Too Many Possibilities


Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2016
Have you ever started a story but it had an overwhelming amount of possibilities, so it was never fully written?

I stared one a few years ago. It was about this wealthy husband who takes his wife up this in construction high rise. At one of the highest rooms with windows, she tapes a piece of paper on the window, numbers big and facing out to the city beyond. She then undressed completely and awaits, back lit and fully naked. Then the phone beside her rings.

She has been spotted, and soon realizes the guy looking at her has a telescope and can REALLY see her. He then instructs her on what to do blackmailing her because he knows her real name and address taken from the luggage tag that her clothing is now in. Thsi was a detail she had forgotten to take into account.

But what does she do?

  1. Masturbate for him and all of a city beyond?
  2. Forced to have sex with her husband with him watching?
  3. Return every day to that same place and time to strip naked for him?
  4. Be seen by a police officer/security guard and arrested/forced into sex?
  5. The man with the telescope knows lots of details about her because he is really her father/brother/uncle?

Any other ideas?
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Have you ever started a story but it had an overwhelming amount of possibilities, so it was never fully written?
Multiple times I had to cut off some ideas because the story was becoming too long.

For this kind of issues, a montage is perfect. That way you can put a lot of action to the story but with limited description.
Multiple times I had to cut off some ideas because the story was becoming too long.

For this kind of issues, a montage is perfect. That way you can put a lot of action to the story but with limited description.
Very valid point.

For me, a novelist in real life, I just have competing writing projects so I often cannot get the erotic likes this, written. I have a lot of story ideas, but like now, I just finished a rough draft to a real, non-erotic novel, and while I am kind of stalled on it, I know I need to push through and get it finished. They are called DEADlines for a reason.

But its fun to write out stories from time to time that may never be paper-published just for fun. It's just sometimes I end up creating really detailed erotic stories because I am used to writing novel-length books. But gosh, I just don't have the time to write them all.
I've usually got no problems narrowing it down. Pick a kink - stick with it. There are other stories for the rest.