The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Home from the salt mine. Our job is weird. I guess that's just what it is. Turns out that this building is a mirror of one that the other super did in another state. He's going to pay it a visit and count what we need for the missing trellis at the back of ours. We're supposed to have concrete there. We have mud - just add water.

Dinner will be simple. I'm not going back out. Well, I would, if she were cute . . . .
Thank you for understanding. Grief is not something our society does well. And it’s not our fault as no one has really told us what a grieving person needs. I tell folks to give me grace for my actions as I will do for you. Give me space sometimes. And let me grieve at my own pace. Again thank you.
It's true. Death and dying has become shrouded in mystery. Grief has become something one "gets over" when it is really a necessary part of processing. It's different for each person. You must grieve at your own pace. Finding a therapist or group to help you process your feelings is a good thing. I'm happy to help, B2! 🫂💞🫂
What?? do you live in some backwater little town? You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting 25 Dunkin’ Donuts right here in Jersey.

It’s even worse when you go up to new England there’s one in every corner I think.

Well, you do have Dutch Bros
It's like that here with Starbucks! I don't think DD is on the west coast. I just Googled Dutch Bros. I didn’t know of them. As you know, I don't drink coffee!
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Don't you just love those management "gotta get everyone together and waste their time" meetings? And why isn't the rest of the group held accountable for information given to them? 😠😠

One of the things I hated about my job before I retired was that I had very little authority but nearly 100% accountability. I frequently felt I was trapped in an unwinnable Catch 22. 🤬🤬 Doctors and administrators continually acted as if CMS requirements were my own personal fiefdom!

Them - "Just contact CMS and get this requirement changed."

Me - "That's not how any of this works." 🙄🙄
I am.struggling because I just want my job and these providers don't understand why we want it done nor do they care. 8 hate educating docs, I hate the mamby party poor doctors message we put out there, and I hate that I am used as the terminator of risk is ANNOYING....I make up PowerPoint, and they join the meeting by phone with no video, so my education means nothing. I qm not a natural speaker. I hate it more than you could ever imagine and I am forced to do it. And I am not a wimp who plays footsie to tell them something. These are the rules. Whether you follow them or not I could give 10 shits.