The end of the CCP?

Apparently war it is. China has been massing troops on the LAC border and India has responded by sending 35,000 more troops to the area. It seems that China has calculated that this is an easier fruit to pick than Taiwan.
Bring some proof, ya little bitch. Just a single shred of truth that any of us promote Stalinist CCP propaganda.

You're a (D) are you not??

Black lives matter/AntiFa??

You're a violent, authoritarian, socialist and communist then.

Good job dummy.
You're a (D) are you not??

Black lives matter/AntiFa??

You're a violent, authoritarian, socialist and communist then.

Good job dummy.

I'm not a supporter of either one.

Ah, fucked your retarded narrative up to hell :D

Go away, little guy. You've been beaten to death under any and all of your forever banned names.

I'm a Democrat, that doesn't mean I support all of the things that you don't like, you narrow-minded dumbfuck.
Apparently war it is. China has been massing troops on the LAC border and India has responded by sending 35,000 more troops to the area. It seems that China has calculated that this is an easier fruit to pick than Taiwan.

Desperate to reassert itself. It has taken massive internal and external body blows in the last few months. Taking on India in those mountains with the extended supply lines the terrain presents to China is a mistake IMHO. The Chinese Army has no combat experience. It hasn't been tested since its attack on Vietnam, where it was essentially humiliated. You can read about it here:

India's mountain troops are assessed by Chinese experts to be the best in the World. They have a mountain force of 200,000 in 12 divisions "the Indian mountain force is the largest mountain fighting force in the world,"

"Mountaineering is an essential skill for almost every member of the Indian mountain army. To this end, India even recruited a large number of professional mountaineers and amateur mountaineers from the private sector,"

The Chinese assessment was reported here:
I've seen on the ground and satellite photos of that area. It's like Thermopylae, the defender gets a HUGE advantage. (Maybe the Chinese have paid off a turn-coat goatherd. <shrug>)

The Chinese do have the infrastructure, much more so than the Indians. India put off building up the infrastructure in that area so as not to provoke the Chinese. Yet another case of no good deed going unpunished. The Chinese have better ground equipment, the Indians have a slight advantage in air power.
Stress cracks are beginning to widen in the CCP as one disaster piles on top of another.

Food shortages are beginning to manifest themselves as pork prices increase by 93% over the past couple of weeks. Rice shortages are soon to be seen as most of this seasons crop in S. China has been wiped out. Further Xi is starting to 'scold' the people about wasting food. I can foresee the "food police" searching garbage cans to make certain nothing is thrown out.

On top of all of that Xi has hinted at making himself Premier for life. Seems he fancies himself another Mao. He, and the CCP ruling elite, have also openly stated that they are at war (cold so far) with the US which is no surprise to any China watcher.
If the political class wants to keep the 'pork' coming,
in China, they had better make sure the people
have their pork and rice...

Maybe we can send them Susan.
For a Premier to be named later.
I don't think they'll be banning the import of US pork as a result of Trump turning the screws a little tighter.

As for the rice, other than Susan that is, the Chinese totally fucked over Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam over the past few years by damming up the Mekong putting those nations into drought conditions. They best not expect relief from that quarter.
Our Progressive Leftists don't really know who the bad guys are...

They are so focused on internal enemies that China gets not a glance,
unless, of course, the real enemy tries to force them to moderate behavior.

Then, and only then, do you hear about xenophobia.
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If they're looking for domestic enemies they need go no further than the nearest mirror. They behave like animals and then try to hind behind the Constitution. As Lincoln observed, "the Constitution is not a suicide pact."
Everyone loves mob rule until they discover
they are on the receiving end of tyranny...

VDH at NRO has a good piece this morning about
the Progressive hatred of the Constitution and
love of the idea of the pure Democracy.
Things just keep going wrong for the CCP. Papua New Guinea (PNG) has decided not to pay back their Chinese loan. A loan made so that PNG could buy a Huawei data center. A data center that China is using to spy with and was technically out of date before it opened. So PNG has basically said, "pack up your shit and leave, we aren't going to pay for it."

The debt isn't large in monetary terms, $53 million, so China isn't going to go broke over it. But the precedent is huge. It sets the stage for other debtor nations that China considered bought and paid for to also take similar steps not to mention the loss of prestige for both China and Huawei.

Speaking of Huawei, India is crafting policy that will prevent Huawei from bidding on India's 5G infrastructure. Actually the policy will prevent ANY Chinese company from participating.
China's application of foreign policy as an extension of their domestic policies isn't working out too well.
The Royal Family made the same error by isolating themselves in Forbidden City,
which is, btw, a fascinating place to visit...
I don't think they'll be banning the import of US pork as a result of Trump turning the screws a little tighter.

As for the rice, other than Susan that is, the Chinese totally fucked over Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam over the past few years by damming up the Mekong putting those nations into drought conditions. They best not expect relief from that quarter.

There are some other developments as well. There is a growing rift between Xi Jinping and the Premier Li Keqiang:

There is also a split between the Chinese military and factions in the CCP who are trying to push a harder line against the US. There is this as well in regard to the growing tensions in the South China Sea and China's current military exercises there drilling for a ;possible invasion of Taiwan. The day before yesterday three B-2 Spirit bombers were sent to Diego Garcia in addition to the four B-52s sent there a week ago.

Steve Bannon discusses the Trump campaign against the CCP:

Ms. Gao: You talk about the lawsuits. I wonder what those lawsuits will actually lead to. I mean, what’s the possibility that the CCP will actually compensate the world? I think the possibility is pretty low. But you said we can seize their assets in the United States. What else?

Mr. Bannon: You’re wrong there. The probability is very high. First off, congress. We can move very quickly. And there’s a huge groundswell right now to do JASTA to basically strip the Chinese communist party, just like we did the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 911. Remember, there’s a $50 billion lawsuit right now between the 911 victims and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We have full rights to strip the Chinese communist party of their sovereign immunity and to have state governments go after them, Individuals go after them, the federal government go after them. The Chinese communist party is going to pay tens of trillions of dollars for this. They’re going to pay until they’re bankrupt. And not just that. And this is the warning to Xi and Wang Qishan and all their gangsters. All of their assets in the United States, in London and throughout Western Europe are all going to be seized. They’re not going to have any wealth. All they’ve done is steal from the people in China, convert it to dollars,get it out of the country, put it in real estate in New York, real estate in Los Angeles, real estate in London, in the West end of London, in Belgravia, right? In Kensington. All those places…Knightsbridge. They own all this real estate throughout the world…Manhattan. It’s all going to be seized from them. The people of the world are gonna demand compensation for this. The people of the world are totally innocent here and quite frankly, one of the things we’re fighting for is to make sure the people of Wuhan and Hubei province…that Chinese citizens get appropriate compensation from the Chinese communist party.

You can read the whole exchange here: