The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

I agree that this early quiet is pleasant. I’m on my first cup of coffee. Enjoy the weekend.

Thank you. I pick up this rifle first, and then since I'll be on the side of town, I'll collect Dr. Tyler and take her to breakfast. I was going to do that anyway, rifle or no.

Best wishes as well to you and yours.
Thank you and wishing you the best. Enjoy your breakfast with her.

We're discussing Being Present these days, and setting the resentments aside - conscious thought control. Mom likes to dredge up the past and then spend a bunch of time in mental gymnastics of What Ifs. I have found all of that to squander the present, so I'm trying to be he'pful. And I try not to lose my patience.

We're discussing Being Present these days, and setting the resentments aside - conscious thought control. Mom likes to dredge up the past and then spend a bunch of time in mental gymnastics of What Ifs. I have found all of that to squander the present, so I'm trying to be he'pful. And I try not to lose my patience.

Good man Wat…I’m trying to do the same with my spouse…🙄

No time to dwell on the bad, only the good. Mr. Miagi would have it no other way! 🤣. The Morning Z:

Got up in the middle of the night to see the northern lights.

Saw them. It wasn’t all that much….

Now can’t sleep.
Ahhh but you don’t see much with the naked eye (see look at that, I slipped naked into a sentence).

If you take a picture of them the camera picks up all the colours. Friends a few blocks over sent me a few (I was sound asleep by then), I’ll post them a bit later