What I Wrote & Why- When Keith Met Stephanie.


Lech Master
May 19, 2006
I have read a few of these navel-gazing threads from Still Stunned recently. Thought I’d write one about my recently published work in the First Time category.


“When Keith Met Stephanie” is about a pair of computer experts who are friends of my recurring male main character Doug Ramsay, the playboy entertainment mogul. Keith is Doug’s college roommate, future brother-in-law, and a longtime acquaintance since his high school days. Stephanie is Keith’s eventual wife and sister of Doug’s notorious girlfriend/therapist/wife Lisa Coleman- female main character of I Want You, Ruleskirter, Fire Woman, and other stories I’ve penned. Doug and Keith’s relationship is introduced in Ruleskirter, further detailed in Bad Connections. It’s mentioned in the latter that Doug’s roommate Keith has a girlfriend he met online who is Lisa’s sister Stephanie. Keith and Stephanie also appear as computer game mod programmers in a Star Wars fanfic I wrote on AO3 under the same username. I may feature them again in later stories.

I wrote When Keith Met Stephanie to put something in First Time, one of my favorite Lit categories. It also was to fill in the background of two of my supporting cast. Keith and Stephanie’s situation happened at the proper age for Lit’s guidelines. I am glad several readers have bookmarked their First Time story and at least one has made a comment. I appreciate further feedback and reading on all my work.
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I thought it was interesting that you set the story in 1997. I take it that you chose that year because it fit the timeline of other, related stories, is that correct?

In any case, it made me think that that period, when the internet was still new to most people, and was just starting to change social interactions, is ripe for stories incorporating the new technology of the time.

Given that, I agree with the comment that the ending was a bit abrupt, and had the thought that it would have tied things together nicely if, as they were making arrangements to meet again, you had included some dialogue about how they could meet online for cyber sex until then.

Not a critique, really, just a thought.
I did not think about cyber sex. Heh. I’m not as internet savvy as my characters- they’ve probably enjoyed it.

On the year I chose, yeah, that was because of related stories in my chronology. Doug & Lisa (the redhead he rescues) are a central couple in my stories and they first meet in 1997. Both are attending college and fall deeply in love but don’t stay together after Lisa moves to Southern California to continue her psychology studies and Doug becomes an Austin deputy. The three other couples in their network of friends with benefits (Keith & Stephanie are among these) do stay together. Doug and Lisa get back together about 21 years after college and end up lamenting their earlier lack of wisdom. Such is life.