"The Apprentice" film about to introduce the masses to Trump and Roy Cohn's relationship

11-minute standing ovation at Cannes after it premiered today (FWIW).

Dumbass who produced it - Deplorable Dan Snyder - thought it was going to be a positive film about Trump's life! LOL!

Now we know why he's considered to be one of the worst owners ever in American professional sports...he's a moron. 🤣🤣
Now I recognise the actor portraying Roy Cohn - he played that one asshole in The Big Short. Perfect casting. 👍
Trump has now issued a cease and desist letter over this film.

W00t w00t! 😃😃
He can't afford to pay his lawyers for his current cases and now he's taking on new ones.

Maybe he wrote out the letter himself, better check it for spelling mistakes and random capital letters.