The End of Affirmative Action

Let what happen?

Personally, I think that the time has come to end looking at race and begin looking at content of character.

The internet has changed so many paradigms that if enough people believe a company is acting in a discriminatory fashion, they can take to the internet and raise awareness across so many platforms. They can easily organize boycotts and protests.

That's called Liberty, Freedom, the right to association, etc.

(Let Thomas get confirmed. He was a soft Chair…fumble or intentional?)

Good point on the role of the internet in helping effect change.

A strong 4th Estate is essential.
Our fourth estate has chosen a side.

They think FOX and the internet are sufficient to disseminate "fake news" leaving them free to print or say anything they want in support of the Democratic Party and the Left.

:eek: 🤷
The internet puts us closer every day to pure democracy mob rule in realtime.
They were most certainly students of history and observers of basic human nature.
After reading through the oral arguments I'd say that those Universities are gonna have to stop that 'scriminating.
The fear was equally distributed. They were well aware that Monarchies (and the like) rot from the top down while Democracies rot from the bottom up.

So MAGAs are for a Trump Monarchy rather than democracy?
The fear was equally distributed. They were well aware that Monarchies (and the like) rot from the top down while Democracies rot from the bottom up.

Oh, I think you’ve got a fair amount if toprot down there….