The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Rest, rest, and more rest. If you can find it, get some Lypo-Spheric-C….1000mg of Vit C and Zinc and other goodies. When I start to feel run down, I take this straight (supposed to mix with H2O, but I cheat and eat the paste then chase it with water) and always start to feel better within the hour.

We swear by this stuff.
Agreed zinc, C, E i need to reorder I'm out. Man i wasn't paying attention evidently.
Home/scrotel. Work day was kinda lame. Management ain't lit the torches and gone on the search for our miscreant subs. They really need to. Everyone is having a wank here, it looks like. Shit, I had out some flocking tools and it ain't even in my job description. Glad I know how to do it. At least someone knows what a day's work looks like and is present.

Absolutely no idea what's for supper . . . .