The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Thank God someone else is not a coffeeholic!

Now I feel a whole lot better about coming out. I only drink coffee after a good meal with a full stomach, and it has to be decaf for medicinal reasons. Caffeine has me bouncing off the walls and that is not good for anyone. Never ever during the day unless I have 6 or more hours driving ahead of me.

Please may I remain on the thread or do I have to resign after my short appearance?
You can sit by me, Greylag! Far enough away from the coffee people. Rick will probably join us! 😆😆
Well tea is the nation's drink. And I don't really drink it, I live on coffee.
I have an italian stove pot,
A Turkish coffee stove pot,
A cafetierre (you call them French press which I think is hilarious),
A nespresso machine,
And a coffee grinder.

In the morning I come down, make a nespresso to drink whilst I grind the beans to put into the cafetierre. It has to be really strong.

I then go to Costa to get another coffee on my way yo work, where I sit and drink more coffee.

Sorry, I just want to be accepted by you guys as a coffee drinker!
I think you're in with the coffee addicts, Yesok! ☕☕🤣