😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon


Lord of Chaos
Sep 4, 2009
The T&D or MrT's.. whatever You wanna call it. We're open daily.

Sometimes there's even a bartender.

And we do holidays, events, birthdays, coming out parties, and well, there's the dungeon. Well, there's 12 of them actually. Caution, #3 is for experienced people only.

Dungeon #1 The Red Room

Enter at your own risk. 😈
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Mr T! :heart::heart::heart:

Gin and Tonic? You got one for me darling? Can I join you?

Oh for sure! For you darling....

J has been craving a manhattan.
He mentioned this morning that he wants to pick up some bitters today.

Didn't I see recommendations lately about bitters on here?

Anyone picky about their bitters?
Just got home from the beach and my next door neighbor made me a dirty as fuck martini. Splash dry vermouth poured out, Tito's, 3 olives.
They are bombed and want me to come over, but I'm reading a book. True story.

On my front stoop, chilling. Their son is up from FL with his family and he's a friend. They went on an ice run, so I'll say hi and finish my drink.
J has been craving a manhattan.
He mentioned this morning that he wants to pick up some bitters today.

Didn't I see recommendations lately about bitters on here?

Anyone picky about their bitters?

I have a snobby friend who is into bitters. I'll ask. :D
J has been craving a manhattan.
He mentioned this morning that he wants to pick up some bitters today.

Didn't I see recommendations lately about bitters on here?

Anyone picky about their bitters?

There are dozens of kinds of bitters, but I cant say I know much about the catagory in general...
I just have one kind of bitters. Angostura bitters. I've just seen one brand generally and they claim to be "the original"

I always put 2 drops in my Gin and Tonic.

I dunno about Manhattans.

Report back, okay?
So this is where you barflys went to!

A G&T sounds great about now. Mind if I put my feet up for a while? MrT and CB are on the right track.

Far, I'm no help with bitters. No real clue.
I used to make my dad martinis when I was a kid. Must make a booze run soon.

Whatever happened to the OP, CnC?
So this is where you barflys went to!

A G&T sounds great about now. Mind if I put my feet up for a while? MrT and CB are on the right track.

Far, I'm no help with bitters. No real clue.
I used to make my dad martinis when I was a kid. Must make a booze run soon.

Whatever happened to the OP, CnC?

Elle says she's okay. Just busy. I miss her, too.

TC, how are ya?

Hi all! Saturday night. :cattail:
Far, it's been busy at work and hot as the hinges of hell down here.
Maybe I should switch to ice cold beer...
How are you?
There are dozens of kinds of bitters, but I cant say I know much about the catagory in general...
I just have one kind of bitters. Angostura bitters. I've just seen one brand generally and they claim to be "the original"

I always put 2 drops in my Gin and Tonic.

I dunno about Manhattans.

Report back, okay?

Sorry, sidetracked by RL and didn't get by a store. Will let u know what he ends up with. Thanks!
Tamarind margarita with a late lunch was about all I could handle today. So I'm perusing the liquor cabinet for inspiration this evening.