Yet Another Trumper Voting Fraud Charge

Deflection means you still got nuthin.
Just because knowledge never makes if through the titanium shell you have around your brain doesn't mean the knowledge is evanescent and unreal.
Just because knowledge never makes if through the titanium shell you have around your brain doesn't mean the knowledge is evanescent and unreal.
I do love how you double down on derp.
I do love how you double down on derp.

It would be so much easier if you were as oblivious as Harpy wants you to be.

Just accept that water is Carbon based.


“There’s nothing to see here”.


“Everything is fine”.

Anyone that tampers with any vote in any election is a sick person doing something wrong. I would like to believe that most people would agree with that no matter who commits voter fraud. It also appears that we all agree that attempts at voter fraud do occur. So likely any well motivated people that think voting matters will WANT steps to be taking to make vote tampering impossible. It would not be very hard to do. Any that try to block those steps show their true colors.
Nobody wants voter fraud. Everyone wants to stop it from occurring.

But MOST people (with the possible exception of, well, you; and maybe a few disgruntled anti-Constitutional rebels like AsmodeusPrime) don't want to see free and fair elections overturned on false premises of "Voter Fraud," when there is no evidence of actual voter fraud.

THIS is the issue. This was the issue in 2020 with the presidential election, and it's the issue in 2022 in Arizona: The loser refuses to concede, cries "Voter Fraud! Voter Fraud!" and after no evidence of such fraud is discovered, still clamors to have the election overturned anyway. And somehow convinces state and federal legislators to go along with it.

Also, there needs to be a way to ensure that whatever steps are taken to make vote tampering impossible, do not actually make VOTING impossible. This is in part behind some of the efforts to stop "Voter Fraud;" they are in many cases really trying to stop certain minority/low income voting districts from voting for the "wrong" party.
Plaintiff, "We allege that the Ford Pinto is killing people."
Court, "Any evidence of that?"
P, "If there is any evidence, Ford will have it."
C, "Ford have shown you the evidence, have you not read it?"
P, "A non-zero number of our lawyers have read it."
C, "OK, so who has been killed; you know that surely."
P, "We're hiding that information until we get to the appeal stage."
C, "You are the weakest link, pay the costs and fuck off."