William T. Vollmann wins the National Book Award for fiction


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Aug 24, 1999
This isn't really site news, but it is definitely site-related news - and we are very excited about it.

Author William T. Vollmann has won the National Book Award for fiction for his novel "Europe Central", released earlier this year. For those of you who may not remember, Vollmann wrote the foreword for the first Literotica print anthology, released on Black Books several years ago.

Here is a US Today article about Vollmann winning the N.B.A.:
Publishing's 'Oscars' go to Vollmann, Didion

William T. Vollmann is a strong supporter of free speech, a great writer, and someone who has proven time and again that he is willing to risk everything, even his own life, in pursuit of his art. We are very excited for Vollmann and we know we speak for the entire Literotica community when we say "Congratulations!"

Now, time to party. :)