Writing Exercise: Improvised Dialogue


Oct 17, 2020
I'd really love it if this board had a more active, accessible writer's exercise and I personally struggle a little with dialogue, so:

Pick up the scene from the person before you, and try to move the story in a direction using a single piece of dialogue and any accompanying description. Try to say 'yes' to whatever the person before you has set up and, if you feel things have gotten stale, feel free to call a reset and start a new scene with your own idea. For example, if I write:

"You're so boring," she said, biting her lip. "What does a girl have to do to get a real spanking in this town?" The woman twirled a lock of brown hair around her finger.

You might respond with:

Derek laughed and gave his girlfriend a pointed look. "You know exactly what a girl has to do." He rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, never breaking eye contact. "Is this your way of telling me we're done with foreplay?"

The purpose of the exercise isn't to avoid character actions, but to weave them into the dialogue as naturally as possibly. And to produce hot scenes, but you all seem to do that naturally. Already we know that Derek is in a relationship with the female character, that one is taking a dominant role over the other and that the female character is some sort of masochist. You start to fill in the blanks on your own: I can't read what we have so far without imagining the girl curled up on a bed while Derek slowly dresses down standing at the foot.

Asking questions is also a very good idea: it makes life a lot easier for whoever ends up coming after you. Anyway, to begin we'll try continuing the conversation above. Remember, there's no need to sit out if you're stuck on a particular line of dialogue. Just say you're calling for a reset and lay out a prompt of your own. Good luck!