masochistic. I also really enjoy RPs featuring nonconsent and dark, violent storylines. My hottest buttons are definitely intelligence, inventiveness, verbal humiliation/mockery/contempt/mindfuckery/corrosion of self worth and domestic type violence/battery/choking. I get far more turned on by what a character can do with his/her bare hands and sick mind than I do by lots of props and protocol. My characters require no set rules, fairness or quid pro quo. I need unpredictability and caprice, to truly be at the mercy of another's cruel whim, to never know what the right answer or action may be. My kinks include (but are by no means limited to) coercion/blackmail/abduction/slavery/captivity, rough sex/rape/sexual violence, domestic violence/battery/torture/knives/cutting/implements/spanking/etc, tattoos/branding/marks/collars/bondage, humiliation/objectification/psychological torture/etc, choking/asphyxia, golden showers/spitting/facials/etc.

Hard limits: No poo, pee or vomit. Not into graphic blood either unless it's part of the story (like I'm a pirate babe and have to cut someone to escape :) ). Minors, animals, dead people, rushed, one-line, unedited replies also will make me stop replying.

Availability: I work most night U.S. Pacific Coast time. Midweek mornings are usually best for me.[/QUOTE]
Gender: Male

Age: Flexible.

Orientation: Straight (I have strayed, long story)

Power Exchange: Flexible.

Race: White.

Bodytype: Tall, HWP.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I'm open to ideas.

Settings: Open to almost anything.

My kinks include, but are not limited to: bondage, toys, domination/submission, exhibitionism/voyeurism, lingerie, setting rules, spanking public sex, group sex/orgies, oral, dirty talk, anal. Shock me.

Hard limits: Blood, necrophilia, vomit, toilet play, gore.

Availability: I work from home. Married, so weekdays are best. Mornings to about 6 pm Eastern.

Requirements: Spelling, grammar and common sense. Preferably with an adventurous streak.


Charles (Charlie)
Professional writer
Sane, educated, vaccinated and opinionated.
Bring your A game.
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Gender: Cis female, I write the same.

Age: Most of my characters tend to be 20s-40s but I am open to new characters and angles.

Orientation: Straight in writing, just a comfort zone when it comes to writing things.

Power Exchange: Switch, I do tend to write strong dominant females, but they tend to like equally strong men so switch works best.

Race: Any/All. I have written non-terrestrial humanoids. I am open to discussing others but nothing anime, no cat girls.

Bodytype: Since most are canon characters, they will already be given a form, I will work within that. But I am generally annoyed by every female character having to have giant bouncing tits and every male is hung like a stallion. Reality is more engaging to me.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: Elves, X-men (mutant humans), humanoid aliens, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, fairy tale creatures etc. All good with those.

Settings: Earth historic, present, future. Wild West*, certain universes like Firefly, Dresden Files (Books only), LOTR, sci-fi, fantasy, horror. and countless more it would take days to list.

Likes/kinks: I enjoy long form prose writing with details and imagery. Character introspection and character crafting is what engages me most. When a thread gets to sex it's open to what makes sense for the character. Open to new ideas and suggestions.

Hard limits: Quick jumps to sex, watersports, anal, noncon/dubcon without discussion and agreement. 1st person RP with the caveat that Harry Dresden could do it because that is the format of the books. I would not be writing in that tense as a response.

Other: Always open to communication to hash out details, prospective RP, suggestions and ideas.

ORP/SRP: The distinctions between the two forums seem less cut and dried than I thought so I will add this, I am very story and character focused. I am not looking for a regular story "but make it sexy" or a porn parody of a story. I would most like to engage in good story telling with another writer who also has that goal and there will be eventual and intense sensual and sexual aspects. They aren't the main focus. If that means moving from one forum to another I am open to that. It just seemed that the ORP lacked this form of advertising and activity so that's why I am here.
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Let's get started!!

Gender: Played Both, even the occasional Futa but prefer to play Male.

Age: Tend to keep it to my IRL Age of 32, but can be flexible in age if need be.

Orientation: Straight in Writing and RPing, but can be flexible on who I'm working with.

Power Exchange: Dom, but can be switch on who I'll be working with.

Race: Any and All.

Bodytype: Myself, I am a bit stocky but am somewhat muscular irl. For who I'll be working with, they can be themselves or whoever they wish. :)

Alternate species/fantasy races/mutations: I'm okay with anything except furries.

Settings: Earth Historic, modern day, Biker Motifs, Retellings of Fictional Couples, etc but set with a modern twist (Biker Motifs, etc.) And so much more to list.

Likes/Kinks: Anything and everything, open to ideas and suggestions.

Hard Limits: No UA, Toilet, Blood, Gore and Vore.

Other:Always open to communication to hash out ideas and details, suggestions too and RP creation. I love it when 2 people (me and who I'll be working with) work together rather than me doing all the work alone lol.

Requirements: I'll play with anyone but my requisites are No First Person Peewees and/or One Liner McGees. Two people working together to make the story work is a must, I finally learned that lol. Just took time to hone my craft.

Availability: I work a late night job, so anytime would fit. So if I'm offline, I will respond to whatever you send. So I've got time to play and create. :) I can also work with my possible partner's time frame too. So it's not an issue factor.
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Intro after a very long hiatus.

: Female who plays females - however, I am not opposed to playing male supporting characters if the story calls for it.

Age: Early twenties on. I think I'm capable of playing a teen, but that means all of the angst-y drama that comes from being, oh, 18. I don't like to box myself in as far as age goes, though.

Orientation: Heterosexual.

Power Exchange: Hrm. Depends on the story. I have preferences, but it depends on my co-writer as well. I tend to play strong female leads that like a dominant male hand, but please don't read "dominant" for overbearing or misogynistic. It really depends on my mood and what the story calls for. TLDR: Switch.

I'm black. My characters tend to be. Depending on the setting, I can change this to what's needed - and if the premise is enticing enough for me to do so. But I would prefer to keep color in my RPs.

Bodytype: Athletic. I'm not talking about rip a phone book in half athletic, but in shape. I love my ladies to be ass kickers - they'd probably throw a punch before a kiss. Proportional, I should also say: no cartoonish ass to tit ratio here. I like to play women who are natural, which means that they'll have pubic hair, little stomachs, etc., unless the story calls for otherwise.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: Not opposed! I got my start here playing a very snotty young mutant, and think I can handle pretty much anything else thrown my way. I'm not opposed to doing some extra legwork to play a character as well. I don't have an issue if you play any of the above characters as well.

Settings: Wow me. I think the only thing I'd have problems playing is steam punk. I do have a soft spot for historical settings and science fiction - Star Wars in particular. I can't say I have too much interest in contemporary settings, unless they have an element of the fantastic, such as magical realism. I do have a soft spot for some historical times as well - 1940s-1960s America are at the top of my list.

Likes/kinks: My kink list isn't a checklist where I have to have every one checked off in order to want to write out a story; it's a primer to give you an idea of what potentially floats my boat.
  • "Assertive" men (knows what he wants; pursues it)
  • Threesomes (MMF)
  • Double penetration
  • Naive or inexperienced men ("himbos", I think the cool kids call it. "Naive" or "inexperienced" doesn't mean dumb, by the way; for me, it implies someone who is good looking, stereotypically THOUGHT OF as dumb, but really just has his head in the clouds.)
  • Rough sex
  • Face fucking
  • Messy oral (giving and receiving)
  • Anal
  • Tentacles
  • Bareback sex
  • Dirty talk
  • Light bondage
  • Sexual tension / slow burn
  • Relationships
  • Well written, flawed characters
  • Men in skirts/kilts
  • Clothed woman, naked man
  • Voyeurism between characters
  • Masturbation
  • Pegging
  • BDSM themes (which can range to the darker aspect; but, again, are not a requirement for an RP)
  • Seduction
  • Losing inhibitions
  • Humor; make me laugh.
  • "Will they, won't they" dynamics
  • Silver foxes - you know the type: slightly older, somewhat dangerous man with salt and pepper hair and an intense gaze once he sees something he wants
  • Dubious consent
  • Copious amounts of cum - creampies
  • Public sex ("being put on display")
  • Breeding
  • Forced orgasms
  • Uncut cocks
  • A CERTAIN amount of fluff / sweetness. Too much gives me the 'beetus, which makes my hands fall off and then I can't write.
    [*]Story, story, story

There are some things that I consider non-negotiable for a co-writer:
  • Please be a descriptive writer who is interested in creating a character driven story
  • Spelling and grammar count
  • One sentence response? Move along; these aren't the droids you're looking for.

I like realism in my play - awkwardness written well is amazing. I don't think sex is always going to be perfect and that it happens smoothly without any second thoughts - pubes get stuck in teeth and stubbly armpits are a thing. It's human. You don't have to bring this into the RP, but please be advised that I might.

I suppose I should state here that I look for story before launching into sex. It needs to be woven in.

I also find super vanilla, run of the mill romance stories to be quite dull to write. It's not that I don't believe in happy endings; I just know that there's nothing in life that doesn't have conflict or doesn't have to be actively worked for. To have things just wind up that way is over simplistic. I like to write people that make bad choices and agonize over them - people who act suddenly and sometimes have consequences for those actions. That goes back to the "flawed characters" bit.

Some of my kinks appear contradictory. No, that's not a mistake. There's a lot that piques my interest, and the list works as a primer. Usually, my method of writing is to find one or two things that my co-writer and I are interested in, and work a story around that. That way, the sex within the story is natural. I don't start writing a more vanilla story thinking that tentacles are suddenly going to show up.

Hard limits: I think the usual suspects - underage, gore, toilet play. Not into incest, humiliation without limits, or playing a fuck doll without emotions.

Availability: Ah, there's the rub. I try to post as often as I can, but I do get caught up in real life. I'll try to post at least once a day, as time permits. Be warned; I'm a fan of long posts to make up for my not being able to shoot them off rapid fire. The weekends, I usually try not to post, as I like to have some offline time. I'm usually available for PMs or the like, though.
Wow! Such a great profile. I’d love to hear from you. I’m interested in role play using email. I’m tall, fit, older. We have many similar interests.
Ask me anything.
Me: I'd say I'm a very friendly person, easy to get along with. Though generally shy in larger groups, I'm very open and honest in smaller settings. I'm always open to ideas, believe wholeheartedly that there are no stupid questions, and if I don't like something, you'll know it!
Guidelines: These On/Offs serve as a guideline only. Of course there will be a hundred things not on here, so always ask. I'm happy to discuss particular options so that you get the most enjoyment out of our writing that I do.
Cybering: I don't know how prevalent requests are on here for this, but I thought I'd note it here. I'm not looking for anything quick and casual. I appreciate that you might be, but for now it's not what I'm looking for.
Posting: Normally my frequency for posting would be about one a day, maybe one every other day.
Friendship: I love making new friends and enjoy finding out about you all, but just a note here to say that it won't be going further. I'm not looking for any kind of relationship, won't be taking and sending photos and won't be giving out any phone numbers or anything like that!
Compatibility: It should go without saying that we have to get along as people as well as roleplay partners. Even if you're the best writer, if we don't get along over chat as well, then we won't be continuing. I hate even saying this but I've had some bad experiences before.

Plot: The plot is the key. It's what I find the hardest of all when it comes to writing. It's not enough to just have a set-up scenario, we need to come up with an idea as to what will actually happen to these characters. I'm not saying we have to develop everything, but a rough direction would be good. That's not to say that sometimes a 'lets see where this goes' mentality isn't fun, but if the end goal is just 'they have sex', the story will falter. We'll work together on this and I'm sure we can come with some great story plots!
Details: As with everyone on here, I'm looking for the details to really get me going. Feelings, senses, it's all good! Just do you're job
Length: I have no hard limits for lengths of post. Sometimes a short post to respond in a conversation, or a long paragraph to push the story along is what is needed. I would ask that you avoid one liner posts though, as I'm sure you can think of something else to put!
Settings: Here we go! So Fantasy and Sci/Fi are my bread and butter. It's where I am most comfortable. I want to play around with Horror/Thriller too, and modern day is ok as long as it has some kind of twist or some hook to get me interested. Let me know about other settings you may want to do though, I want to test my experiences! I also want to mention incest here. You won't find it in either list below because it's not something I care too much about one way or the other. If you want to do an incest story, then it has to fall into another setting as well - not just modern day. Talk to me about it if it's something you really want to do.
Grammar/Punctuation: I promise to do my best in ensuring my posts are literate, free of grammar and spelling mistakes. I ask for you to do the same. Likewise, if you see a glaring mistake in my writing, I'm absolutely ok with constructive criticism so get in there with your highlighter!
Communication: As I said, I'm an open and honest person. Hopefully you'll also be honest with me. If you don't like something, don't just disappear! We can work it out or mutually agree that something isn't working.
The Game: Again, I only mention this because it has happened before. Work with me, be free to take the story in a direction and allow me to do the same. Don't railroad it though and don't follow along like a sheep. We're partners, lets work together to craft something amazing!
Characters: Pet Peeve numero-uno. Don't write my character's actions or reactions unless we've specified. Thanks!
Style: My preferred writing is third person in the past tense. It's the easiest to write in. Unless you have a good reason for another...

First and foremost - a good story! Nothing turns me on more than an intense story line that builds to an epic climax.
Foreplay in all its forms. Hands, mouth, tongue...
Oral, both giving and receiving.
Bi play - enjoy being with both Male and Female characters and likewise will play both genders.
Toy play - dildos and vibrators, strap-ons and sex machines.
Double Penetration/all holes filled.
Group play, gang-bangs (not rough).
Confidence and Passion. Firm, not rough. Intense.
Fantasy play
- different races, beasts and furry, mind control, alien, tentacles etc.
Generally I'm submissive, rarely I am dominant. I can be more of a Dom but I'm just not very good at it.
Cum and orgasms.

Scat: All toilet stuff.
Dirty Talk: I can't give it so I don't expect it (I'm British). Expression of passion is absolutely fine and encouraged, but outside of this, no thanks.
Bestiality: Not interested in animals. Humanoid creatures are a different story though as stated above.
Age Play: Goes without saying. Nothing below 18.
Pain/Punishment/Roughness/Humiliation: Not my thing, doesn't do anything for me.
BDSM: I'm talking hardcore BDSM, tied up and suspended, denial, whips and chains etc. I've nothing against it, but I've personally never experienced it and therefore don't have any experience or grounds to draw upon